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Multiprogramming Operating System

Multiprogramming is a variation of batch processing in which the CPU is kept busy at all times. CPU time and IO time are two forms of system time required by each process. When a process completes its I/O in a multiprogramming environment, the CPU can begin the execution of other processes. As a result, multiprogramming helps in improving the system’s efficiency.

In this article, we will look more into the Multiprogramming Operating System according to the GATE Syllabus for (Computer Science Engineering) CSE. Let us read ahead to find out more about it.

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What is the Multiprogramming Operating System?

On a single processor computer, a multiprogramming OS can run many programs. In a multiprogramming OS, if one program must wait for an input/output transfer, the other programmes are ready to use the CPU. As a result, different jobs may have to split CPU time. However, their jobs are not scheduled to be completed at the same time.

When software is run, it is referred to as a “Task,” “Process,” or “Job.” When compared to serial or batch processing systems, concurrent program executions reduce system resource usage and increase throughput.

Multiprogramming’s main purpose is to manage all of the system’s resources. The file system, transient area, command processor, and I/O control system are the main components of a multiprogramming system. As a result, the multiprogramming OS is built to store many programs based on sub-segmenting the transient area. The operating system’s essential functions are tied to the resource management processes.

Multiprogramming Operating System Types

Multiprogramming operating systems are divided into two categories, and they are:

Multitasking Operating System

A multitasking OS allows two or more programmes to run simultaneously. This is accomplished by the operating system transferring each program into or out of memory one by one. When a program is switched out of the memory, it is saved on the disc temporarily until it is needed again.

Multiuser Operating System

A multiuser operating system allows multiple users from various terminals to share the processing time on a certain powerful central machine. The operating system achieves this by frequently switching between terminals, each of which is allotted a certain amount of processor time on a central computer. Because the operating system on each terminal changes so frequently, each user appears to have constant access to the central computer. When a system has a large number of users, the time it takes for the central computer to respond becomes more apparent.

Multiprogramming Operating System Working

In the multiprogramming system, multiple users can complete their tasks at the same time, and they can be saved in the main memory. While a programme is performing I/O operations, the CPU may distribute time to other applications while in idle mode.

While one application waits for an I/O transfer, another is always ready to use the processor, and multiple programmes may share CPU time. Although not all tasks are executed at the same time, there may be multiple jobs operating on the processor at the same time, with parts of other processes first being executed, followed by another segment, and so on. As a result, a multiprogramming system’s overall purpose is to keep the CPU busy unless and until some tasks in the job pool become available. As a result, a single processor computer may run multiple programmes, and the CPU is never idle.

Multiprogramming Operating System Examples

Download software, transfer data, Google Chrome, MS-Excel, Firefox browser, and many other apps are instances of multiprogramming operating systems. Other operating systems include Windows, UNIX, and microcomputers like MP/M, XENIX, and DESQview.

Pros of Multiprogramming Operating System

The multiprogramming OS has a number of advantages. The following are some of them:

  • It has a faster response time.
  • It may be beneficial to run multiple jobs in a single application at the same time.
  • It aids in the computer’s overall optimization of job throughput.
  • The multiprogramming system can be used by multiple people at the same time.
  • In comparison to long-term work, short-term jobs are completed swiftly.
  • It may aid in reducing turnaround time for short-duration tasks.
  • It contributes to higher CPU utilisation and is never idle.
  • The resources are wisely allocated.

Cons of Multiprogramming Operating System

The multiprogramming OS has a number of drawbacks. The following are some of them:

  • It’s quite complex and sophisticated.
  • CPU scheduling is necessary.
  • Since all types of tasks get stored in the main memory, memory management is required in the operating system.
  • The more difficult challenge is managing all procedures and tasks.
  • Long-term jobs will demand a long wait if it has a high number of jobs.

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