NCERT Solutions for Class 3 Maths Chapter 12 Can We Share?

Can We Share? – The name of the chapter itself suggests that it is related to division. This chapter introduces kids to the concept of division and distribution. It has brain-tickling questions and puzzles for your kid. We are providing you with the most accurate NCERT Solutions for Class 3 Maths Chapter 12 Can We Share.

These solutions are 100% correct and detailed in a step-wise manner. The explanations are provided in simple language so that kids understand them well and quickly. The NCERT Solutions for Class 3 Maths will assist kids in getting ready for their annual examinations. You can also download these solutions in PDF for free.

NCERT Solutions for Class 3 Maths Chapter 12 Can We Share?

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Question 1:

There are ____ caterpillars.

They are in ____ groups.

There are ____ caterpillars in each group.


There are 21 caterpillars.

They are in 3 groups.

There are 7 caterpillars in each group.

Question 2:

There are ____ laddoos.

They are in ____ groups.

There are ____ laddoos in each group.


There are 12 laddoos.

They are in 4 groups.

There are 3 laddoos in each group.

Question 3:

Draw 18 stars.

Put them into 2 equal groups.

There are ____ stars in each group.


Class 3 Maths Chapter 12 - 1

There are 9 stars in each group.

Question 4:

Draw 18 beads.

Put them into 3 equal groups.

There are ____ beads in each group.


Class 3 Maths Chapter 12 - 2

There are 6 beads in each group.


Question 1:

Mummy bird brings 12 grains.

There are 4 baby birds.

How to distribute equally?


To distribute the grains equally, the mummy bird needs to give 3 grains to each baby bird.

Question 2:

Mummy bird starts by giving 1 grain to each baby.

Then Mummy bird gives one more grain to each baby.

Each baby has got 2 grains now. How many grains are left?


Mummy bird has given 2 grains to each of the baby birds.

The number of grains left = 12 – 8 = 4 grains.


Question 1:

Gopu has 3 plates of jalebis.

Each plate has a different number of jalebis.

Now, draw the jalebis on the plates below so that each plate has the same number of jalebis.


Total number of jalebis in the 3 plates = 1 + 5 + 3 = 9 jalebis.

So, in order to have an equal number of jalebis on each plate, each plate must have 3 jalebis.

Class 3 Maths Chapter 12 - 3

Question 2:

How many jalebis are there altogether?


Altogether, there are 9 jalebis.

Question 3:

How many jalebis are there on each plate?


Each plate has 3 jalebis.


Question 1:

If there are 60 bananas and two monkeys, how many will each monkey get?


Number of bananas = 60

Number of monkeys= 2

So, the number of bananas each monkey will get = 60 ÷ 2 = 30 bananas.

Question 2:

What if there were 600 bananas and two monkeys?


The number of bananas each monkey will get = 600 ÷ 2 = 300 bananas

Question 3:

If there are 16 ten-rupee notes and four friends to share, then

16 ÷ 4 = ___ and 4 × 10 = 40, so each friend gets ___ rupees.


16 ÷ 4 = 4 and 4 × 10 = 40, so each friend gets 40 rupees.

Question 4:

Five friends found Rs. 100. If they share it equally, how much will each get?


100 ÷ 5 = 25

So, each friend will get Rs. 25.

Question 5:

Hari Prashad has 30 metres of rope.

He distributes it equally among his three children.

Each child gets ____ metres of rope.


30 ÷ 3 = 10

So, each child gets 3 metres of rope.

Question 6:

If there are 36 metres of rope, how much rope will each child get?


36 ÷ 3 = 12

So, each child gets 3 metres of rope.

Question 7:

And, if there are 60 metres of rope, how much will each child get?


60 ÷ 3 = 20

So, each child gets 20 metres of rope.


Question 1:

If there are 28 buttons, and the tailor puts 7 buttons on each shirt, there will be ____ shirts with buttons.

28 ÷ 7 = ____.


If there are 28 buttons, and the tailor puts 7 buttons on each shirt, there will be 4 shirts with buttons.

28 ÷ 7 = 4.


Question 1:

Minku puts her 15 laddoos equally into 5 boxes.

(i) How many laddoos will there be in each box?

(ii) If she uses only 3 boxes, how many laddoos will there be in each box?


(i) 15 ÷ 5 = 3

So, there will be 3 laddoos in each box.

(ii) 15 ÷ 3 = 5

So, there will be 5 laddoos in each box.

Question 2:

Share 25 bananas among 5 monkeys. How many bananas for each monkey?


25 ÷ 5 = 5

So, each monkey gets 5 bananas.

Question 3:

Share 12 balloons among 3 boys. How many balloons for each boy?


12 ÷ 3 = 4

Hence, each boy gets 4 balloons.

Question 4:

There are 21 candles. Put them equally in 3 boxes. How many candles are there in each box?


21 ÷ 3 = 7

Thus, each box will have 7 candles.

Question 5:

There are 18 socks. How many girls can wear these socks?


Each girl will need 2 socks.

To divide 18 socks,

18 ÷ 2 = 9

So, 9 girls can wear these socks.

Question 6:

Raj has 36 minutes to make rotis. One roti takes 3 minutes. How many rotis can he make within this time?


36 ÷ 3 = 12

So, raj can make 12 rotis within this time.

Question 7:

These are 24 footmarks of goats. So how many goats were there?


There are 24 footmarks of goats.

Each goat has 4 legs.

24 ÷ 4 = 6

Hence, there were 6 goats.

Question 8:

Some girls are playing a game with both their hands. The girls who are playing have 60 fingers altogether. How many girls are playing this game?


Each girl will have 10 fingers.

Number of girls = 60 ÷ 10 = 6 girls.

Thus, 6 girls are playing this game.

Question 9:

Lakshmi has 27 kg of potatoes to sell. Three men came and bought equal amounts of potatoes.

Each man bought ____ kg of potatoes.


27 kg potatoes to be equally divided among 3 men.

27 ÷ 3 = 9

So, each man bought 9 kg of potatoes.


Question 1:

A frog jumps 2 steps at a time.

A squirrel jumps 3 steps.

A rabbit jumps 5 steps.

A horse jumps 15 steps.

A kangaroo jumps 30 steps.

In how many jumps will the frog reach 30?


The frog jumps 2 steps at a time.

To reach 30, the number of jumps required = 30 ÷ 2 = 15 jumps.

Question 2:

In how many jumps will the squirrel reach 27?


The squirrel jumps 3 steps at a time.

To reach 27, the number of jumps required = 27 ÷ 3 = 9 jumps.

Question 3:

Which number will the kangaroo reach in two jumps?


Kangaroo jumps 30 steps.

In two jumps, the kangaroo will reach 30 x 2 = 60.

Question 4:

Who will all meet at number 15?


Squirrel: 0, 3, 6, 9, 15…

Rabbit: 0, 5, 10, 15…

Horse: 0, 15, 30…

So, the squirrel, rabbit and horse will meet at the number 15.

Question 5:

Will the rabbit ever be at the number 18?


No, the rabbit will never be at the number 18.

The rabbit jumps 5 steps. 18 is not divisible by 5. So, the rabbit will never arrive at the number 18.

Question 6:

How many jumps of the rabbit equal one jump of the horse?


The rabbit jumps 5 steps.

The horse jumps 15 steps.

15 ÷ 5 = 3

So, 3 jumps of the rabbit are equal to one jump of the horse.

Question 7:

How many jumps of the horse equals two jumps of the kangaroo?


One jump of kangaroo = 30 steps

Two jumps of kangaroo = 60 steps

One jump of the horse = 15 steps

To reach 60 steps, the number of jumps the horse must take = 60 ÷ 15 = 4

Thus, 4 jumps of the horse equal two jumps of the kangaroo.


1 jump of kangaroo (30 steps) = 2 jumps of horse (2 x 15 steps)

So, 2 jumps of kangaroo (2 x 30 steps) = 4 jumps of horse (2 x 2 x 15 steps = 4 x 15 steps)]

Question 8:

Which is the smallest number where the frog and the squirrel will meet?


The frog jumps 2 steps.

The squirrel jumps 3 steps.

Frog: 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10…

Squirrel: 0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15…

So, 6 is the smallest number where the frog and the squirrel will meet.


Question 1:

Divide into groups of 2 using the 2 times table.


Class 3 Maths Chapter 12 - 4

Question 2:

Divide into groups of 5 using the 5 times table.


Class 3 Maths Chapter 12 - 5

Question 3:

Divide into groups of 10 using the 10 times table.


Class 3 Maths Chapter 12 - 6


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