The IBPS PO Cut off is declared by the conducting body. It based on the overall performance of candidates across the country. Also, the number of applicants who appear for the exam plays an important role.
The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection is the conducting body for all IBPS exams, and the IBPS PO exam is one of the most sought after exams in the country.
IBPS PO 2023 Update: IBPS PO final cut off 2022–23 was released to the public by the Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) on April 1, 2023. Based on results from the main exam and interview, the final cut off has been determined. To determine the final cut off, the marks are converted out of 100. The maximum and minimum marks out of 100 are used to determine the IBPS PO final cut off.
The IBPS PO Main exam was held on November 5, 2023, according to the IBPS schedule. The IBPS PO notification is awaited and can be expected in August 2023.
IBPS PO Cut Off 2022 for the Main Exam was released by the Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) on January 12, 2023. IBPS PO 2022 mains exam was conducted on November 26, 2022. Both sectional and category-specific cut off marks has been made public. IBPS PO cut off is based on both overall performance and performance on each test. All candidates who scored more than the IBPS PO cutoff 2022 marks in the main exam have been invited to the interview.
Preparing for the upcoming IBPS PO exam??
Solve a Free Online IBPS PO Mock Test now and ace the Probationary Officer exam! Also, the links given below shall help candidates prepare and score the IBPS PO 2023 cut off: |
Aspirants across the world anticipate the recruitment notification for the post of Probationary Officers to be released by IBPS and lakhs of candidates apply for the exam every year. This is one major reason for the rapid increase in the IBPS PO cut off over the past few years.
In this article, we shall discuss in detail the cut off released for the post of Probationary Officers by IBPS. IBPS reserves the right to increase or decrease the cut off in comparison to previous years and also declares a separate cut off for Prelims, Mains, and Interview level of the examination.
Candidates preparing for the upcoming Probationary Officer exam can get the detailed IBPS PO syllabus at the linked article.
IBPS PO Cut Off 2022-23
Aspirants of the IBPS PO exam can check the IBPS PO Cut Off Dates in the table below:
IBPS PO Cut Off Dates |
IBPS PO Cut off Events | IBPS PO Cut off Dates |
IBPS PO Prelims exam | 15th to 16th October 2022 |
Release of IBPS PO Prelims Cut Off Marks | 04th November 2022 |
IBPS PO Mains Exam | 26th November 2022 |
Release of IBPS PO Mains Cut Off Marks | 12th January 2023 |
IBPS PO Interview | February 2023 |
Release of IBPS PO Final Cut Off | 1st April 2023 |
IBPS PO Prelims 2022 Cut Off
There are three sections of the IBPS PO preliminary exam: English Language, Quantitative Aptitude, and Reasoning Ability. The test has 100 marks in total. Candidates must obtain the minimum cut off marks in each of the three sections to qualify.
IBPS PO Prelims Cut Off 2022 has been updated here as it has been officially declared based on the cutoff scores from the previous year, the number of vacancies declared and the level of difficulty. The table below contains the Category wise Prelims cut off.
IBPS PO Prelims 2022 Cut Off: Category Wise |
Category | Cut-Off Marks |
General | 49.75 |
EWS | 49.75 |
OBC | 49.75 |
ST | 40.75 |
SC | 46.75 |
OC | 32.75 |
HI | 17.50 |
ID | 19.75 |
VI | 24.75 |
IBPS PO Prelims 2022 Cut Off: Section Wise |
Subjects | English Language | Quantitative Aptitude | Reasoning Ability |
Maximum Score | 30 | 35 | 35 |
Cut Off Score For UR/EWS | 09.75 | 08.75 | 09.25 |
Cut Off Score For OBC | 06.50 | 05.50 | 05.00 |
Cut Off Score For C/ST/PWBD | 06.50 | 05.50 | 05.00 |
IBPS PO Mains 2022 Cut Off
The Mains exam is divided into five sections: English Language, Data Analysis & Interpretation, Reasoning & Computer Aptitude, General/Economic/Banking Awareness (Letter Writing & Essay). The test has 225 marks in total.
Candidates have been chosen for the Interview based on IBPS PO cut off scores for the main test. Cutoffs are established and candidates are shortlisted for the interview based on the number of vacancies. The results of the main exam are not disclosed to the candidates who were chosen for the interview procedure before it is over.
The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection released the IBPS PO Mains Cut-off 2022 on January 12, 2023, along with the IBPS PO Mains Scorecard 2022. IBPS PO mains cut-offs for each category and section have been updated here.
IBPS PO Mains Cut-Off 2022- Category-wise | |
Category | Cut Off Marks (Out of 225) |
General | 71.25 |
EWS | 70.50 |
OBC | 69.75 |
ST | 53.25 |
SC | 59.25 |
OC | 50.50 |
ID | 36 |
VI | 66.25 |
HI | 37.75 |
The sectional cut off for IBPS Mains 2022 is given below:
IBPS PO Mains Cut-Off 2022- Section-wise |
Subject | Maximum Marks | Cut Off (SC/ST/ OBC/PwD) | Cut Off (General/ EWS) |
Data Analysis & Interpretation | 60 | 01 | 02.25 |
English Language | 40 | 12.25 | 15.50 |
English Language (Descriptive) | 25 | 08.75 | 10 |
General, Economy & Banking Awareness | 40 | 02 | 04.50 |
Reasoning & Computer Aptitude | 60 | 04.75 | 07 |
IBPS PO Final Cut Off 2022:
The Final Cut Off for IBPS Cut Off 2022 for Provisional Allotment is given below:
Category | SC | ST | OBC | EWS | UR | OC | VI | HI | ID |
Maximum Scores | 48.98 | 47.09 | 51.16 | 49.24 | 57.62 | 43.73 | 47.60 | 52.76 | 45.76 |
Minimum Scores | 38.02 | 36.24 | 41.38 | 41.76 | 43.47 | 24.11 | 35.73 | 37.82 | 22.80 |
IBPS PO Final Cut Off 2022 For Reserved List is given below:
Category | SC | ST | OBC | EWS | UR | HI | OC | VI | ID |
Scores |
37.67 | 35.91 | 41.09 | 41.49 | 43.13 | NA | 35.47 | 37.42 | NA |
IBPS PO Previous Year Cut Off
Candidates can use the IBPS PO previous year cut off to get a sense of the minimum score required to pass the test. Knowing the IBPS PO cut off from the previous year enables candidates to remain competitive and plan appropriately. Candidates can view the IBPS PO previous year cut off for the Preliminary, Main and final selection rounds below.
IBPS PO Cut Off 2021-22
IBPS PO 2021 Prelims Cut Off
The combined scores for the English, Quantitative Aptitude and Reasoning Ability sections of the IBPS PO Prelims exam were used to determine the final score.
IBPS PO Prelims 2021 Cut Off: Category-Wise | |
Category | Cut-offs on Total (Out of 100) |
General (Gen) | 50.50 |
Economically Weaker Section (EWS) | 50.50 |
Other Backward Classes (OBC) | 50.50 |
Scheduled Tribe (ST) | 38.00 |
Scheduled Caste (SC) | 44.50 |
Intellectual Disability (ID) | 20.75 |
Visually Impaired (VI) | 37.00 |
Hearing Impaired (HI) | 20.75 |
Orthopaedically Challenged (OC) | 42.00 |
IBPS PO Prelims 2021 Cut Off: Section-Wise | ||||
Sr.No. | Name of the Test | MaximumMarks | Cutoff | |
SC/ST/OBC/EWS/ PWBD | General | |||
1. | Reasoning Ability | 35 | 06.25 | 10.00 |
2. | Quantitative Aptitude | 35 | 06.25 | 09.00 |
3. | English Language | 30 | 06.75 | 10.00 |
IBPS PO 2021 Mains Cut Off
The sectional and category wise IBPS PO 2021 Cut Off marks for Mains exam are given below
IBPS PO Mains 2021 Cut Off: Section-Wise | |||
Subject | Maximum Marks | Cut Off (SC/ST/ OBC/PwD) | Cut Off (General/ EWS) |
Data Analysis & Interpretation | 60 | 6.5 | 9.25 |
English Language | 40 | 10 | 13.25 |
English Language (Descriptive) | 25 | 8.75 | 10 |
General, Economy & Banking Awareness | 40 | 1.75 | 3.75 |
Reasoning & Computer Aptitude | 60 | 4.50 | 7.25 |
IBPS PO Mains 2021 Cut Off: Category-Wise | |
Category | Cut Off Marks (Out of 225) |
General | 80.75 |
EWS | 77.25 |
OBC | 75.75 |
ST | 57.75 |
SC | 65.5 |
ID | 46 |
VI | 77.75 |
OC | 62.50 |
HI | 42.50 |
IBPS PO Final Cut Off 2021-22
Along with the IBPS PO Final Result, IBPS released the final cut-off scores. Section- and category-specific IBPS PO Final Cut-off 2021 information has been given. Candidates who scored higher than the cut off marks will be eligible for the final selection. For 5809 Probationary Officer vacancies, check the IBPS PO Final Cut Off.
IBPS PO 2021-22 Final Cut off (Online Main Examination and Interview out of 100) | |||||||||
Category | SC | ST | OBC | EWS | UR | OC | VI | HI | ID |
Maximum Scores | 60.30 | 49.87 | 58.04 | 52.58 | 68.76 | 52.27 | 53.04 | 43.00 | 54.09 |
Minimum Scores | 40.18 | 37.89 | 44 | 45.20 | 47 | 40.98 | 44.27 | 26 | 26.36 |
IBPS PO Reserve List Cut-Off 2022 | |||||||||
Category | SC | ST | OBC | EWS | UR | HI | OC | VI | ID |
Scores |
39.87 | 37.49 | 43.71 | 44.89 | 46.67 | NA | 40.58 | 44.09 | NA |
IBPS PO Cut Off 2020-21
On April 1, 2021, the final cut off for the Probationary Officer recruitment was released with the maximum and minimum marks for Mains+Interview. Candidates can refer to the cut off given below:
CRP PO/MT-X mains category-wise and section-wise cut off for the mains examination was released on February 24, 2021. Given below are the minimum qualifying marks for the same:
IBPS PO Mains Cut Off 2020-21 [Overall] | |
Category | Cut Off Marks (Out of 225) |
General | 83.50 |
OBC | 78.63 |
SC | 66.38 |
ST | 52.25 |
EWS | 75.75 |
HI | 38.25 |
OC | 61.25 |
VI | 84.88 |
ID | 53.00 |
IBPS PO Cut Off 2020-21 [Section-wise] | |||
Subject | Maximum Marks | Cut Off (SC/ST/ OBC/PwD) | Cut Off (General/ EWS) |
Reasoning & Computer Aptitude | 60 | 03.75 | 06.00 |
English Language | 40 | 08.50 | 11.75 |
Data Analysis & Interpretation | 60 | 05.75 | 08.75 |
General Economy & Banking Awareness | 40 | 06.25 | 09.75 |
English Language (Descriptive) | 25 | 08.75 | 10.00 |
Given below is the category-wise IBPS PO Cut Off for the Probationary Officer prelims examination held in October 2020 and January 2021:
IBPS PO Prelims Cut Off 2020-21 | |
Category | Cut Off Marks |
General | 58.75 |
OBC | 58.5 |
SC | 51 |
ST | 43.5 |
EWS | 57.75 |
HI | 19.75 |
OC | 46 |
ID | 21.75 |
VI | 54.25 |
Factors Affecting the IBPS PO Cut Off
Over the years, the number of candidates appearing for the Probationary Officer exam has been increasing and so has the competition and cut off.
Unlike SBI, the IBPS cut off is declared separately for every section and an overall cut off is also declared. Candidates need to qualify both sectional and overall cut off to qualify the IBPS PO examination.
There are certain factors which need to be kept in consideration while calculating the IBPS PO cut off:
- Number of Candidates who appear for the examination
- Previous Year Cut off
- Level of Examination
- Number of vacancies
For candidates who are looking forward to appearing for the Probationary Officer exam conducted by other banks, can refer to the Bank PO page for more information.
IBPS PO Final Cut Off 2019
The IBPS PO final cut off for the 2019-20 recruitment released on the official website of IBPS. Given below is the final cut off for the Mains and Interview stage combined together:
IBPS PO Final Cut off 2019-20 – Provisional Allotment | ||
Category | Maximum Marks (Out of 100) | Minimum Marks (Out of 100) |
SC | 47.07 | 36.02 |
ST | 50.80 | 33.24 |
OBC | 50.22 | 40.27 |
EWS | 48.98 | 40.82 |
UR | 60.58 | 44.44 |
OC | 46.38 | 36.00 |
VI | 53.16 | 42.18 |
HI | 42.33 | 26.36 |
ID | 42.04 | 28.80 |
Also, the cut off for the Reserve List has been released. It is as mentioned below:
Reserve List (Subject to vacancy for 2020-21 recruitment) | |||||||||
Category | SC | ST | OBC | EWS | UR | OC | VI | HI | ID |
Minimum Score | 34.75 | 32.76 | 39.96 | 40.45 | 44.02 | 35.56 | 41.45 | NA | NA |
IBPS PO Mains Cut Off 2019
The IBPS PO exam 2019-20 is ongoing, and candidates are waiting for the final cut of to be released once the Interview stage of the exam is completed.
The table gives the IBPS PO cut off for the mains examination conducted on November 30, 2019:
IBPS PO Mains Cut Off 2019 | |
Category | IBPS PO Cut Off (Out of 225) |
General | 71.25 |
OBC | 70.25 |
SC | 55.63 |
ST | 38.13 |
EWS | 65.88 |
HI | 41 |
OC | 46.13 |
VI | 70.50 |
ID | 45.88 |
IBPS had also released the section-wise cut off for the IBPS PO mains exam. The table given below mentions the IBPS PO cut for mains examination for the different sections of the exam:
IBPS PO Section-wise Cut Off 2019 (Mains) | ||
Subjects | Category | |
General/ EWS | SC/ST/PWBD/OBC | |
English Language | 14.25 | 10.75 |
Data Analysis & Interpretation | 5.25 | 2.50 |
Reasoning Ability | 7.75 | 5.50 |
General Awareness | 8 | 5 |
Descriptive Paper (English) | 10 | 8.75 |
Candidates can check the IBPS PO exam analysis at the links mentioned below:
IBPS PO Prelims Cut Off 2019
IBPS PO cut off is released separately for candidates belonging to different categories. This is not just applicable for the final cut off but also for the sectional cut off.
Given below is the IBPS PO Prelims cut off 2019:
IBPS PO Prelims Cut Off 2019 | |
Category | IBPS PO Cut Off (Out of 100) |
General | 59.75 |
OBC | 59.75 |
SC | 53.50 |
ST | 46.25 |
EWS | 59.75 |
HI | 21.25 |
OC | 44.50 |
VI | 52.25 |
ID | 20.75 |
The table below gives the section-wise cut off for IBPS PO prelims exam 2019-20:
IBPS PO Section-wise Cut Off 2019-20 (Prelims) | ||
Subjects | Category | |
General/ EWS | SC/ST/PWBD/OBC | |
English Language | 10.25 | 6.50 |
Quantitative Aptitude | 8.75 | 5.25 |
Reasoning Ability | 10.25 | 6.50 |
The final overall cut off shall be released once the Interviews are done and the conducting body releases the final IBPS PO cut off.
Related Cut off links:
RBI Grade B cut off | SBI PO Cut Off |
IBPS Clerk Cut Off | SBI Clerk Cut Off |
IBPS PO Cut Off 2018
Before the 2019-20 recruitment, the IBPS PO exam was conducted in 2018. The exam pattern and selection process were the same as 2019 recruitment.
For the reference of candidates, we have given the prelims, mains and overall IBPS PO cut off 2018. This will help candidates follow the trend increase or decrease in the cut off for the exam conducted for recruitment Probationary Officers.
Since the IBPS Probationary Officer exam is soon to be conducted aspirants who are looking for tips to prepare for the bank PO exam within 2 months can refer to the linked article and attain the desired marks in the IBPS PO cut off 2021.
IBPS PO Prelims Cut Off 2018
The table given below gives the IBPS PO cut off 2018 for the preliminary level of examination:
IBPS PO Prelims Cut Off 2018 | |
Category | Cut Off (Out of 100) |
General | 56.75 |
SC | 49.25 |
ST | 41.75 |
OBC | 55 |
HI | 16.50 |
OC | 42.75 |
VI | 38.75 |
The section-wise IBPS PO prelims cut off 2018 is given below:
IBPS PO Section-wise Cut Off 2018 (Prelims) | ||
Subjects | Category | |
General/ EWS | SC/ST/PWBD/OBC | |
English Language | 8.75 | 5.5 |
Quantitative Aptitude | 9 | 5.25 |
Reasoning Ability | 7.75 | 4.75 |
IBPS PO Mains Cut Off 2018
The IBPS PO mains exam cut off 2018 is given in the table below:
IBPS PO Mains Cut Off 2018 | |
Category | IBPS PO Cut Off (Out of 225) |
General | 74.50 |
OBC | 68.38 |
SC | 56.38 |
ST | 35.75 |
HI | 42.63 |
OC | 53.25 |
VI | 66.88 |
ID | 37 |
The sectional cut off is mostly very less for the IBPS PO mains exam. Candidates can check the IBPS PO sectional cut off 2018 in the table given below:
IBPS PO Section-wise Cut Off 2018 (Mains) | ||
Subjects | Category | |
General | SC/ST/PWBD/OBC | |
English Language | 11.25 | 7.50 |
Data Analysis & Interpretation | 4.50 | 2.25 |
Reasoning Ability | 10.25 | 7.50 |
General Awareness | 8 | 5 |
Descriptive Paper (English) | 10 | 8.75 |
IBPS PO Final Cut Off 2018
The third stage of the IBPS PO exam is the Interview level. The marks scored in the mains and Interview phase of the examination are calculated to get the final list of selected candidates.
Given below is the final category-wise cut off for the IBPS PO exam 2018:
IBPS PO Final Cut Off 2018 (out of 100) | ||
Category | Maximum Marks | Minimum Marks |
General | 63.91 | 43.87 |
SC | 55.3 | 35.78 |
ST | 47.33 | 31.6 |
OBC | 53.02 | 40.29 |
HI | 34.69 | 25.16 |
VI | 56.11 | 42.06 |
OC | 50.69 | 31.36 |
ID | 43.69 | 20.36 |
A Reserved list cut off was also released by IBPS for the IBPS PO final selection. Aspirants can check the IBPS PO reserve cut off given below:
Category | SC | ST | OBC | General | HI | OC | VI | ID |
Minimum Marks | 35.38 | 31.05 | 39.91 | 43.42 | NA | 30.42 | 40.71 | NA |
Candidates can check the IBPS PO result at the linked article, once released.
IBPS PO Cut Off 2017
The IBPS PO cut off 2017 has been given for the candidate’s to analyse the trend change in the IBPS PO cut off over the past few years. Also, it will help candidates willing to appear for the 2021 recruitment to estimate the graph of increase or decrease in the cut off for the PO exam conducted by IBPS.
IBPS PO Prelims Cut Off 2017
Given below is the overall IBPS PO prelims cut off for the year 2017:
IBPS PO Prelims Cut Off 2017 | |
Category | IBPS PO Cut Off (Out Of 100) |
General | 42.75 |
SC | 36 |
ST | 28.50 |
OBC | 42.25 |
HI | 15.75 |
VI | 23.25 |
OC | 28.75 |
ID | 17.75 |
Given below is the section-wise IBPS PO cut off 2017:
IBPS PO Section-wise Cut Off 2017 (Prelims) | ||
Subjects | Category | |
General | SC/ST/PWBD/OBC | |
English Language | 5 | 2.75 |
Quantitative Aptitude | 7.75 | 4.75 |
Reasoning Ability | 10 | 6.75 |
Candidates awaiting the IBPS PO notification 2021 can visit the linked article for more details regarding the Probationary Officer exam.
IBPS PO Mains Cut Off 2017
Given below is the IBPS PO cut off 2017 for the mains examination.
IBPS PO Mains Cut Off 2017 | |
Category | IBPS PO Cut Off (Out Of 225) |
General | 82 |
SC | 62.50 |
ST | 42.25 |
OBC | 75.63 |
HI | 47.75 |
VI | 77.87 |
OC | 59.63 |
ID | 55 |
The table below gives the IBPS PO Mains section-wise cut off 2017:
IBPS PO Section-wise Cut Off 2017 (Mains) | ||
Subjects | Category | |
General | SC/ST/PWBD/OBC | |
English Language | 5.75 | 3.25 |
Data Analysis & Interpretation | 14 | 10.75 |
Reasoning Ability | 10.25 | 7.50 |
General Awareness | 11.25 | 8.25 |
Descriptive Paper (English) | 10 | 8.75 |
IBPS PO Final Cut Off 2017
The final IBPS PO Final Cut Off 2017 has been given below:
IBPS PO Final Cut Off 2017 (out of 100) | ||
Category | Maximum Marks | Minimum Marks |
General | 65.58 | 47.04 |
SC | 53.20 | 38.56 |
ST | 54.74 | 33.73 |
OBC | 57.18 | 43.02 |
HI | 45.42 | 25.07 |
VI | 74.14 | 45.88 |
OC | 51.11 | 38.53 |
ID | 44.38 | 28.87 |
This IBPS PO cut off from previous years shall help candidates analyse the trend change that has been observed over the past few years in terms of cut off released for the exam conducted for the post of Probationary Officers.
Aspirants who are looking forward to applying for the upcoming IBPS PO recruitment can carefully go through the IBPS cut off released by the conducting body and prepare themselves accordingly.
For any further information regarding the IBPS PO 2023 cut off, study material or the recruitment process, candidates can refer to BYJU’S.
Related Links:
Bank Exam Syllabus | IBPS PO Preparation | IBPS Syllabus |
IBPS PO Admit Card | IBPS PO Books | IBPS PO Eligibility |
Frequently Asked Questions on IBPS PO Cut Off
Q 1. On what basis are candidates allotted Banks under IBPS PO recruitment?
Q 2. If a candidate has just scored the minimum cut off marks in an Interview, what are the chances for him to qualify the exam?
Q 3. Which factors are responsible for calculating the IBPS PO cut off?
Ans. The factors responsible for calculating the IBPS PO cut off are as follows:
- Number of candidates
- Level of Examination
- Number of vacancies
It has been noted that the IBPS PO prelims cut off has seen increase and the mains cut off has decreased over the years.
Q 4. Is there a sectional cut off in the IBPS PO exam?
Q 5. What is the selection process for the IBPS PO exam?
Ans. The IBPS PO exam is conducted in three stages:
- IBPS PO Prelims
- IBPS PO Mains
- Interview
Candidates can check the detailed IBPS PO exam pattern at the linked article.