It is no exaggeration to state that the UPSC civil services exam is a tough nut to crack. The rather long and diverse UPSC syllabus, the stiff competition, the juggernaut of current affairs and the seemingly endless time involved in the preparation – all these make the IAS preparation time a very taxing ordeal for an aspirant. Now, there is no magic pill that can help you study faster or better than your rivals. But there are some proven methods by which you can get a definite edge over others.
The question to answer is ‘Do you think you are utilizing only half of your mental and physical capabilities?’ If the answer is yes, then this article will help you know some scientifically accepted ways to maximize your brainpower to help you ace the UPSC exam?
Know the tips to Boost Brain Power for IAS Exam
First, an aspirant needs to know the main points where they need to focus:
Major Focal Points to Improve Brain Power |
Exercise to Boost Brain Power
It causes the nerve cells to strengthen their interconnections and shield them from damage. Also, when you exercise, the nerve cells release proteins called neurotrophic factors. They help in enhancing neural health which immensely aids the learning process. In addition, when you work out, you pump more blood to your brain which is vital to brain health.
Eat Healthy to Boost Brain Power
What we eat has a direct impact on our brains. Some foods are known to increase brain functioning and performance. We give you a list of such superfoods:
- Omega 3 oils are excellent for the brain as they contain substances like DHA. Oily fish contain a lot of omega 3 oils.
- Fresh fruits.
- Nuts and berries especially walnuts.
- Green tea.
- Avoid processed food and food items high in sugar.
Stimulate your brain daily to aid Brain Power
Another way to enhance your brainpower is by stimulating it on a daily basis. Learn a new language, solve puzzles, crosswords, and play challenging games like chess whenever you take a break from your IAS studies. This will keep your brain active.
Get enough sleep to catalyse brain function
You cannot ignore your sleep if you want your mental faculties to function well. Sleep at least for 6 hours daily. While engaged in IAS preparation, you might be tempted to sit up late and study to complete your syllabus. But this will do more harm than good for you
Get rid of the calculator
Always do mental math instead of resorting to the calculator.
Increase your brain power the Yoga way
Yoga and meditation offers a lot of benefits including reduced stress and anxiety. It also improves concentration and memory power. All this boosts your brain power.
Allow only positive thoughts for your brain to function effectively
Stress can destroy brain neurons and can also prevent new neurons from being created. So, keep a lid on negativity and be positive. Think positive and work for your IAS goal.
Preparation Articles:
UPSC Exam Strategy | 10 Tips to Prepare for UPSC | Study smart for UPSC |
15 Magical Tips for UPSC Exam | PIB Notes for IAS Exam | Gist of Kurukshetra |
Gist of Yojana | UPSC Mains Strategy | Gist of EPW |