Countries & their Parliament’s Names for General Awareness

Did you know, Althing is the oldest surviving parliament in the world. It is the parliament of Iceland founded in 930 and still exists.

The names and facts of parliaments of different countries is an important topic for competitive exams. Aspirants of various Government exams must keep abreast with the list of countries and their parliaments shared in the article as they can encounter questions related to it in the General awareness sections. 

UPSC aspirants might also face questions on countries and their parliaments in the prelims exams.

What is Parliament?

The very center of any form of democracy, parliament is a legislative body of government categorized in two parts Unicameral and Bicameral. 

The name of Indian parliament is Sansad having two houses of the legislature. Similarly, there are parliaments of different countries with either one or two houses of the legislature. The article aims to provide the list of countries and their parliament’s names along with the sample questions asked in competitive exams.

List of Countries And Their Parliaments PDF:-Download PDF Here

Aspirants of upcoming Government exams can uplift their preparation with 

List of Countries and their Parliament

The Parliament of India is a bicameral legislature consisting of two houses – the Lok Sabha (House of the People) and the Rajya Sabha (Council of States). Check the functions of Parliament in India

Given below is the list of Parliaments of different countries. Candidates can download the list of countries and their parliament names PDF given at the top and bottom of the article for their convenience. 

Countries & Their Parliament’s Names
Countries Parliament of different Countries
Afghanistan Shora
Albania People’s Assembly
Algeria National People’s Assembly
Andorra General Council
Angola National People’s Assembly
Argentina National Congress
Australia Federal Parliament
Austria National Assembly
Azerbaijan Melli Majlis
Bahamas General Assembly
Bahrain Consultative Council
Bangladesh Jatia Parliament
Belize National Assembly
Bhutan Tsogdu
Bolivia National Congress
Botswana National Assembly
Brazil National Congress
Britain Parliament (House Of Commons And House Of Lords)
Brunei National Assembly
Bulgaria Narodno Sabranie
Cambodia National Assembly
Canada Parliament
China National People’s Assembly
Colombia Congress
Comoros Legislative Council And Senate
Congo Democratic Rep. Of National Legislative Council
Costa Rice Legislative Council And Senate
Crotia Sabor
Cuba National Assembly Of People’s Power
Denmark Folketing
East Timor Constituent Assembly
Ecuador National Congress
Egypt People’s Assembly
El Salvador Legislative Assembly
Ethiopia Federal Council And House Of Representative
Fiji Islands Senate & House Of Representative
Finland Eduskusta (Parliament)
France National Assembly
Germany Bundestag (Lower House) & Bundesrat (Upper House)
Great Britain Parliament
Greece Chamber Of Deputies
Guyana National Assembly
Hungary National Assembly
Iceland Althing
India Sansad
Indonesia People’s Consultative Assembly
Iran Majlis
Iraq National Assembly
Ireland Oireachtas
Israel The Knesset
Italy Chamber Of Deputies And Senate
Japan Diet
Jordan National Assembly
Korea(North) Supreme People’s Assembly
Korea(South) National Assembly
Kuwait National Assembly
Labanon National Assembly
Laos People’s Supreme Assembly
Lativa Saeima
Lesotho National Assembly And Senate
Libya General People’s Congress
Lithuania Seimas
Luxembourg Chamber Of Deputies
Madagascar National People’s Assembly
Magnolia Khural
Malaysia Majilis
Maldives Majilis
Mongolia Great People’s Khural
Montenegro Federal Assembly
Mozambique People’s Assembly
Myanmar Pyithu Hluttaw
Nepal Federal Parliament of Nepal 
Netherlands States-General (Staten-General)
New Zealand Parliament (House Of Representative)
Norway Storting
Oman Monarchy
Pakistan National Assembly & Senate
Papua New Guinea National Parliament
Paraguay Senate & Chamber Of Deputies
Philippines The Congress
Poland Sejm
Romania Great National Assembly
Russia Duma & Federal Council
Saudi Arabia Majlis Al Shura
South Africa Parliament
Spain Crotes
Taiwan Yuan
Turkey Grand National Assembly
Uruguay Genral Assembly
USA Congress
Uzbekistan Oliy Majlis
Vietnam National Assembly
Zambia National Assembly
Zimbabwe Parliament

Candidates can check other articles important for the General Awareness sections of various competitive exams.

Parliament & State Legislature List of Lok Sabha Members List of Presidents in India
List of Rajya Sabha Members List of Vice-Presidents of India Amendments in Indian Constitution

Online Quiz 2023

Parliaments of Different Countries – Sample Questions

To understand the importance of countries and their parliaments topic in competitive exams go through the sample questions given below asked in various government exams. These questions will help candidates get an idea on the scope and type of questions to expect in the exams.

Q1. Which is the oldest parliament in the world?

  1. Sansad
  2. Althing
  3. Majlis
  4. National Assembly

Answer (2)

Q.2. Which country has the largest parliament with approximately 3000 members?

  1. The United States of America
  2. Iceland
  3. Hungary
  4. China

Answer (4)

Q.3. What is the Parliament of Afghanistan Called?

  1. Majlis shura
  2. Shora
  3. Oliy Majlis
  4. Yuan

Answer (2)

Q.4. What is the Parliament name of the USA?

  1. House of representatives
  2. Senate 
  3. United Congress representatives
  4. United States Congress

Answer (4)

Q.5. The name of the country to have the First Parliament of the world is?

  1. England
  2. Iceland
  3. Greece
  4. Afghanistan

Answer (2)

Parliament of different countries PDF: Download PDF Here

The above given questions for candidates reference are asked under the general awareness section that forms an important part of the syllabus of various competitive exams. Candidates can go through the detailed syllabus of each of these exams. 

SSC Syllabus UPSC Syllabus Bank Exam Syllabus
RRB Syllabus LIC Syllabus UPSC CAPF Syllabus

For more important general awareness topics candidates can refer to the given links:

Banking Awareness SSC General Awareness Static GK
UPSC Notes NCERT Notes for UPSC Daily Current Affairs

Government Exam 2023


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