MCQs on Biofertilizers

Biofertilizers are living microorganisms that are used as fertilizers for agricultural practice. They promote the growth of plants by providing essential and growth-promoting nutrients. They increase the nutrient content of soil by natural processes such as nitrogen fixation and other processes, which solubilize nutrients like phosphorus. Examples include various bacteria, algae, cyanobacteria (blue-green algae), e.g. Rhizobium, Anabaena, Azospirrilum, Pseudomonas, etc.

1. Which of the following is incorrectly matched?

(a) Alnus – Frankia

(b) Alfalfa – Rhizobium

(c) Nitrogen fixer – Anabaena

(d) Mycorrhiza – Rhodospirrilum

Answer: (d)

2. Which of the following nitrogen fixers is found in rice fields associated with Azolla?

(a) Tolypothrix

(b) Frankia

(c) Anabaena

(d) Spirulina

Answer: (c)

3. Which of the following is not a biofertilizer?

(a) Mycorrhiza

(b) Rhizobium

(c) Agrobacterium

(d) Nostoc

Answer: (c)

4. Which of the following is used as a biofertilizer for soybean crop?

(a) Nostoc

(b) Azospirillum

(c) Rhizobium

(d) Azotobacter

Answer: (c)

5. Which of the following is commonly used as a nitrogen fixer in paddy fields?

(a) Frankia

(b) Oscillatoria

(c) Azospirrilum

(d) Rhizobium

Answer: (c)

6. This is not used in organic farming

(a) snail

(b) earthworm

(c) Oscillatoria

(d) Glomus

Answer: (a)

7. Which of the following is a nitrogen fixer in the root nodules of Alnus?

(a) Clostridium

(b) Bradyrhizobium

(c) Azorhizobium

(d) Frankia

Answer: (d)

8. Which of the following is a pair of biofertilizers?

(a) Salmonella and E.coli

(b) Rhizobium and grasses

(c) Nostoc and legume

(d) Azolla and BGA

Answer: (d)

9. Which of the following fern is a biofertilizer?

(a) Salvinia

(b) Azolla

(c) Pteridium

(d) Marsilea

Answer: (b)

10. Which of the following is an endomycorrhiza?

(a) Rhizobium

(b) Agaricus

(c) Glomus

(d) Nostoc

Answer: (c)

11. Pick the correct statement 

(a) legumes do not fix nitrogen 

(b) legumes fix nitrogen independent of bacteria 

(c) legumes fix nitrogen through bacteria in their roots 

(d) legumes fix nitrogen through bacteria in their leaves 

Answer:  (c)

12. Organic farming is the technique of raising crops through the usage of 

(a) resistant varieties 

(b) manures 

(c) biofertilizers

(d) all of the above 

Answer:  (d)

13. A biofertilizer involving a pteridophyte host is 

(a) Azotobacter 

(b) Clostridium 

(c) Anabaena 

(d) Rhizobium 

Answer:  (c)

14. Which of the following plants form a symbiotic relationship with two nitrogen-fixing bacteria Rhizobium and Aero rhizobium in root and stem nodules respectively?

(a) Sesbania rostrata

(b) Crotalaria juncea 

(c) Sesbania aculeata 

(d) Cyamopsis tetragonoloba 

Answer:  (a)

15. This plant is used in sandy soils and as green manure in crop fields 

(a) Lantana camara and Saccharum munja 

(b) Phyllanthus niruri and Calotropis procera 

(c) Azolla pinnata and Dichanthium annulatum 

(d) Alhagi camelorum and Crotalaria juncea 

Answer:  (d)


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