NEET requires you to pay a lot of attention and focus in order to clear the exam with a good score. Studying for long hours every day can be a tiring process and you can easily get distracted. In this article, we shall discuss how to maintain focus for long hours during your NEET 2023 preparation.

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How To Concentrate For Long Hours While Preparing For NEET 2023?

The following are some tips to concentrate for long hours while preparing for NEET 2023 exam.

  • Stick to your timetable

Along with devising a strategic timetable, it is equally important to stick to it, no matter what. Most students follow the time table for the first few days and later deviate from it. This mistake should be avoided at any cost. Following the time table is really important as it helps you complete the syllabus within the given time frame.

  • Take minimal breaks during studies

Do not allocate too many breaks during your study hours as it might be complicated to get back on the study track after taking a long break. Allot minimal breaks (10-15 minutes) whenever you need and make sure you don’t extend the allotted break time.

  • Less usage of electronic gadgets

It is advisable not to use electronic gadgets while studying as they can cause major distractions. But if it is necessary to use them, you can allot social media breaks as well in your time table. Refrain from using these gadgets during your NEET preparation.

  • Stay away from all distractions

It is very easy to get distracted especially while preparing for an exam or completing an important task. However, if you are focused on your end goal then you shouldn’t let these distractions affect your studies. It is best advised to stay away from anything that is causing a distraction for at least a few months to pay complete attention to NEET.

  • Exercise and Meditate

Exercising and meditating can come a long way if practised every day. Apart from studies, it is equally important to take care of your physical and mental health. Exercising and Meditating help to keep your body and mind active during your exam preparations.

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