Important Central Banks of different countries are critical for candidates preparing for various competitive exams.
Which is the first Central Bank in the World? Sveriges Riksbank is the world’s first or oldest central bank. It is the central bank of Sweden founded in the year 1668.
Aspirants of exams like Bank, RRB, SSC, Insurance or other Government exams must be well versed with the names of Central Bank and their countries as the topic is covered under the General Awareness Section of most of these examinations.
What is a Central bank?
The Central Bank of the country is the apex bank that provides financial and banking services for its nation’s government and the commercial banks. It implements government monetary policies and issues currencies of the nation.
This article will provide the list of Central Banks of different Countries along with the sample questions asked in the exams related to the topic. Candidates will be able to download the List of 200+ Central Banks and their Countries in PDF format.
Central Banks of Different Countries PDF:-Download PDF Here
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List of Central Banks And Their Countries
Let’s have a look at the central banks and their countries. The table below enlists 76 important central banks of different countries. Candidates can download the full list of 200+ central banks and their countries PDF, given at the bottom of the article.
Central Banks of Different Countries of the World |
Candidates preparing for various government exams can check more topics of General Awareness:
Central Bank of Different Countries – Sample Questions for General Awareness
Understanding the relevance of Central Banks of different countries for competitive exams is important for better preparation. Hence, candidates must be well versed with the types of questions asked in the examination based central banks and their countries.
Hence, given below are sample question asked in the general awareness section of competitive exams related to central banks and countries.
Q.1. What is the name of the first institution recognized as the central bank of Sweden?
- Institut Nacional Andorrà de Finances
- National Bank of the Republic of Sweden
- Swedish Central Bank
- Sveriges Riksbank
Answer (4) Sveriges Riksbank
Q.2 Which of the following countries has no Central Bank?
- Scotland
- Panama
- Armenia
- Bangladesh
Answer (2) Panama
Q.3 What is the name of the Central bank of Antigua & Barbuda?
- Eastern Caribbean Central Bank
- Central Bank of Aruba
- Central Bank of Barbados
- Bank of the Republic
Answer (1) Eastern Caribbean Central Bank
Q.4. How many Federal Reserve Banks are there?
- 14
- 12
- 10
- 08
Answer (2) 12
Q.5. When was the first Central bank founded?
- 1568
- 1688
- 1751
- 1668
Answer (4) 1668
Apart from the above-given questions, candidates can check Previous Year Question Papers with solution PDF to understand the type of questions asked in the general awareness section of these examinations.
Central Banks of Different Countries PDF:-Download PDF Here
For more topics on General Awareness for various government exams, check
Aspirants of the government examinations can check the details and syllabus from the given links:
Bank Exam Syllabus | SSC Syllabus | RRB Syllabus | LIC Syllabus |