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Multiprocessing Operating System

Multiprocessing helps in performing parallel computing. There are several processors in a system, and each of them can run multiple processes simultaneously. The system’s throughput will be significantly increased as a result of this. Parallel computing is performed by multiprocessing. The presence of more than one processor in the system allows it to run multiple processes at the same time, increasing the system’s throughput.

In this article, we will look more into the Multiprocessing Operating System according to the GATE Syllabus for (Computer Science Engineering) CSE. Let us read ahead to find out more about it.

Table of Contents

What is the Multiprocessing Operating System?

Multiprocessor operating systems are used in operating systems to boost the performance of multiple CPUs within a single computer system.

Multiple CPUs are linked together so that a job can be divided and executed more quickly. When a job is completed, the results from all CPUs are compiled to provide the final output. Jobs were required to share main memory, and they may often share other system resources. Multiple CPUs can be used to run multiple tasks at the same time, for example, UNIX.

One of the most extensively used operating systems is the multiprocessing operating system. The following diagram depicts the basic organisation of a typical multiprocessing system.


The computer system should have the following features to efficiently use a multiprocessing operating system:

In a multiprocessing OS, a motherboard can handle many processors.

Processors can also be utilised as a part of a multiprocessing system.

Pros of Multiprocessing OS

Increased reliability: Processing tasks can be spread among numerous processors in the multiprocessing system. This promotes reliability because if one processor fails, the task can be passed on to another.

Increased throughout: More work could be done in less time as the number of processors increases.

The economy of scale: Multiprocessor systems are less expensive than single-processor computers because they share peripherals, additional storage devices, and power sources.

Cons of Multiprocessing OS

Multiprocessing operating systems are more complex and advanced since they manage many CPUs at the same time.

Types of Multiprocessing OS



Each processor in a symmetrical multiprocessing system runs the same copy of the OS, makes its own decisions, and collaborates with other processes to keep the system running smoothly. CPU scheduling policies are straightforward. Any new job that is submitted by a user could be assigned to the least burdened processor. It also means that at any given time, all processors are equally taxed.

Since the processors share memory along with the I/O bus or data channel, the symmetric multiprocessing OS is sometimes known as a “shared everything” system. The number of processors in this system is normally limited to 16.


  • Any processor in this system can run any process or job.
  • Any CPU can start an Input and Output operation in this way.


These are fault-tolerant systems. A few processors failing does not bring the whole system to a standstill.


  • It is quite difficult to rationally balance the workload among processors.
  • For handling many processors, specialised synchronisation algorithms are required.


The processors in an asymmetric system have a master-slave relationship. In addition, one processor may serve as a master or supervisor processor, while the rest are treated as illustrated below.


In the asymmetric processing system represented above, CPU n1 serves as a supervisor, controlling the subsequent CPUs. Each processor in such a system is assigned a specific task, and the actions of the other processors are overseen by a master processor.

We have a maths coprocessor, for example, that can handle mathematical tasks better than the main CPU. We also have an MMX processor, which is designed to handle multimedia-related tasks. We also have a graphics processor to handle graphics-related tasks more efficiently than the main processor. Whenever a user submits a new job, the operating system must choose which processor is most suited for the task, and that processor is subsequently assigned to the newly arriving job. This processor is the system’s master and controller. All other processors search for masters for instructions or have jobs that are predetermined. The master is responsible for allocating work to other processors.


Because several processors are available for a single job, the execution of an I/O operation or application software in this type of system may be faster in some instances.


The processors are burdened unequally in this form of multiprocessing operating system. One CPU may have a large job queue while another is idle. If a process handling a specific task fails in this system, the entire system will fail.

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