Difference between Monera and Protista

Life forms on earth are categorized under Five divisions based on nutrition, cell type, the complexity of the structure, energy obtained by them, and much more. The five kingdoms are – Monera, Protists, Fungi, Plantae and Animalia. Though Kingdoms Protista and Monera both comprise of entities that are single-celled, yet they are distinct from each other. Discover the differences between monera and Protista.

Top Differences in NEET Biology:


  • Unicellular entities with a cellular composition of a prokaryote
  • Metabolically diverse using several substrates as carbon and energy sources, play a role in carbon and nitrogen cycles
  • Their cell wall is rigid, made of peptidoglycan
  • They are environmental decomposers and mineralizers exhibiting different modes of nutrition.


  • Unicellular entities with a cellular composition of a eukaryote
  • Consists of nearly 16 phyla, most of their members are aquatic entities
  • Nucleus has several strands of DNA
  • They have mitochondria for cellular respiration and few possess chloroplast for photosynthesis

Watch the video below to learn about Monera and Protista Kingdom.


Difference between Monera and Protista

The table below depicts the important differences between Monerans and Protists

Monera Protista
Level of cells
  • Unicellular
  • Prokaryotic cellular structure
  • Unicellular
  • eukaryotic cellular structure
Organelles of the cells
Absent Presence of well-membrane bound organelles, hence well defined
Complexity of the structure
Simple Complex
Smaller Relatively larger
Nutrition mode
Autotrophic/heterotrophic Parasitic/holozoic/photosynthetic
Reproduction – mode
Asexual – budding, binary fission Asexual or sexual
Cell wall
Present Present, well developed
Absent Chloroplast present for photosynthesis. Mitochondria present for cellular respiration
True nucleus absent Present. Nuclei bound with nuclear membrane
Flagella and cilia
Absent Present. Used for locomotion
Found almost everywhere Some found in aquatic areas, some in shady places, moist lands so on
Bacteria, Archaebacteria, Cyanobacteria Algae, Molds, Diatoms, Protozoans
Bacillus, Mycobacteria, Sphorobacter Euglena, red algae, green algae

These were some vital differences between the two kingdoms – Kingdom Monera and Kingdom Protista. Explore about each in detail, the entities, behaviour, salient characteristics and much more at BYJU’S.

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