Biosynthesis refers to the synthesis of biomolecules inside our body. It is a multi enzymatic and multistep process. Macromolecules like carbohydrates, proteins, fats, DNAs, etc. are synthesized in our body. Even the monomers like amino acids for proteins and nucleotides for DNA, RNA are synthesized inside. Biosynthesis is the anabolic pathway of metabolism.

1. Arthropods have an exoskeleton made up of chitin. It is a polymer of

(a) D-glucosamine

(b) keratin sulphate and chondroitin sulphate

(c) lipoglycans

(d) N-acetyl glucosamine

Answer: (d)

2. Phosphodiester bond is present in

(a) monosaccharides in a polysaccharide

(b) fatty acids in a diglyceride

(c) nucleic acids in a nucleotide

(d) amino acids in a polypeptide

Answer: (c)

3. An example of a non-reducing carbohydrate is

(a) ribose 5­-phosphate

(b) lactose

(c) sucrose

(d) maltose

Answer: (c)

4. Phosphoglyceride is made up of

(a) unsaturated or saturated fatty acids linked to phosphate to which glycerol is attached

(b) unsaturated or saturated fatty acids linked to glycerol to which phosphate is attached

(c) only saturated fatty acids linked to glycerol to which phosphate is attached

(d) only unsaturated fatty acids linked to glycerol to which phosphate is attached

Answer: (b)

5. Which of the following inhibits the action of succinic dehydrogenase by competitive inhibition?

(a) malate

(b) oxaloacetate

(c) 𝜶-­ketoglutarate

(d) None of the above

Answer: (b)

6. Which of the following is a precursor of amino acid synthesis?

(a) fatty acids

(b) 𝜶-­ketoglutaric acid

(c) mineral salts

(d) volatile acids

Answer: (b)

7. Phosphoenol pyruvate is the primary acceptor for CO2 fixation in

(a) C3 plants

(b) C4 plants

(c) C2 plants

(d) both (a) and (b)

Answer: (b)

8. Which of the following is the primary acceptor for CO2 fixation in C3 plants?

(a) PGA

(b) PEP

(c) RuBP

(d) RMP

Answer: (c)

9. The start condon for protein synthesis is

(a) AUG

(b) UAA

(c) UAG

(d) UGA

Answer: (a)

10. Ribosomal RNA is synthesized in

(a) ribosomes

(b) lysosomes

(c) nucleolus

(d) nucleoplasm

Answer: (c)

Also Check: Types Of Biochemical Pathways

11. The First phase of protein synthesis or translation is

(a) binding of mRNA to the ribosome

(b) anticodon recognition

(c) DNA recognition

(d) tRNA aminoacylation

Answer: (d)

12. The enzyme involved in the opening of DNA double helix during transcription

(a) DNA helicase

(b) DNA ligase

(c) RNA polymerase

(d) DNA polymerase

Answer: (c)

13. Which of the following cell organelles is the site of glycoprotein and glycolipid formation?

(a) Peroxisomes

(b) Polysomes

(c) Golgi bodies

(d) Endoplasmic reticulum

Answer: (c)

14. Glycosidic and peptide bonds are present respectively in

(a) Glycerol, trypsin

(b) Chitin, cholesterol

(c) Inulin, Insulin

(d) Cellulose, lecithin

Answer: (c)

15. Which of the following is an important precursor for purine synthesis?

(a) Leucine

(b) Glutamine

(c) Aspartate

(d) Glycine

Answer: (d)

16. Which of the following is an important precursor for pyrimidine synthesis?

(a) Leucine

(b) Glutamine

(c) Aspartate

(d) Glycine

Answer: (c)

17. Erythrose 4-phosphate is a precursor of which amino acid?

(a) Tyrosine

(b) Phenylalanine

(c) Tryptophan

(d) All of the above

Answer: (d)

18. The catecholamines, norepinephrine and epinephrine are derived from

(a) arginine

(b) tyrosine

(c) tryptophan

(d) histidine

Answer: (b)

19. Phospholipids are

(a) monoglycerides

(b) diglycerides

(c) triglycerides

(d) Any of the above

Answer: (c)

20. Precursor of fatty acid synthesis is

(a) actoacetyl CoA

(b) succinyl CoA

(c) propionyl CoA

(d) acetyl CoA

Answer: (d)

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