In the series Sansad TV Perspective, we bring you an analysis of the discussion featured on the insightful programme ‘Perspective’ on Sansad TV, on various important topics affecting India and also the world. This analysis will help you immensely for the IAS exam, especially the mains exam, where a well-rounded understanding of topics is a prerequisite for writing answers that fetch good marks.

In this article, we feature the discussion on the topic: ‘Tribal Empowerment’.

Anchor: Vishal Dahiya


  1. Dr. Muniraju SB, Deputy Advisor, NITI Aayog
  2. Pravir Krishna, Advisor, Bodoland Tribal Council, Govt. of Assam
  3. Prof. Vivekanand Nartam, Prachar Pramukh, Vanvasi Kalyan Ashram
  4. Amit Bhatnagar, General Manager, TRIFED, Ministry of Tribal Affairs, GoI

Context:  Inauguration of Aadi Mahotsav.

Highlights of the discussion:

  • Introduction
  • Significance of tribals
  • Government initiative
  • Associated concerns
  • Way Ahead


  • India’s tribal population is spread all over the country in different geographic zones and has a rich cultural and economic diversity. 
  • Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi emphasized that the country is moving with unprecedented pride with regard to its tribal glory while inaugurating Aadi Mahotsav. 
  • Aadi Mahotsav is the mega National Tribal Festival. 
  • Prime Minister also highlighted the efforts of the government in promoting tribal products, tribal arts, and skill development for the tribal youth.  He further said that the tribal community of India has a lot to inspire and teach with regard to sustainable development. 

For more information on Aadi Mahotsav, read here: 14 Feb 2023: UPSC Exam Comprehensive News Analysis

Background Details:

  • Every tribal culture is different and unique in its own way. It entirely represents the area that it belongs to. However, one thing is common among all tribals, they are master craftsmen and their produce is world-class. 
  • Tribal Co-operative Marketing Development Federation of India (TRIFED) is a national-level cooperative body under the administrative control of the Ministry of Tribal Affairs, Government of India. It was established under the Multi-state co-operative societies act 1984 under the former Ministry of Welfare.
  • It is a marketing development facilitator that markets tribal products.
  • Aadi Mahotsav is a platform that invites tribal artisans from all across the country to market their products. It provides them a platform to sell their produce, analyze consumer behaviour and adapt their products accordingly with new innovations.
  • It is the first Aadi Mahotsav of 2023 and around 500 artisans have participated in the event.
  • The objective of Aadi Mahotsav is to promote tribal art, craft, cuisine, and commerce and encourage tribal culture among the masses.
  • It is a platform for tribals to display their skills.

Also read: Status of Tribal Population in India – Learn More About Major Tribes in Different States

Significance of Tribals in Indian Culture:

  • The tribal population constitutes around 8.9% of the Indian population (as per Census 2011).
  • It is said that if all tribal communities of India are joined together and formed a new nation, it would be the thirteenth largest country in terms of population.
  • Tribal population teaches a lot about sustainable living, specifically in the context of global warming, environmental protection, and biodiversity conservation.
  • Their culture displays how humans can live with nature in harmony. 
  • Apart from their way of living, their wisdom and knowledge can also teach humans a lot about nature and the environment.
  • There are almost 26000 products made by the tribal population of India.
  • Tribals are the protectors of forests, the environment, and natural resources. They have knowledge about forest habitats, plants, and Ayurvedic items.

Initiatives taken by the Government for Tribal population:

  • Apart from the constitutional provisions of the Fifth and Sixth Schedule, there are provisions like PESA Act 1996, Forest Rights Act 2006, etc.
  • In 1991, the Ministry of Tribal Affairs was established and National Commission for Scheduled tribes was also constituted in 2004.
  • TRIFED has been established as a marketing arm of the Ministry of Tribal Affairs. They take several initiatives to market the products of tribals not only in the country but also in the world.
  • Allocations of Tribal Subplan have been increased multiple times in the last decade. It was allocated somewhere around 22000 crores in 2014 and has risen by 1,28,000 in the Budget of 2023-24.
  • The budget allocation has also been increased by five times in the last nine years.
  • The Government of India has allocated another 15000 crores for the 75 Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups (PVTGs).
  • TRIFED is also implementing the Ministry of Tribal Affairs’ ambitious scheme Pradhan Mantri Janjatiya Vikas Mission. It is a holistic mission where Minimum Support Price is provided for nearly 87 products that are available from forests.
  • In order to support their procurement, Minor Forest Produce grants are provided to states implementing agencies.
  • Grants are also provided to formalize the informal markets (Haat Bazaar).
  • The Van Dhan Vikas Scheme was also initiated by the Government and presently there are 3225 Van Dhan Vikas Kendras.
    • The idea of Van Dhan Vikas Kendras is to provide financial support to group of 300 tribal beneficiaries.
  • Almost 400 Eklavya Model Residential Schools have been established and budgetary allocation for teachers and the supporting staff was increased.
  • India is also taking the opportunity of the presidency of G20 to relate tribal living with sustainable development and environment protection and discuss and deliberate upon it.

Also read: National Commission for Scheduled Tribes (NCST) – Indian Polity Notes

Associated Concerns:

  • The status of the Tribal population is still a little backward in comparison to the mainstream rural and Urban populations.
  • Despite excellent craftsmanship, tribals lack marketing capabilities and professionalism. 
    • Aadi Mahotsav is a step in the right direction to showcase marketing capabilities and add to the tribal ecosystem.
  • Tribals don’t have access to large markets and are forced to sell their produce at very low prices.
  • It is found that by value addition, branding, and marketing the price of a product can go up by five times. For instance, Tamarind in rural India is sold for around 30 rupees per kg, if de-seeded there price can rise to 250 rupees per kg, and if processed into sauce, it would be sold at 500 to 600 rupees per kg. 
  • The development has not been achieved in various tribal parts of India. They are still lagging behind the other sections of the population in almost all human development parameters like Infant Mortality Rate, Education Level, Economic participation, etc.
  • Unless the situation of tribals is improved, India cannot be considered a developed country in the real sense.

Way Ahead

  • Tribal products should be given a great deal of attention so as to integrate them with the market economy. As a result, their incomes will also rise to a great extent.
  • Development and empowerment of tribals is a continuous process and requires interventions at all levels like district, state, and national levels.
  • If their products are appropriately sold, the revenue generated can rise manifold and ultimately result in the economic empowerment of tribal communities.
  • As highlighted by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, apart from skill development scientific temperament should also be encouraged among the tribal community, so that they are not confined to the traditional setup.
  • It is important to work on all three aspects of identity, existence, and development (Asmita, Astitva, and Vikas).

Read all the previous Sansad TV Perspective articles in the link.

Sansad TV Perspective: Tribal Empowerment:- Download PDF Here

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