
Why do plant cells die?

Plants cells die under controlled forms known as programmed cell death.You can read about the Stems Cells - Types, Uses, Stem Cell Therapy in... View Article

Do plants feel pain?

Plants do not feel pain as they do not have pain receptors.You can read about the Stems Cells - Types, Uses, Stem Cell Therapy in India in the... View Article

Do plants feel love?

As per research done and evidence gathered by Australian scientists, plants can feel when they are touched.You can read about the Stems Cells -... View Article

What is Article 244 A?

Article 244(A) allows for the creation of an ‘autonomous state’ within Assam in certain tribal areas. It provides for the formation of an... View Article

What is Article 243 A?

Article 243 A says that a Gram Sabha may exercise such powers and perform such functions at the village level as the Legislature of a State may,... View Article

Why PESA Act is important?

The PESA Act is important because it legally recognises the capacities of tribal communities to strengthen their own system of self-governance or... View Article