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India-Norway Ocean Dialogue  


The Union Cabinet chaired by Prime Minister has approved the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between India and Norway on India-Norway Ocean Dialogue.

What are the benefits?

  • It promotes cooperation in the areas of mutual interest pertaining to the development of blue economy. Norway is a global leader in the area of Blue Economy and has cutting-edge technologies and expertise in areas such as fisheries, hydrocarbons, renewable energy, sustainable harnessing of ocean resources and maritime transport.
  • The MoU contribute to create opportunities for collaboration in areas such as exploitation of hydrocarbons and other marine resources, as well as management of ports and tourism development for the mutual benefit of all stakeholders within the framework of the Joint Task Force (JTF).
  • It contributes to the objective of Food Security through infusion of new technologies in fisheries and aquaculture. Further, offer a platform for businesses in both countries to execute profitable ventures.
  • Scientists and researchers collaborate on studying ocean ecosystem also in the context of the Arctic region.

‘Darwaza Band – Part 2’ Campaign 


The Swachh Bharat Mission Grameen launched the ‘Darwaza Band -Part 2’ campaign starring Amitabh Bachchan, which focuses on sustaining the open defecation free status of villages across the country.

About the campaign:

  • The campaign, produced by the Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation, and supported by the World Bank was launched in Mumbai.
  • The campaign talks about how a toilet must be used by all, always and under all circumstances (har koi, har roz, hamesha).
  • Darwaza Band- Part 2 focuses on ensuring that people’s behavior is changed for good and everyone always uses a toilet.
  • 50 crore people stopped defecating in the open since the launch of the SBM and with over 5.5 lakh villages having already been declared Open Defecation Free (ODF), the national sanitation coverage is now in excess of 98%.

Rashtriya Kamdhenu Aayog


The Union Cabinet has approved the proposal for establishment of Rashtriya  Kamdhenu Aayog for Conservation protection and development of cows and their progeny.


The creation of Rashtriya Kamdhenu Aayog for the conservation, protection and development of cows and their progeny will provide the policy framework and direction to the cow conservation and development programmes in the country and for ensuring proper implementation of laws with respect to the welfare of cows.

Impact of Rashtriya Kamdhenu Aayog:

  • The setting up of Rashtriya Kamdhenu Aayog will lead to conservation, protection and development of cattle population in the country including development and conservation of indigenous breeds.
  • It will result in increased growth of livestock sector which is more inclusive, benefitting women, and small and marginal farmers.
  • The Rashtriya Kamdhenu Aayog will work in collaboration with Veterinary, Animal Sciences or Agriculture University or departments or organizations of the Central/State Government engaged in the task of research in the field of breeding and rearing of cow, organic manure, biogas etc. 

Parmanu Tech 2019


The ‘Parmanu Tech 2019’ conference organised by the Ministry of External Affairs and Department of Atomic Energy (DAE), the conference discussed issues related to Nuclear Energy and Radiation Technologies.

During conference, following were discussed:

  1. Health care: Nuclear Medicine and Radiation therapy – Care to cure, with themes including Cancer care (TMH), Radio-pharmaceuticals & RIA kits, Gamma Chambers, Blood irradiators, Bhabhatron, Brachytherapy, Stereotactic Neurosurgery and international cooperation, etc.
  2. Food Preservation, Agricultural & Industrial Applications: From farms to factories – Serving the National Cause, with themes including Nisargruna,  Food Irradiator, improved seeds varieties, water purification technologies, urban waste management technologies, industrial application of radioisotopes and radiation technologies particularly in petroleum industry for monitoring process lines, breakdown maintenance, dredging operations in sea ports, non-destructive techniques, technologies developed by ECIL and Heavy Water Board.
  3. Showcasing India’s capabilities in Nuclear Energy: Energy Security with environmental responsibility – the Onward March, with themes including Global Centre for Nuclear Energy Partnership (GCNEP) and India’s Nuclear power programme.   

About GCNEP:

Global Centre for Nuclear Energy Partnership (GCNEP) established at Jhajjar, Haryana, in September 2010. With a vision to promote safe, secure and sustainable nuclear energy for the service of mankind through global partnership. GCNEP is the sixth R&D unit under the aegis of Department of Atomic Energy (DAE).

Objectives of the GCNEP:

  • Development of enhanced nuclear safeguards to effectively and efficiently monitor nuclear materials and facilities.
  • Promoting the development of advanced, more proliferation-resistant nuclear power reactors.
  • Training manpower in the field of Nuclear Security and Radiological Safety.
  • Educating in the field of Advanced Nuclear Energy Systems, Isotopes and Radiation Technologies, nuclear forensic. 
  • Establishing accreditation facilities for radiation monitoring.

2nd National Conference of Micro Missions of National Police Mission


Bureau of Police Research & Development (BPR&D) organize the 2nd National Conference of Micro Missions of National Police Mission (NPM).

The conference will discuss the issues of Skills and Competence at the grass-root level, Attitudinal Changes in Police, Gender Sensitization, harnessing technology and Community Policing.

About National Police Mission:

  • The National Police Mission (NPM) was announced in the year 2005 to transform the Police Forces in the country into effective instruments for maintenance of internal security and challenges of the next century, by equipping them with the necessary material, intellectual and organisational resources and to create a “New Vision” for the Indian police.
  • The objective of this Mission is to prepare the police forces for emerging challenges, to bring about specialization in areas like counter terrorism, counter insurgency, cyber and economic crimes, strengthen the metropolitan and rural policing, to bring in attitudinal changes in police by transforming the ‘force psychology’ into ‘service psychology, harness technology in aid of policing and to adopt community policing and ensure effective delivery of services to the citizens.

Famous projects of the National Police Mission (NPM):

NPM has developed 35 projects; some important among them are

  • Transparent Recruitment Process,
  • Police- Community Policing,
  • Student Police Cadet Programme (this project aims to develop a well-disciplined socially committed young generation of youth through submission to law, practised as a way of life by creating an action force comprising both girl and boy cadets who stay ever ready for rendering their  services to the Nation,
  • B-Trac (Technology-driven Traffic Management System),
  • Dial 100 – Integrated Emergency Response System,
  • Cyberdome,
  • Pre-litigation Counseling Forum
  • Review and Implementation of Rules and Processes for the Internal Management of Prisons and Prisoners.

To ace UPSC current affairs section, read more PIB articles here.

Also see:

Issues in News – Swachh Bharat Mission: Evaluation
Atomic Energy Regulatory Board (AERB)
Nuclear Energy- Related Developments


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