
Symbol Ta
Atomic Number 73
Atomic Mass 180.948 g.mol -1
Discovered by Anders Gustav Ekeberg in 1802

Chemical Properties of Tantalum

Group 5 Melting point 3017°C, 5463°F, 3290 K
Period 6 Boiling point 5455°C, 9851°F, 5728 K
Block d Density (g cm−3) 16.4
Atomic number 73 Relative atomic mass 180.948
State at 20°C Solid Key isotopes 180Ta, 181Ta
Electron configuration [Xe] 4f145d36s2

What is Tantalum?

  • Tantalum is a chemical element with the symbol Ta and atomic number 73 in the periodic table.
  • Its name originates from the name of a villain from Greek mythology, Tantalus.

Physical Properties of Tantalum

  • Tantalum appears as a shiny and silvery metal in its soft and pure form.
  • The metal is corrosion resistant and is bound to chemical attacks below 150o C.
  • This element is abundantly found in nature just like uranium.
  • Tantalum is in the form of hard, rare, blue-grey, lustrous metal.
  • The metal is said to be an excellent conductor of heat & electricity. It has a high melting point of about 3017 °C and a boiling point of about 5458 °C.
  • Apart from the Hydrochloric acid, this metal shows excellent resistance to all acids at normal temperatures.
  • It usually appears in the +5 oxidation state in its compounds. It is known to be one of the inert chemical elements found on the earth.

Applications of Tantalum

  • It finds its applications in the field of high-temperature devices such as in the engines of aircraft
  • It is used mainly as an alloying medium as it is helpful for hardening metals
  • It is employed in the manufacture of capacitors
  • It has a high number of medical as well as dental applications
  • It is utilised in the chemical industries as it exhibits the properties of resistance to corrosion.

Health Effects of Tantalum

  • Tantalum causes many health-related problems such as irritation of the skin and eye when inhaled, ingested or when it gets absorbed into the skin.
  • This metal is also dangerous to mucous membranes and also the upper respiratory tract.
  • This element might cause severe damage to the environment hence necessary measures need to be taken before disposing of it.
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