How to Make a Fireproof Balloon

Most of us would have encountered a scenario, where the balloon we had tried to fill up gets exploded it comes in contact with a candle on a certain occasion. Fortunately, there is a way in basic physics where we would be able to prevent that from happening. To know how to do it, let us look at the fireproof balloon experiment given below.

Balloon experiments

Fireproof Balloon Experiment

We know that balloons are made of rubber and are fragile. The balloon, when it comes in contact with fire, burns. A fire can weaken the rubber and cause it to burst. Water is a substance with high heat capacity. It acts against fire and helps from catching fire. Let us now have a look at the fireproof balloon experiment.

Materials Required:

      • Lighter.
      • Water faucet.
      • Balloons.

      1. Fill the balloon with air by blowing yourself.
      2. Use a lighter and hold it below the balloon (it would explode).
      3. Take another balloon and fill it with a little bit of water.
      4. Once you have filled the balloon with water, fill the rest space with the air.
      5. Try holding a lighter underneath it. Unlike last time, it will not explode despite the bottom part of the balloon being in contact with flame, rather it will turn into black colour.
      6. The balloon will have the deposition of soot on it (black colour).

From the above observation, you might have seen that it is quite difficult to prevent the balloon from exploding unless you fill it with water.


  • When an air-filled balloon is placed over a flame, it bursts. 
  • When a water-filled balloon is placed over a flame, it does not burst. 
  • Why do air-filled balloons burst? The rubber of the balloon in the absence of water gets so hot when in contact with fire and becomes too weak to resist the pressure of the air inside the balloon. Hence, the balloon bursts with a bang!


  • Why do water-filled balloons not burst?
  • When the balloon is filled with water, the water absorbs maximum heat from the flame. The rubber does not get very hot, and hence the balloon doesn’t burst. It takes plenty of heat to change the temperature of the water.

NOTE: Perform the fireproof balloon experiment with proper guidance and safety measures.

Fireproof Balloon Experiment Application

  • The water-absorbing polymer foam used in the baby diapers is the superabsorbent polymer that works based on the experiment.
  • Super absorbent polymer foams are used as a protective layer at homes from catching fire.
  • Even the human body uses sweat as a protective layer during exercises or physical activities in order to regulate body temperature.

Through this fireproof balloon experiment, you would see how the subject of science is so fascinating as it has a lot of unexplored areas yet to be discovered. Hence, projects like these would provide the impetus for you to probe more into the domain of science. Stay tuned with BYJU’S to learn more.

Have a look at various interesting science experiments:

Frequently Asked Questions – FAQs


When the balloon is in contact with the flame, the black colour deposition on the balloon is seen. What is it known as?

It is referred to as soot. Soot is a deep black flaky or powdery substance consisting of a huge amount of amorphous carbon.

State true or false: Water is a good absorber of heat.


What happens when the air-filled balloon is placed over a flame?

The air-filled balloon comes in contact with the flame and it bursts.

State true or false: The rubber of the balloon without water becomes hotter than the rubber of the balloon with water.


What happens when a water-filled balloon is placed overa a flame?

When a water-filled balloon is placed in a flame, it does not burst. We can see the deposition of soot on the balloon. The water inside the balloon resists burning by absorbing the heat.
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