Banking and Finance Abbreviation questions are regularly asked in all the Banking exams.
Candidates appearing for RBI exam, SBI PO exam, IBPS PO exam, IBPS RRB, and other Bank exams will have to tackle questions from this section.
In this article, we will help you answer the questions a candidate would face on the topic of Banking abbreviations in the Banking exams. Banking abbreviations is an important static GK topic. For information on various Static GK topics check the article linked here.
Banking Abbreviations:- Download PDF Here
For details on other Government exams, refer to the linked article.
List of Important Banking Abbreviations is given below:
Terms | Banking Abbreviations |
ACF | Auto Correlation Function |
AD | Authorised Dealer |
ADB | Asian Development Bank |
ADR | American Depository Receipt |
AFS | Annual Financial Statement |
AIRCSC | All India Rural Credit Survey Committee |
ASSOCHAM | Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India |
BIS | Bank for International Settlements |
BoP | Balance of Payments |
BSCS | Basel Committee of Banking Supervision |
BSR | Basic Statistical Returns |
CAD | Capital Account Deficit |
CAG | Controller and Auditor General of India |
CC | Cash Credit |
CD | Certificate of Deposit |
CR Ratio | Credit Deposit Ratio |
CF | Company Finance |
CFRA | Combined Finance and Revenue Accounts |
CGRA | Currency and Gold Revaluation Account |
CII | Confederation of Indian Industry |
CO | Capital Outlay |
CP | Commercial Paper |
CPI | Consumer Price Index |
CR | Capital Receipts |
CRAR | Capital to Risk-Weighted Asset Ratio |
CRR | Cash Reserve Ratio |
CVC | Central Vigilance Commission |
DBOD | Department of Banking Operations and Development |
DCB | Demand Collection and Balance |
DCCB | District Central Co-operative Bank |
DCM, RBI | Department of Currency Management, RBI |
DD | Demand Draft |
DEIO | Department of External Investments and Operations |
Know the detailed banking awareness syllabus for various Government Exams at the linked article.
Related Links:
Terms | Banking Abbreviations |
DGCI&S | Directorate General of Commercial Intelligence and Statistics |
DI | Direct Investments |
DICGC | Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation of India |
DID | Discharge of Internal Debt |
DMA | Departmentalized Ministries Account |
DRI | Differential Rate of Interest Scheme |
DSBB | Dissemination Standards Bulletin Board |
DVP | Delivery Versus Payment |
ECB | External Commercial Borrowing |
ECB | European Central Bank |
ECGC | Export Credit and Guarantee Corporation |
ECS | Electronic Clearing Scheme |
EDMU | External Debt Management Unit |
EEA | Exchange Equalization Account |
EEC | European Economic Community |
EEFC | Exchange Earners Foreign Currency |
EFR | Exchange Fluctuation Reserve |
EXIM Bank | Export Import Bank of India |
FCA | Foreign Currency Assets |
FCCB | Foreign Currency Convertible Bond |
FCNRB(B) | Foreign Currency Non- resident (Banks) |
FCNRA | Foreign Currency Non Resident Account |
FCNRD | Foreign Currency Non Repatriable Deposit |
FDI | Foreign Direct Investment |
FEMA | Foreign Exchange Management Act |
FI | Financial Institution |
FICCI | Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry |
FII | Foreign Institutional Investor |
FIMMDA | Fixed Income Money Market and Derivatives Association of India |
FISIM | Financial Intermediation Services Indirectly Measured |
FLAS | Foreign Liabilities and Assets Survey |
FOF | Flow of Funds |
FPI | Foreign Portfolio Investment |
FRA | Forward Rate Agreement |
FRN | Floating Rate Note |
GDP | Gross Domestic Product |
GDR | Global Repository Receipt |
G-Sec | Government Securities |
IBRD | International Bank for Reconstruction and Development |
IDRBT | Institute for Development and Research in Banking Technology |
IEPF | Investors Education and Protection Fund |
IFSC | Indian Financial Sysytem Code |
IFC | Indian Financial Corporation |
IFCI | Industrial Finance Corporation of India |
IIBF | International Institute of Banking and Finance |
IIBI | Industrial Investment Bank of India |
IFC | International Finance Corporation |
IFR | Investment Fluctuation Reserve |
IIP | Index of Industrial Production |
IMF | International Monetary Fund |
IP | Interest Payment |
ISDA | International Swaps and Derivative Association |
ISO | International Standards Organisation |
KYC | Know Your Customer |
KVP | Kissan Vikas Patra |
KVIC | Khadi and Village Industries Corporation |
LAF | Liquidity Adjustment Facility |
LAS | Loans and Advances by States |
LDB | Land Development Bank |
LERMS | Liberalised Exchange Rate Management System |
M1 | Narrow Money |
M3 | Broad Money |
MA | Moving Average |
MCA | Ministry of Corporate Affairs |
MIGA | Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency |
MSS | Market Stabilisation Scheme |
NABARD | National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development |
NBFC | Non Banking Financial Companies |
NEC | Not Elsewhere Classified |
NEER | Nominal Effective Exchange Rate |
NFA | Non Foreign Exchange Assets |
NFD | Net Fiscal Deficit |
NHB | National Housing Bank |
NIF | Note Issuance Facility |
NPA | Non Performing Assets |
NPV | Net Present Value |
NSSF | National Small Savings Fund |
OD | Over Draft |
OECD | Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development |
OLTAS | Online Tax Accounting System |
PACS | Primary Agriculture Credit Societies |
PD | Primary Deficit |
RD | Revenue Deficit |
RE | Revenue Expenditure |
REER | Real Effective Exchange Rate |
RIB | Resurgent India Bonds |
RLA | Recoveries of Loans and Advancements |
RTC | Repayment of Loans to Centre |
RoC’s | Registrars of Companies |
RR | Revenue Receipts |
RRB | Regional Rural Bank |
RTP | Reserve Tranche Position |
RUF | Revolving Underwriting Facility |
RWA | Risk Weighted Asset |
SCARDB | State Co-operative Agriculture and Rural Development Bank |
SCB | State Co-operative Bank |
SCB | Scheduled Commerical Bank |
SDDS | Special Data Dissemination Standards |
SDR | Special Drawing Right |
SEBI | Securities Exchange Board of India |
SFC | State Financial Corporation |
SIDBI | Small Industries Development Bank of India |
SIDC | State Industrial Development Corporation |
SLR | Statutory Liquidity Ratio |
SMG | Standing Monitoring Group |
SNA | System of National Accounts |
TB’s | Treasury Bills |
TC | Temporary Change |
TT | Telegraphic Transfer |
UCN | Uniform Code Number |
UTI | Unit Trust of India |
WPI | Wholesale Price Index |
YTM | Yield to Maturity |
Banking Abbreviations:- Download PDF Here
Aspirants can also refer to the Bank related links given below:
Functions of Banks | Types of Cheques | Types of Bank Accounts |
Types of Banks in India | Principles of Insurance | List of RRBs in India |
Send link RRB railway application link
Please check the RRB Apply Online page for region-wise RRB online application links.