Mustard Crop Details for Exam

Mustard Crop Details for Exam

The mustard plant is any of numerous plant species in the Brassicaceae family that belong to the genera Brassica and Sinapis (the mustard family). A spice called mustard seed is utilised. The seeds are ground and combined with water, vinegar, or other liquids to produce prepared mustard, a yellow condiment. The edible leaves can be consumed as mustard greens, and the seeds can be crushed to make mustard oil. The domestication of mustard plants, which are several types of cultivated vegetables, may have started 6,000 years ago. Mustard is frequently combined with meats, vegetables, and cheeses, and it is especially popular as a condiment for sandwiches, hamburgers, corn dogs, as well as hot dogs. Additionally, it is a common ingredient in a variety of sauces, marinades, glazes, dressings, and soups. One of the most well-known and frequently used spices and condiments in the world, mustard is used as a paste or as individual seeds in the cuisines of India and Bangladesh, the Mediterranean, northern and southeastern Europe, Asia, the Americas, and Africa.

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About Mustard

The second-most significant and well-known winter oilseed crop in India is mustard. It is primarily grown in India’s northern plains, while there are some cultivated areas in the country’s eastern region as well. It is a member of the crucifer family, which includes several cultivated related species. Toria, Yellow Sarson, Brown Sarson, Gobhi Sarson or Canola, and Black Mustard or Banarasi Rai are among the additional crops included in the “Rapeseed & Mustard” group. The little brown or yellow seeds have an oil content of up to 45%. The cake that has been de-oiled is fed to animals.

History of Mustard

Mustard was grown in the Indus Valley (Indian Subcontinent), according to archaeological digs. There are wild varieties of mustard and its relatives, the radish and turnip, all over West Asia and Europe, indicating that’s where they were domesticated. The Sumerian and Sanskrit literature from 3000 BC contains some of the earliest known records of the usage of mustard, as per the Saskatchewan Mustard Development Commission. The plant may have been domesticated as long as 6,000 years ago in Central Asia, and turnips or oilseeds may have been the first product, according to a comprehensive genomic research of B. Rapa published in 2021. The findings also indicated that a potential need for a taxonomic re-evaluation of the species.

Mustard Climate Requirements

Subtropical climates are ideal for growing mustard. Since mustard thrives in a dry, chilly climate, it is typically grown during the Rabi season. The temperature range needed for the mustard crop is from 10 °C to 25 °C. The mustard crop is grown in regions with annual rainfall ranging from 625 to 1000 mm. This crop needs a clear sky and no frost because it cannot survive frost. For germination, a temperature of roughly 28 °C is needed. Its growth requires a low temperature. The oil content of seeds can be increased by a number of conditions, including cold temperatures, sunlight, and adequate moisture. High humidity, cold, and rainfall during flowering are hazardous to mustard crops, and there is a chance that several diseases could spread under these circumstances. Frost is bad for this crop as it entirely destroys the crop. Rainfall weakens the plant while it is in bloom.

Mustard Soil Requirements

Many different types of soils are suitable for growing mustard. Although alluvial loam is the optimum soil for growing mustard, sandy to heavy clay soil is also appropriate. The optimum soils for growing mustard are medium to deep and well-drained. Mustard prefers a pH range of 6.0 to 7.5 in the soil. Because this crop cannot survive conditions of waterlogging, the soil should be well drained.

Mustard Farming Techniques

Most mustard is sown between September and October. If the mustard crop is a mixed crop, the seeds should be sown by broadcasting or drilling, depending on whether it is a pure crop. For even spacing, blend the seeds and fine sand. Seeds should be put in the soil up to a maximum depth of 6 cm for improved germination. When seeds are sown, ensure that the soil has enough moisture. Mustard can be grown in a mixed crop with lentils, gramme, and wheat. One row of mustard and four rows of a gram or one row of mustard and nine rows of wheat should be seeded if the mustard is being planned as an intercrop.

Mustard Physiology

The genus Brassica and Family Cruciferae both include mustard. An annual mustard plant typically grows to a height of 45 to 150 cm. The roots of the mustard plant are long and tapered. The roots of black mustard are surface roots because they have a wide lateral spread and a shallow working depth. The stems of black mustard are 45 cm long. The stems of yellow mustard are 150 cm long. A waxy film known as “Bloom” coats the stem. Black mustard and yellow mustard have certain mutants that lack blooms. Typically, mustard leaves have auricles and grasp the stem. The leaves of yellow mustard and black mustard are typically glabrous and hairy. The raceme of mustard is corymbose. From variety to variety, the flower’s size varies. The four petals of yellow mustard are separated from one another. The four petals of brown mustard or a Torrai flower may overlap. Petal hues can range from creamy white to vivid yellow. On the third or fourth day of flowering, the petals fall off. The petals of some brown mustard and Torrai cultivars are retained long after they have dried completely due to inbreeding. A siliqua is a mustard fruit. The pods often have small, thick beaks and a straight, smooth surface. Depending on the cultivar, the colour of the seed can range from brown to yellow. Typically, the seeds are tiny and rounded.

Mustard Crop Development

Both varieties of mustard have a life cycle and development pattern that are extremely similar to those of canola (Brassica napus). Mustard plants go through eight main growth stages during the course of their life cycle: germination, leaf development, stem elongation, inflorescence emergence, flowering, fruit development, ripening, and senescence. These basic growth stages serve as the framework for the staging system, which has been expanded to account for the advancement through each step. For the best harvest timing and pest management techniques, crops must be staged.

Mustard Crop Diseases

Disease Causing Agent Disease Name
Bacteria Bacterial black rot
Bacterial soft rot
Xanthomonas leaf spot
Fungus Alternaria black spot
Black leg (leaf, root and stem rot)
Black root
Cercospora leaf spot
Downy mildew
Head rot
Leaf spot
Powdery mildew
Sclerotinia stem rot
Southern blight
White rust
White leaf spot
Genetic Disorder Autogenic necrosis
Virus Mosaic
Rai mosaic virus

Mustard Harvesting

The normal maturation of the crop, wind, and rain do not cause shattering before cutting. However, the actual harvesting operations can cause great shattering losses when the plants are overripe. Yellow mustard does not shatter readily and can be straight combined if the crop has matured uniformly (10% moisture) and is free of green weeds. If the crop is weedy or uneven in maturity it should be swathed. If deemed necessary or preferred, swathing should be done when 60 to 70% of the seed has turned yellow-green. Plants should be cut just beneath the height of the lowest seed pods. The swath will then settle into the stubble and reduce the chance of being blown by high winds.

Yellow mustard does not cure quickly. Straight combining is therefore recommended at 12 to 13% moisture, followed by artificial drying, to obtain uniform quality and the highest yield. To achieve uniform quality and the best yield, straight combining at 12 to 13% moisture is advised, followed by artificial drying. Brown and oriental kinds should be swathed since they will break more easily when ripe. Sweeping should start when the majority of the leaves have fallen and when the field has turned from green to yellow or brown overall. It is important to check the physiological maturity of pods taken from the centre of racemes from different plants, with each arm indicating the average maturity. The mature hue of yellow or brown may have been reached by about 75% of the seeds. In the swath, the residual green seeds will develop before merging.
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Mustard Economy

The country’s production of mustard seeds is expected to increase 29% to 109.50 lakh tonnes in the rabi season of the 2021–22 crop year, according to edible oil industry group COOIT. In the previous year, 85 lakh tonnes of mustard seeds, which are produced during the rabi (winter seeded) season, were produced. The COOIT data estimates that 109.5 lakh tonnes of mustard seed would be produced in 2021 – 22. The estimated coverage area is 87.44 lakh hectares, and the estimated average yield is 1,270 kg per hectare. For farmers in states like Rajasthan, Haryana, Madhya Pradesh, and Uttar Pradesh, among others, mustard is a significant cash crop.

Top 10 Mustard Producing Countries

  1. Nepal
  2. Canada
  3. Russia
  4. Myanmar
  5. Ukraine
  6. United States of America
  7. China
  8. Kazakhstan
  9. France
  10. Czech Republic

Top Mustard Producing States in India

The nation’s top producer is the state of Rajasthan. In contrast to the 35 lakh tonnes produced in the previous year, 49.50 lakh tonnes of mustard seeds are anticipated to be produced during the rabi season of 2021–22.

  1. Rajasthan
  2. Haryana
  3. Madhya Pradesh
  4. Uttar Pradesh
  5. West Bengal
  6. Gujarat
  7. Jharkhand
  8. Assam
  9. Bihar
  10. Punjab

Major Mustard Producing States in India

Map of Mustard Producing States in India
Mustard Producing States in India – Map
Image Credit:

Indian Mustard Growing Zones

Region Name States or Regions Covered
North-Eastern Region This region comprises of Assam and some Northeastern states. Mustard is cultivated in the plains of some northeastern states.
Eastern Region This region comprises Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Orissa, Eastern Uttar Pradesh, Sikkim and West Bengal. In this region, mustard is grown in the basins of the Ganga and Mahanadi rivers.
Northern Region This region comprises Haryana, Punjab, Western Uttar Pradesh, Uttrakhand, Himachal Pradesh and Jammu & Kashmir. The region experiences low winter temperature and a single crop of mustard from October-November to February-March are grown.
Western Region This region comprises Gujarat, Maharashtra and Rajasthan as well as Madhya Pradesh. Mustard is largely grown under rain-fed conditions from June-August to October – December. This region is the largest contributor to India’s mustard production.
Southern Region This region comprises several south Indian states. Mustard cultivation is very sparse here.

Mustard as a Food

Indian cuisine makes use of mustard seeds as a spice. Typically, the seeds are cooked until they pop. Additionally, the leaves are stir-fried and consumed as a vegetable. During the bitter winters in Maharashtra, mustard oil is applied to the body for massage since it is believed to keep the body warm. The most common cooking medium in all of north India, but particularly in Bengali cuisine, is mustard oil. In addition, mustard seeds are a necessary component in spicy fish meals. In southern India, a variety of pickles that are mostly made of mangoes, red chilli powder, and powdered mustard seed and preserved in mustard oil are very well-liked. Mustard seeds are used as seasonings and sauces throughout North America. In America, yellow mustard is well-liked and frequently used as a condiment on sandwiches and other foods. To make this condiment, mustard seeds are first crushed into a powder and then combined with additional ingredients.

Mustard Nutritional Information

Nutritional value per 100 g mustard seeds Quantity
Energy 508 kcal (2126 kJ)
Carbohydrates 28.09 g
Sugars 6.79 g
Fiber 12.2 g
Fat 36.24 g
Saturated fatty acids 1.989 g
Monounsaturated fatty acids 22.518 g
Polyunsaturated fatty acids 10.088 g
Protein 26.08 g
Vitamins Vitamin A 2 μg
Thiamine (B1) 0.805 mg
Riboflavin (B2) 0.261 mg
Niacin (B3) 4.733 mg
Vitamin B6 0.397 mg
Folic acid (B9) 162 μg
Vitamin B12 0 mg
Vitamin C 7.1 mg
Vitamin E 5.07 mg
Vitamin K 5.4 μg
Minerals Calcium 266 mg
Iron 9.21 mg
Magnesium 370 mg
Phosphorus 841 mg
Potassium 828 mg
Selenium 208.1 µg
Sodium 13 mg
Zinc 6.08 mg

Mustard Health Effects

There are numerous types of mustard plants, all of which are nutrient-rich. Their seeds are notably high in fibre, selenium, magnesium, and manganese, while their leaves are particularly rich in calcium, copper, and vitamins C, A, and K. Because mustard leaves can be consumed both raw and cooked, they are flexible ingredient for salads, soups, and stews. Warm milk can be steeped with mustard seeds, and the seeds can also be pulverised, sprinkled on warm food, whipped into salad dressings, or used to produce a mustard paste. Antioxidants and other advantageous plant chemicals found in mustard are thought to help shield the human body from harm and disease. For instance, glucosinolates, a class of sulfur-containing chemicals present in all cruciferous vegetables, are abundant in it.

Glucosinolates are considered to increase your body’s antioxidant defences to ward off disease when the plant’s leaves or seeds are damaged, such as by chewing or cutting. Isothiocyanates and sinigrin are notably abundant in mustard seeds and leaves. Isothiocyanates, which are produced from glucosinolates, may aid in halting the growth and metastasis of cancer cells. The chemical sinigrin, which is generated from glucosinolates, is thought to have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antifungal, anticancer, and wound-healing activities. It also gives mustard its distinctive flavour. Isorhamnetin, kaempferol, and carotenoids are all abundant in mustard. These flavonoid antioxidants have been linked in studies to protect against diseases like type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and possibly even some types of cancer. Consuming excessive levels, such as those commonly present in mustard extracts may cause diarrhoea, and gut inflammation. Goitrogens are present in substantial amounts in raw mustard seeds and leaves. These substances have the potential to impair the thyroid’s typical operation, and the thyroid is the gland in charge of controlling metabolism.

Frequently Asked Questions about the Mustard Crop:


What are the 3 largest mustard producing states in India?

Rajasthan, Haryana, and Madhya Pradesh are the top three mustard-producing states in India.

Which state is the largest producer of Mustard?

The state of Rajasthan is the largest producer of Mustard.

Which season crop is mustard?

In India they are grown in Rabi season from September-October to February-March.

What are the uses of a mustard crop?

Mustard seed is used as a spice. Grinding and mixing the seeds with water, vinegar, or other liquids creates the yellow condiment known as prepared mustard. The seeds can also be pressed to make mustard oil, and the edible leaves can be eaten as mustard greens.

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Related Links:

Major Crops in India Major Cropping Seasons in India
Crop Diversification High Yield Crops 
Project CHAMAN Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices (CACP)
Minimum Support Pmustard (MSP) Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana



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