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Why is Warangal famous?

  1. Warangal was the capital of the Kakatiya kingdom which ruled between the 12th and 14th century. 
  2. Prola Raja of Kakatiya is credited with the construction of the town in the 12th century. 
  3. The Kakatiyas, who ruled for more than 200 years, have left many grand monuments and architectural marvels in Warangal such as Warangal Fort, Swayambhu Temple and many other ancient structures. 
  4. In February 2013, Warangal was accorded World Heritage city status by UNESCO.
  5. The Government of India’s Tourism Ministry also recognized the city as the Best Heritage City.

Further readings – 

  1. Warangal Dhurries & Adilabad Dhokra
  2. Famous Temples in India
  3. Temple Architecture
Related Links
Conservation of Heritage Sites in India UNESCO World Heritage Sites in India
List of Important Historical Monuments in India Deccan Kingdoms – Chalukyas, Hoysalas, Kakatiya
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