23 Dec 2020 CNA:- Download PDF Here


A. GS 1 Related
1. Health data shows India doesn’t need a two-child policy: PCI
2. States told to update Census register
B. GS 2 Related
1. No appetite in rural India for paid vaccines, finds survey
2. 20 flyers from U.K test positive
C. GS 3 Related
1. Western Ghats home to 3,387 leopards
D. GS 4 Related
E. Editorials
1. Delaying the inevitable
1. Pandemic resilience
1. Five years since Paris, an opportunity to build back better
F. Prelims Facts
G. Tidbits
H. UPSC Prelims Practice Questions
I. UPSC Mains Practice Questions


1. Health data shows India doesn’t need a two-child policy: PCI


  • The data from phase-1 of the National Family Health Survey-5 (NFHS-5) has revealed that India is making good strides in population control.
  • The international non-profit organization Population Council of India upon analysis of the data has appreciated India’s progress.


  • The population metrics like total fertility rate, replacement level fertility which indicate the population dynamics are showing signs of optimism.
  • The Indian Prime Minister during his speech at the 2019 Independence Day had expressed that population control was a form of patriotism.
  • The country’s population is finding a balance as per the latest reports of the NFHS-5 data.

What does the survey reveal?

  • The survey reports plenty of evidence of usage of modern contraceptives in both rural and urban areas.
    • Total fertility rate
      • The total fertility rate in a specific year is defined as the total number of children that would be born to each woman if she were to live to the end of her child-bearing years and give birth to children in alignment with the prevailing age-specific fertility rates.
      • The total fertility rate has decreased across 14 of 17 states and is at 2.1 children per woman or less.
    • Replacement level fertility
      • Replacement level fertility is the level of fertility at which a population exactly replaces itself from one generation to the next.
      • As per the survey, most Indian states have attained the replacement level fertility.


  • India has shown that through awareness generation and increasing access to modern contraceptives, the population has stabilized. Thus the need to have a coerced family planning is not the need of the hour.
  • Another encouraging data is the improvement over the preceding two NFHS surveys, i.e, NFHS-3 and 4 where it was observed that there was a slump in the usage of modern methods of contraceptives and this has been reversed as per the recent NFHS survey.

2. States told to update Census register


  • The Registrar General of India (RGI), which is responsible for carrying out the decennial census exercise, has communicated to all state coordinators to update the names of area, locality, colony, building in the “charge register”.
  • Charge register is an important census document that will help enumerators to collect details during the first phase of Census-House Listing and Housing Census and the National Population Register (NPR).


  • The census exercise was suspended indefinitely owing to the COVID-19 pandemic. The communication from RGI may be an indication that the census exercise may take off in the near future.
  • The charge register gives the picture of the structure of workflow, delegation and distribution of work among enumerators.
  • It also marks the House Listing Blocks (HLB) to be visited by each official.
  • Each HLB is a primary unit of collection of data.
  • The register will also be used for the fieldwork with respect to the updating of NPR, as the same functionaries will be deployed for both the exercises.

National Population Register

  • The NPR is a register of the usual residents of the country. It is prepared at the local (village and sub-town), sub-district, district, state and national levels under provisions of the Citizenship Act, 1955 and the Citizenship (Registration of Citizens and Issue of National Identity Cards) Rules, 2003.
  • NPR was first collected in 2010 and then updated in 2015.


  • The survey was carried out to elicit a response from the rural areas about the COVID-19 vaccines.


  • A survey was conducted by Gaon Connection, a rural media platform, titled the ‘COVID-19 Vaccine and Rural India’ survey.
  • The survey was conducted in as many as 60 districts spread across 16 states and a union territory.
  • The survey was based on face-to-face interaction about the impression of the vaccine in the rural region.
  • The survey tried to collect information about who is to be given priority, should the vaccine be free, etc.

Takeaways from the survey

  • Around 44% of the respondents expressed their willingness to pay for the vaccination against COVID-19 while 36% categorically stated that they would not pay for it.
  • The respondents were asked if given an opportunity, who within the households deserved priority for vaccination. One-third of the respondents chose to give priority to their old parents.
  • Another question that was asked was, who should the government give priority when the vaccination drive begins. The answer among 43.5% was that the first priority should be given to doctors and nurses.

Miscellaneous data from the survey

  • The survey revealed that there was an increase in money spent on products like immunity booster products like Vitamin tablets, chywanprash, giloy, etc.
  • The food habits have also seen a change, with 70% of the respondents having stopped eating outside, while there was a shift to eating more vegetables and fruits.

2. 20 flyers from U.K test positive


  • The news of the emergence of a new strain in the United Kingdom (UK) has created panic among other countries, thus forcing them to take mitigative measures to prevent the spread of the new strain.


  • India and several other countries have temporarily suspended air travel with the UK.
  • India is currently taking precautions such as making RT-PCR tests mandatory and also a separate unit for those diagnosed with the new strain of coronavirus.

The new strain

  • The new variant, VUI–202012/01, has accounted for nearly 60% of all cases in London by mid-December.
  • The new variant is thought to be 70% more transmissible than earlier versions of the coronavirus.
  • Scientists are still researching on the effects, virulence and severity of the new strain.
  • Concerns have been raised over the nature and location of the mutation. The mutation was at the receptor-binding domain of the spike protein, which the virus uses to enter the human body. This protein is also one of the targets of vaccines currently being developed.
  • But experts are of the opinion that vaccines would remain effective despite the mutation, because the immune response generated is against the complete surface, so even in case there is a change in a particular point the vaccine still remains effective.


  • The RT-PCR tests have been made compulsory on arrival and in case of a positive sample, it is recommended that spike gene-based RT-PCR test should also be performed by an appropriate laboratory.
  • The onus is on the government and the people; increased surveillance and monitoring from the government should be complemented by people following necessary precautions.


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