1. Directorate General Defence Estates (DGDE)
2. Like Minded Developing Countries (LMDC)
3. Geospatial Energy Map of India

1. Directorate General Defence Estates (DGDE)


Directorate General of Defence Estates (DGDE) has successfully digitized the defence lands across India.

About the Directorate General of Defence Estates (DGDE):

  • The Directorate General Defence Estates under the Ministry of Defence, GOI, is the headquarters of the Indian Defence Estates Service (IDES).
  • DGDE provides advisory inputs on all cantonments and land matters to the Ministry of Defence and Service Headquarters i.e. Army, Navy, Air Force and other organizations under the Ministry of Defence.
  • Acquisition of lands, resettlement and rehabilitation of displaced persons, hiring and requisitioning of lands and buildings, are some of the responsibilities of DGDE.
  • Defence Estates Organization manages and administers civil affairs of Cantonments through Cantonments Boards.
  • It also ensures the implementation of the Cantonments Act 2006, Policies, Rules & Regulations and Executive instructions.
    • Under this, it administers 62 Cantonment Boards in India.
    • There are 62 Cantonments in India notified under the Act.
    • The overall municipal administration of the notified Cantonments is the function of the Cantonment Boards which are democratic bodies.

2. Like Minded Developing Countries (LMDC)


India participated in the Like Minded Developing Countries (LMDC) ministerial meeting.


  • The meeting was titled ‘Preparations for COP 26 on Climate Change – Expectations and Challenges’.
  • The Union Minister for Environment Forest and Climate Change called for the rapid reduction of emissions by developed countries in this decade, especially considering that the remaining global carbon budget is meagre and will be exhausted within this decade at the current rate of global emissions.
  • He also noted that the commitments of carbon neutrality and to raise ambitions in nationally determined contributions should be in line with climate justice and principles of equity and common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities (CBDR-RC).

About Like Minded Developing Countries (LMDC):

  • The ‘Like Minded Developing Countries(LMDC)’ is a bloc of 25 nations that have come together ahead of the UN climate change conference known as the 26th Conference of Parties (COP26) (to be hosted in Glasgow in Oct-Nov 2021).
  • The LMDC is a formal negotiating group that includes China, India, Malaysia and Indonesia.
  • The LMDC countries are slated to meet again on the margins of the Glasgow meet and could emerge as a voice for developing countries at Glasgow.
  • The group is significant in that it could push back against what are seen as unfair demands put forth by developed countries at the climate conference.
  • The LMDC said in a statement, ‘During their own industrialization phase, the developed countries have overused their domestic carbon space and used those of developing countries. Disregarding this historical cumulative and per capita cumulative carbon emissions by not reflecting it in their current emission reduction pledges under the Paris Agreement and by promoting distant net zero targets for themselves amount to furthering carbon injustice and inequity’.

3. Geospatial Energy Map of India


NITI Aayog launched the Geospatial Energy Map of India


  • NITI Aayog in collaboration with Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) has developed a comprehensive Geographic Information System (GIS) Energy Map of India with the support of Energy Ministries of Government of India.
  • The GIS map provides a holistic picture of all energy resources of the country which enables visualisation of energy installations such as conventional power plants, oil and gas wells, petroleum refineries, coal fields and coal blocks, district-wise data on renewable energy power plants and renewable energy resource potential, etc. through 27 thematic layers.
  • The map attempts to identify and locate all primary and secondary sources of energy and their transportation/transmission networks to provide a comprehensive view of energy production and distribution in the country.
  • The GIS-based energy map of India may be useful for geospatial planning of resource.
  • This may also help in resource and environmental conservation measures, inter-state coordination on infrastructure planning including different corridors of energy and road transport highway.
  • It will also aid in disaster management and making investment decisions.

Read previous PIB here.

October 18th, 2021, PIB:- Download PDF Here

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