IBPS SO Mock Tests - Free Online Mock Tests For IBPS SO 2023

The best and most effective way to prepare for IBPS Specialist Officer Exam is by taking IBPS SO Online Test Series regularly. Aspirants of IBPS SO 2023 must prepare in well in advance and solve the Free IBPS SO Mock Tests and Practice Papers for better results.

The official notification of IBPS SO exam 2019 was released on 5th November 2019 and the notification for the year 2023 has not been released yet. Aspirants should refer to the IBPS SO Notification to know about the examination in detail.

The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection conducts IBPS SO exam. Lakhs of candidates appear for IBPS SO exam every year. Candidates who regularly take IBPS SO Mock Test and prepare themselves for the actual face-off stand to outshine the competition.

For more information regarding IBPS exams, candidates can visit the linked article.

Online Quiz 2023

IBPS SO Free Mock Tests

Aspirants of IBPS Specialist Officer Exam should run an extra mile to prepare for IBPS SO 2023. Candidates preparing for IBPS SO exams are suggested to take IBPS SO Free Mock Test provided by BYJU’s for complete preparation and practice of their exams.

IBPS SO online test series for various free mock tests provided by BYJU’s contains 25 questions covering the three main sections of IBPS So exam i.e. Reasoning Ability, Quantitative Aptitude and English Language.

IBPS SO Prelims Mock Test 1

IBPS SO Prelims Mock Test 2

IBPS SO Prelims Mock Test 3

The IBPS SO Free Mock Tests is a must to be practised on a regular basis as it helps attain a high score in the exam. The IBPS SO online test series are curated by experts after studying and analysing the trends of IBPS SO Previous year question papers.

The IBPS SO Prelim Online test series help candidates improve speed and accuracy which in turn increases their time management skill and reduces the chances of wrong attempts in the final exam.

By solving the IBPS SO Free Mock Tests candidates will apprehend their performance and understand the type of questions asked in the IBPS SO exams.

Questions in IBPS SO Prelims mock test and IBPS Mains mock test are as per the difficulty level, paper pattern and scope of questions asked in IBPS SO exam.

Assess your preparation with sample papers having IBPS model questions covering all sections of the IBPS syllabus modelled on the IBPS SO previous years’ question papers.

IBPS SO Online Test Series

Why take IBPS SO Online Mock Test?

  1. IBPS SO Free Mock Tests helps candidates to comprehend the difficulty level of the exam conducted.
  2. Section-wise IBPS SO free online mock test is helpful as it helps in revising and practising the entire syllabus.
  3. Candidates get a clear idea regarding the IBPS SO exam pattern and the scope of questions by regularly solving IBPS SO sample papers.
  4. Solving IBPS SO practice papers will also help candidates analyse the topics which are not their strong points in the paper and can continuing the preparation accordingly.
  5. IBPS SO Prelims mock test and IBPS SO Mains mock test will also help candidates strategize their plan for attempting the questions by managing time, speed, choice of questions and accuracy.
  6. To best analyse the preparation level IBPS SO free mock tests by BYJU’s gives individual scores. This analysis gives an idea as to the efforts a candidate needs to put in before giving the final exam. The main intention of every candidate must be that minimum marks are lost for attempting the questions wrongly.
  7. The IBPS SO exam pattern for prelims is mentioned below in brief.

IBPS SO Mock Test Related Links

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IBPS SO Prelims Exam Paper Pattern

The IBPS SO Prelims exam pattern for Law Officer and Rajbhasha Adhikari is different from that of the exam pattern for Agricultural Officer, Marketing Officer. IT Officer and HR Officer.

The IBPS SO exam pattern for preliminary exam is briefly given below:

IBPS SO Specialization Subjects Number of Questions Marks Duration
Law Officer & Rajbhasha Adhikari English 50 25 40 minutes
Reasoning 50 50 40 minutes
General Awareness 50 50 40 minutes
IT, Agriculture Field Officer, Marketing, HR Officer Reasoning 50 50 40 minutes
English 50 25 40 minutes
Quantitative Aptitude 50 50 40 minutes

IBPS SO online test series will focus on the three main subjects i.e. Reasoning, Quantitative Aptitude and English Language. For questions based on General Awareness, candidates must be completely aware of all current events across the world and also information related to the banking sector.

Candidates can check the Static GK page for the preparation of their General Awareness Section.

It is important to take IBPS SO online mock test regularly to score well in the exam. IBPS SO mock tests helps to practise, revise, analyse and improve performance to outperform the competitors in IBPS SO examination.

Candidates are advised to keep checking IBPS SO Free Mock Tests page as these will be updated regularly.

Frequently Asked Question – IBPS SO Free Online Mock Tests


Q.1. Does BYJU’S provide solutions to IBPS SO Free Mock Tests?

Ans. Yes, each online mock test of IBPS SP gives the answer and detailed solutions to the questions.

Q.2. Can I attempt IBPS SO Online Test series offline also?

Ans. Yes, You can download the IBPS SO Mock Tests PDF and can attempt it offline as many times as you want.

Q.3. Can I retake the IBPS SO practice papers to improve my score?

Ans. As the Free IBPS SO online mock tests are available in PDF format, candidates can download the pdf and solve the IBPS
PO sample papers offline to practice and improve.

Q.4. Why should I choose BYJU’S IBPS SO online test series?

Ans. BYJU’S IBPS SO Mock Tests are designed by the experts with an aim to provide the best preparation for IBPS Specialist Officer  2021 exam. The full length and section-wise IBPS SO online mock tests 2021 simulates the real exam scenario. The detailed solution and answers after each practice paper give performance reports and help candidates to improve the weak sections to score better marks in the final exams.

Q 5. How can I choose the right IBPS SO Sample Papers?

Ans. The digital resource can help you find out various IBPS SO free online mock tests or sample papers, but you must clarify which will be good enough to help improve your quality of performance in the IBPS SO 2021 exam. Here the parameters to choose right IBPS SO sample papers or online test series:

  • Firstly, ensure the IBPS SO mock tests are aligned with the latest exam pattern and syllabus.
  • The level of questions included in the IBPS SO practice papers must be moderate.
  • The free mock tests for IBPS SO must have standardised and unique questions.
  • The IBPS SO practice papers must be easily accessible without any technical issues.
  • The analysis report of IBPS SO Online Test Series must give clarity on weaknesses and strengths with regards to the IBPS SO Syllabus.