Earthworm Digestive System Questions With Answers

Belonging to the Phylum Annelida, Earthworms are invertebrates. These annelids are usually found inhabiting soil, making it fertile, which is of great economic importance. They have a segmented, long cylindrical body and are hermaphrodites. Earthworms feed on dead organic matter. Explore important MCQs on Earthworm here.

Also Check:

1. The earthworm is placed under the group

(a) Polychaeta

(b) Hirudinea

(c) Oligochaeta

(d) Crustacea

Answer: (c)

2. The parasite found in the seminal vesicle of earthworms are

(a) Nosema

(b) Sarcocystis

(c) Monocystis

(d) Nyctotherus

Answer: (c)

3. The typhlosole in earthworm is related to

(a) respiration

(b) excretion

(c) absorption

(d) reproduction

Answer: (c)

4. Colour of the body in earthworms is due to the presence of

(a) Haemoglobin

(b) Blood

(c) Porphyrin

(d) Haemocyanin

Answer: (c)

5. Region of earthworm that is a forest of nephridia is

(a) Pharyngeal region

(b) Clitellar region

(c) Typhlosolar region

(d) Intestinal region

Answer: (b)

6. Chloragogen cells are found in

(a) Blood of earthworm

(b) The coelomic fluid of the earthworm

(c) Blood of cockroach

(d) The body wall of leucosolenia

Answer: (b)

7. This animal does not show any metamorphosis of larval stage

(a) Asteria

(b) Musca domestica

(c) Pheretima Posthuma

(d) Butterfly

Answer: (c)

8. The most effective organ for food digestion in earthworm is

(a) Mouth

(b) Buccal cavity

(c) Pharynx

(d) Stomach

Answer: (c)

9. The typhlosole found in Pheretima occurs in

(a) Stomach

(b) Intestine

(c) Oesophagus

(d) Gizzard

Answer: (b)

10. In earthworm, the mouth is located on

(a) Stomium

(b) Peristomium

(c) Prostomium

(d) Protostomium

Answer: (b)

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