NCERT Solutions for Class 3 Maths Chapter 14 Rupees and Paise

Chapter 14 of Class 3 Maths introduces kids to the concept of the addition of money, and the various terms used in and around this concept – rupees, notes, cost price, etc. The lesson also includes interesting scenario-based questions like the creation of cash memos, finding prices of tickets according to the distance, etc. We have provided here the most accurate and detailed NCERT Solutions for Class 3 Maths Chapter 14 Rupees and Paise.

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NCERT Solutions for Class 3 Maths Chapter 14 Rupees and Paise

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Question 1

Write the amounts of money shown by the notes and coins.



Class 3 Maths Chapter 14 - 1

76 rupees 75 paise


Class 3 Maths Chapter 14 - 2

35 rupees 75 paise


Class 3 Maths Chapter 14

684 rupees 25 paise


Class 3 Maths Chapter 14

177 rupees 25 paise


Class 3 Maths Chapter 14

Question A:

Without using a pencil or paper, find out the cost of:

  1. One ball and one toy car

Rs. _____

  1. One notebook and two pencils

Rs. _____

  1. Two bananas and a glass of milk

Rs. _____

  1. One doll and a ball

Rs _____

  1. One glass of lemon juice and a packet of biscuits

Rs. _____


  1. 22
  2. 10
  3. 6.50
  4. 15
  5. 7.50

Question B:

Find out the total cost of:

  1. One toy giraffe, one copy and a glass of lemon juice.
  2. One glass of milk, one packet of biscuits and a banana.
  3. One notebook, two pencils and two erasers.
  4. Two tops, three toffees and two bananas.


  1. 14.50
  2. 9.50
  3. 12
  4. 8.50

Question C:

What can you buy if you have a twenty-rupee note?


  1. One giraffe, one toffee, one glass of milk, one banana, one ball and one eraser.
  2. One toy car and 2 pencils.
  3. Two balls and two glasses of lemon juice.

*Note: The answer may differ from students to students based on their observation from the given image.

Question D:

Monu prepared the following cash memos:

Check the cash memos and correct them if you find a mistake.

Class 3 Maths Chapter 14 - 3


Here are the correct cash memos:

Class 3 Maths Chapter 14 - 4


Add the following


a) Rs. 12.50, b) Rs. 55.50, c) Rs. 30.00

+ Rs. 13.00   + Rs. 14.00   + Rs. 31.50

_________ ________ ________

Rs. 25.50,      Rs. 69.50,    Rs. 61.50


Subtract the following

a) Rs. 25.50, b) Rs. 103.50, c) Rs. 19.50

– Rs. 11.50      – Rs. 62.00     – Rs. 7.00

_________ ________ _________

Rs. 14.00,      Rs. 41.50,      Rs. 12.50

Question E:

You have 30 rupees with you. Find out how much money will be left after buying the following items:

  1. One ball, one doll and one toy giraffe. Total cost ____. Money left ____.
  2. Two bananas, one pack of biscuits and two glasses of lemon juice. Total cost ____. Money left ____.
  3. Three notebooks, two pencils and two erasers. Total cost ____. Money left ____.


  1. One ball = Rs. 7; One doll = Rs. 8; One toy giraffe = Rs. 6.50. Total cost: 7 + 8 + 6.50 = Rs. 21.50. Money left = 30 – 21.50 = Rs. 8.50.
  2. Two bananas = Rs. 3; one pack of biscuits = Rs. 4.50; two glasses of lemon juice = Rs. 6. Total cost = 3 + 4.50 + 6 = Rs. 13.50. Money left = 30 – 13.50 = Rs. 16.50.
  3. Three notebooks = Rs. 15; two pencils = Rs. 5; two erasers = Rs. 2. Total cost: 15 + 5 + 2 = Rs. 22. Money left = 30 – 22 = Rs. 8.


Question A:

Three friends wanted to buy a cricket bat and ball. Bina had Rs. 48.50, Raman had Rs. 55.50, and Venu had Rs. 38.00. How much money did they have in all?


Total money they had in all = 48.50 + 55.50 + 38.00 = Rs. 142

Question B:

Hari booked a railway ticket for Rs. 62.50. He gave a 100-rupee note. How much money will he get back with the ticket?


Amount of money he will get back = 100 – 62.50 = Rs. 37.50

Question C:

Gita and her friends went shopping. She bought things for Rs. 58, Rs. 37 and Rs. 22. Gita had a hundred-rupee note. How much money should she borrow from her friends to pay the bill?


Amount of money she has = Rs 100

Amount of money she has to give to the shopkeeper = 58 + 37 + 22 = Rs. 117

Hence, the amount of money she should borrow from her friends to pay the bill = 117 – 100 = Rs. 17.

Question D:

Mumbai News:

Children Freed from Factory

10 young children working in a bangle factory were set free today. A news reporter and the police found them in a sad condition. The factory made the children work very hard. It paid them only Rs. 80 a day. The children are happy to go back to their homes in their village. They will go to a special school so that they can learn to study like other children their age. By making children work, the factory tries to save money. The police will now take action.

Let us see how much money the factory tries to save

Money 1 older worker should get = Rs. 513 a day

Money 1 child is paid = Rs. 80 a day

On 1 person, the factory saves Rs. 513 – _____ = Rs. 433 a day

On 10 persons, the factory saves

Rs. 433 × 10 = Rs. _____ a day


On 1 person, the factory saves Rs. 513 – Rs. 80 = Rs. 433 a day

On 10 persons, the factory saves

Rs. 433 × 10 = Rs. 4330 a day


This train goes from New Jalpaiguri to Guwahati. On its way, it stops at New Mal, Alipurduar and Goalpara stations. The cost of a rail ticket to different stations is given in the table.

Distance from New Jalpaiguri

(in km)

Station Fare

(in Rs )

57 New Mal 12.50
175 Alipurduar 28.00
366 Goalpara 49.50
495 Guwahati  62.50

Question 1:

Find the distance:

a) From New Mal to Guwahati _____.

b) Between New Mal and Goalpara _____.

c) From Alipurduar to Guwahati _____

d) Between New Mal and Alipurduar _____.

e) From Goalpara to Guwahati _____.


a) From New Mal to Guwahati = 495 km – 57 km = 438 km.

b) Between New Mal and Goalpara = 366 km – 57 km = 309 km.

c) From Alipurduar to Guwahati = 495 km – 175 km = 320 km.

d) Between New Mal and Alipurduar = 175 km – 57 km = 118 km.

e) From Goalpara to Guwahati 495 km – 366 km = 129 km

Question 2:

Find the cost of tickets:

a) Bhupen is going from New Jalpaiguri to Alipurduar. What is the cost of his ticket?

b) Indira has to go from New Jalpaiguri to Goalpara. How much does she pay for the ticket?

c) Debu, Shoma and Gobind are going from New Jalpaiguri to New Mal. What amount will they pay for three tickets? They give a Rs. 50 note for the tickets. How much money will they get back?


a) Cost of ticket = Rs. 28

b) Amount she pays for the ticket = Rs. 49.50

c) Distance between New Jalpaiguri to New Mal = 57 km

Amount they pay for tickets = 3 x Rs. 12.50 = Rs. 37.50

The amount of money they get back = Rs. 50 – Rs. 37.50 = Rs 12.50.


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