In the series Sansad TV Perspective, we bring you an analysis of the discussion featured on the insightful programme ‘Perspective’ on Sansad TV, on various important topics affecting India and also the world. This analysis will help you immensely for the IAS exam, especially the mains exam, where a well-rounded understanding of topics is a prerequisite for writing answers that fetch good marks.

In this article, we feature the discussion on the topic: India-UK Relationship

Anchor: Teena Jha


  1. Jaimini Bhagwati, Former High Commissioner to the UK and Distinguished Fellow, Centre for Social and Economic Progress
  2. Navtej Sarna, Former Ambassador
  3. Gulshan Sachdeva, Professor, Centre for European studies, JNU

Context: The British Prime Minister Boris Johnson paid a two day visit to India arriving at Ahmedabad, Gujarat.

A Brief Overview:

  • Boris Johnson becomes the first British Prime Minister to visit Gujarat since 1947.
  • He visited the Sabarmati Ashram and paid floral tribute to Mahatma Gandhi and also took an attempt to spin the charkha that caught huge attention.
  • This becomes a welcoming step to embolden the India-UK relationship through the threads of culture and tradition.
  • According to various sources, both India and UK will collaborate towards the development of aerospace and defence technologies as a part of the Atmanirbhar Bharat
  • It has been discovered that India and the UK will step progressively towards signing the FTA (Free Trade Agreement).

The India-UK FTA Negotiations:

The ambitious launch of a free trade agreement negotiations between India and the United Kingdom took place in the beginning of 2022 with the objective of doubling the bilateral trade.

Highlights of the Agreement:

  • The eventful agreement aims to double the bilateral trade by 2030 and it has been considered as a partnership that is built on shared history and rich culture.
  • This free trade agreement has been recognised, so far, as the deepest trade deal.
  • The bilateral partners agreed to collaborate on areas such as the service sectors, innovation and technology.
  • There were discussions on transitions from fintech to green-tech and automation to Artificial Intelligence.
  • India expects to gain from tariff reduction in labour-intensive sectors such as textiles, leather, jewellery apart from cereals and pharmaceuticals.
  • The discussions touched upon enhancing the free movement of people.
  • This negotiation will create new opportunities for growth and employment as the bilateral trade expands further.

Free Trade Agreement:

  • A free trade agreement is a pact between two or more countries to reduce trade barriers facilitating imports and exports.
  • The goods and services can be brought within the purview of free trade policy.
  • It involves trade across international borders with little or no government tariffs, quotas, subsidies or any inhibition in the exchange of goods and services.
  • It is implemented by a formal and mutual agreement between the participating nations.
  • A government need not take specific action to promote free trade and is free from stringent regulations and interference which is often referred to as laissez-faire trade or trade liberalisation. However, in the US and the European Union, free trade agreements do not come without regulations and oversight.
  • In the modern-day practice of international trade, few trade agreements result in completely free trade.
  • The US has a number of free trade agreements such as the NAFTA and Central American Free Trade Agreement.

Important Points about the Visit by the British Prime Minister:

  • Enormous emphasis has been placed on giving effect to the free trade deal between India and the United Kingdom.
  • The primary focus has been on strengthening economic ties between the two countries.
  • The implications of the Russia-Ukraine Conflict have been highlighted to have a rooadmap for tackling the upcoming challenges arising out of geopolitical tensions.
  • The United Kingdom aspires to engage with India in an economic deal worth one billion pounds in the key areas of software engineering and health.
  • Besides, Britain is willing to provide India with alternative options for defence procurement and energy for India to diversify its supply chains away from Russia.
  • The need to reduce dependence on foreign oil and gas considering the ongoing crisis in Ukraine, has been highlighted by the British Prime Minister.
  • The plans to extend investments between both countries will deepen the strategic, defence, trade and people to people ties.
  • The Prime Ministerial (India and the UK) interactions focused on the centrality of India in the rise of the Indo – Pacific, prioritising key areas of integrated defence, security and foreign policy.
  • Discussions were held to incorporate more resilience to the doctrine of democracy.

Enriching the cultural bond:

  • The British Prime Minister, on his visit to the historic Sabarmati Ashram in Ahmedabad, was presented with a copy of ‘The Spirit’s Pilgrimage’ written by Madeleine Slade (also known as Miraben) who was a British supporter of Indian Independence and a disciple of Mahatma Gandhi.
  • ‘Guide to London’, which is one of the unpublished books of Mahatma Gandhi, was gifted to Boris Johnson.

Read about Gandhi’s Early Movements in the linked article.

India’s stand on Ukraine-Russia Conflict:

  • India’s profound friendship with Russia has been acknowledged by Britain and India has precisely conveyed signals of retaining support and close ties with its time-tested partner, Russia.
  • India’s upfront criticism of the killing of civilians in the Bucha incident has been recognised by Britain.
  • The Prime Ministers of both countries have decided to work towards global developments and stressed the need for dialogue and diplomacy for an immediate ceasefire in Ukraine.
Investment by UK

Image Source: Hindustan Times

Bringing Back the Economic Fugitive:

  • Talks were held with high priority to bring back the economic fugitives taking refuge in the UK, to face justice.
  • The British Prime Minister assured India that it will not welcome individuals who exploit the legal system to evade Indian laws.
  • The UK government has ordered the extradition of Vijay Malya and Nirav Modi and there are some technicalities that need to be resolved.

The road ahead:

  • India and the UK have engaged with each other at a time when the entire realm of geopolitics is residing amidst uncertainty.
  • Both the countries are firm on their stances and confront their shared anxieties about the autocratic coercion around the world with the common goal of achieving peace.
  • The experts pointed out that there are huge opportunities that India shares with the UK in terms of its diaspora exemplifying strong people to people connect. This can be encashed for further engagements that intend to promote trade, mobility and employment.
  • There are upteen rooms of collaboration in the field of technology, defence, academics, industries and so on that India can embolden its ties with the United Kingdom and take the friendship to the way of development, shared humanity, security and sustainability.

Read the details of India-UK Relations in the linked article.

Read more summaries of Perspective in the link.

Sansad TV Perspective: India-UK Relationship:- Download PDF Here

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