UPSC Civil Services Mains exam consists of Geography as one of the Optional Subjects with 2 papers (paper I and paper II). The mains examination is a part of the IAS Exam which has 3 stages- Prelims, Mains and Interview.
Aspirant with Geography optional has to be aware of the UPSC geography optional syllabus.
This article provides you with the Geography optional syllabus for UPSC.
For details on similar optional subjects syllabus, check the linked article. Aspirants can download UPSC Geography optional syllabus PDF from the below button.
UPSC Geography Syllabus:-Download PDF Here
IAS aspirants who have opted for Geography as their optional subject may also check UPSC Geography Strategy in the linked article.
Geography Syllabus for UPSC
UPSC mains geography optional paper is held for a total of 500 marks. It consists of two papers. Each paper is of 250 marks, with a total of 500 marks. These 2 optional papers are a part of the UPSC Mains Examination that takes place after the IAS Preliminary exam. Geography Optional is a popular subject in the IAS Mains exam as a part of it overlaps with general studies paper-I.
Complementing your UPSC preparation with the right books is equally important; hence, check the UPSC Geography Optional Booklist in the linked article.
UPSC aspirants can check the Geography syllabus for IAS mains below:
Geography Optional Paper-I Syllabus:
IAS aspirants who are targeting UPSC 2024 may check the linked article to refer to the civil services exam pattern, notifications and more.
Geography Optional Paper-II Syllabus:
Note: Candidates will be required to answer one compulsory map question pertinent to subjects covered in this paper.
It is important for the Candidates to go through UPSC geography optional previous year question papers to analyse the pattern, important areas to concentrate on while preparing and for time management.
IAS aspirants would notice that Geography for UPSC has a significant overlap with General Studies papers, so they should prepare for the papers simultaneously. Also, candidates should solve more questions from previous years’ UPSC question papers as well as from mock tests to be able to crack the UPSC Geography Optional Exam.
UPSC Geography Syllabus:-Download PDF Here
You can also check the articles relevant to UPSC Geography Syllabus and also IAS exam preparation in the table below: