ISC Class 11

ISC Class 11 is a crucial year for students, as all the fundamental concepts are explained in-depth. Students who aspire to score full marks should understand the topics with clarity. If there is any confusion regarding the concepts, it would be difficult for them to face ISC Class 11 exams. The academic year for Class 11 ISC is vital to building a solid foundation. It will further help students to learn concepts taught in Class 12 effortlessly.

Students have to prepare for Class 11 in such a way that they can face their board exams next year, along with the competitive exams, fearlessly. The subjects of Class 11 are divided into various groups for students opting for their streams of interest. The books and reference materials prescribed by the board are regularly updated so that students have a thorough knowledge of the changes happening around the world.

ISC Class 11 Subjects

ISC Class 11 subjects for the students who opt for the Science and Commerce stream are provided here. The subjects are compulsory as the board prepares the syllabus. Students opting for the different streams should follow the study materials, which are advised by the board. It will help them to answer the questions in their exams confidently.

English (Compulsory Subject)
Elective Subject
Indian Languages
Classical Languages – Arabic, Sanskrit and Persian
Modern Foreign Languages – Chinese, French, German, Tibetan and Spanish
Elective English
Political Science
Business Studies
Fashion Designing
Home Science
Electricity and Electronics
Engineering Science
Computer Science
Geometrical and Mechanical Drawing
Geometrical and Building Drawing
Music (a) Indian Music – Hindustani (b) Indian Music – Carnatic (c) Western Music
Physical Education
Environmental Science

ISC Syllabus for Class 11

The syllabus of the Class 11 subjects is provided according to the ISC guidelines. Students should be well-acquainted with the syllabus to prepare for the Class 11 exams. The syllabus has to be followed to map the concepts based on their priority for the exams.

ISC Study Materials for Class 11

The study materials for ISC Class 11 help students understand the concepts – from basic to advanced – of the board exam. The Class 11 study materials comprise books, sample papers and important questions.

ISC Class 11 Books

The ISC Books for Class 11 are essential from the exam point of view. Students are advised to use these books to understand the concepts. Solving questions from ISC Class 11 Books improves the conceptual understanding of students necessary to clear the exams.

ISC Class 11 Sample Papers

Students preparing for Class 11 ISC examinations should solve the sample papers provided by the board for better conceptual knowledge. ISC Class 11 Sample Papers help students analyse the importance of concepts based on the exam pattern and syllabus.

ISC Class 11 Important Questions

Crucial questions of the ISC Class 11 are essential to make students understand the types of questions which are of high priority from the exam point of view. Solving these questions will make scoring well in Class 11 exams easy.

ISC Class 11 Videos

ISC Class 11 videos explain the concepts of Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Maths. The videos contain attractive features, such as 3D animations and in-air projections, to help students understand each concept effectively.


How to Study for ISC Class 11 Exams (Preparation Tips)

  1. A suitable study plan should be followed with equal importance to all subjects.
  2. The prescribed syllabus of ISC should be followed during the preparation for exams.
  3. Sample papers should be solved for accurate knowledge of the exam pattern, marking scheme, important questions, etc.
  4. All formulas, reactions and important questions must be revised before the examination.
  5. Students should have short notes of all the chapters learnt.

We hope the information provided here will be helpful for students to learn the concepts well. Students can check other ISC articles and news to stay updated with recent happenings.

Visit BYJU’S and prepare for your upcoming board exam.

Frequently Asked Questions on ISC Class 11


Are sample papers provided for the ISC Class 11?

Yes, the board provides sample papers for ISC Class 11 on the official website. Students can also refer to the PDF of sample papers from BYJU’S. It can be accessed for free using the download PDF links. The sample papers increase students’ ability to attempt precise answers in their exams. Therefore, it is vital that students go through sample papers before their exams.

What are the subjects in the Science stream of ISC Class 11?

The ISC Class 11 Science stream subjects are Physics, Chemistry, Maths and Biology. As these are the primary subjects, students are advised to learn the basics well, as it would be continued in higher levels of education. Learning these subjects also aids in preparing for entrance exams conducted for admission to various reputed universities. Study materials from other streams are also given at BYJU’S to help students of ISC Class 11, irrespective of their understanding levels.

Why is it necessary to solve the important questions of ISC Class 11?

Students should solve the ISC Class 11 important questions of all subjects before the exams because of the following reasons.

  1. It improves conceptual understanding.
  2. Solving questions regularly increases time management skills among students.
  3. It helps to remember all the concepts without confusion.
  4. Aids in self-analysis of strengths and weaknesses.
  5. It enhances confidence and reduces exam stress.