Fluid Flow Questions

Fluid flow is generally the fluid’s motion subjected to various unbalanced forces. It is an important section of fluid mechanics, and fluid flow typically deals with the dynamics of different types of fluid. The movement of a fluid stays on till various unbalanced forces are exerted on the fluid. Fluid dynamics is a subfield of fluid mechanics that analyse fluid flow: gas and liquid. It has many subdisciplines, including hydrodynamics (motion of liquids) and aerodynamics (motion of air and other gases). Fluid dynamics has extensive applications, like measuring moments and forces on aircraft. It helps to predict weather conditions, determine the mass rate of petroleum in pipelines, the detonation of fission weapons, and analyse celestial clouds in interstellar space.

Important Fluid Flow Questions with Answers

1) What are the factors that affect fluid flow?

The factors that impact fluid flow are density, velocity, and viscosity of the fluid.

2) What are the main types of fluid flow regions?

There are three main fluid flow regions: turbulent, transition, and laminar region. The factors that lead to each form of flow characteristics are system dependent. Fluid flow simulations for different Reynolds numbers are utilised to clearly identify and quantify when flow transitions from laminar to turbulent.

3) Give an example of laminar flow in real life.

Blood circulation in the human body is a good instance of laminar flow in real life. Airflow over an aeroplane wing is also a laminar flow example.

4) What is an ideal fluid?

A fluid is considered to be an ideal fluid when it cannot be squeezed or compressed. It does not possess any viscosity. It is basically an imaginary fluid which doesn’t occur in the physical world.

5) What is the main characteristic of a real fluid?

Every fluid is real, as all fluids have viscosity.

6) What is a Newtonian fluid?

When a fluid follows Newton’s law of viscosity, then it is called a Newtonian fluid.

7) What is a non-Newtonian fluid?

When fluid doesn’t follow Newton’s law of viscosity, then it is called Non-Newtonian fluid.

8) What is an ideal plastic fluid?

An ideal plastic fluid is a type of fluid in which shear stress is normally proportional to its velocity gradient, and the yield value is less than the shear stress.

9) What is an incompressible fluid?

When the density of a fluid doesn’t vary with the exertion of an external force, then it is called an incompressible fluid.

10) What is a compressible fluid?

When the density of a fluid varies with the exertion of an external force, then it is called a compressible fluid.

11) _______ is generally the fluid’s motion subjected to various unbalanced forces.

Answer: Fluid flow

Explanation: Fluid flow is generally the fluid’s motion subjected to various unbalanced forces.

12) A fluid’s movement stays on until various ________ forces are exerted on the fluid.

Answer: unbalanced

Explanation: A fluid’s movement stays on until various unbalanced forces are exerted on the fluid.

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Practice Questions

1) What is meant by a fluid?

2) What are the different types of fluids?

3) What is meant by the laminar flow?

4) What is meant by fluid dynamics?

5) What is meant by hydrodynamics?

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