NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Civics Social and Political Life – III – Free PDF Download
NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Civics help students familiarise themselves with answering a particular question in an effective way. Civics is an important sub-subject in Social Science. Civics is the study of the rights and duties of citizenship. Class 8 Civics subject deals with topics related to human rights, duties, power, etc. Understanding these topics is essential to fetch more marks in the examination. Students of Class 8 can refer to the prescribed textbook of NCERT, and apart from that, they can rely on our NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Civics, in order to perform well.
All the solutions are solved by subject matter experts using proper examples. Students can refer to these solutions to compare their answers and rectify their mistakes. While preparing for exams, these solutions are the best study resource that can be blindly trusted. The subject matter experts at BYJU’S design the NCERT Class 8 Social Science solutions as per the understanding abilities of Class 8 students.
NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Civics
NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Civics cover all the questions in the NCERT textbook of Class 8 Civics. Solving the exercise questions provided at the end of each chapter is crucial to understand the concepts and memorising them. For this reason, the faculty use simple language to explain important concepts in an understandable manner. By using these solutions, students will get to know how to answer complex questions that come up in the final exam. They will understand how to approach difficult concepts, which are important from the exam perspective and are hard to remember.
The solutions will provide students with a clear idea of topics which need more practice and time. In the table below, we have provided chapter-wise PDFs of NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Civics for students to download and use for future reference.
Please note: According to the NCERT Class 8 Social Science textbook 2023-24, Chapters 3 and 4 have been merged as ‘Chapter 3 – Parliament and the Making of Laws,’ and Chapter 6 has been removed.
Students can download and refer to the NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Social Science Civics while solving the exercise questions from the NCERT Class 8 Textbook Social Science. These solutions will help students get good marks in the Class 8 exam.
NCERT Solutions For Class 8 Civics Book Chapter Description
There are a total of 5 units, with each unit having 2 chapters in it. Here we have provided an overview of each Chapter.
Chapter 1: The Indian Constitution
The exercise of this chapter has 6 questions. Some questions are short answer questions, some are descriptive, and the last one is map-based. Students will find the answers to all these in the chapter link provided above in the table. The questions are mainly based on concepts like the need of a constitution, power of elected representatives, key features of the Indian Constitution, etc.
Chapter 2: Understanding Secularism
In this chapter, students will understand the meaning of Secularism. Along with it, students will also understand Indian Secularism and the steps taken by Indian states to protect Secularism in India. The exercise contains 7 questions, and the answers to all of them are provided in the solutions.
Chapter 3: Why Do We Need A Parliament
Chapter 3 discusses some of the functions of parliament. Students will understand how the decision of people matters in a democratic country, the role of the parliament and the functions of the parliament. The exercise has only 3 questions, out of which 2 questions are for students to research.
Chapter 4: Understanding Laws
Law is commonly understood as a system of rules that are created and enforced through social or governmental institutions to regulate conduct. In this chapter, students will understand that Parliament is in charge of making laws. They will understand the ways through which laws are created in India. The exercise has 4 questions, and the answers to all these questions are provided in the solutions.
Chapter 5: Judiciary
This chapter contains 9 questions. NCERT Solutions of Class 8 Civics contains the answers to all these questions. The questions are mainly descriptive, and the last one is based on the Right to Food campaign, which is to be done by students themselves. So, the solution provides the answers to 8 questions in a simple format.
Chapter 6: Understanding Our Criminal Justice System
In this chapter, a fictional case of theft has been used to explain and highlight the process as well as the role of different individuals in the criminal justice system. At the end of the chapter, there is only one question to test students understanding of the Criminal Justice System of India.
Chapter 7: Understanding Marginalisation
Inequality affects different groups and communities through their marginalisation or exclusion from the mainstream. This Unit – both Chapters 7 and 8 – focuses on three groups, namely the Adivasis, the Muslims and the Dalits. These three groups have been chosen because the causes that contribute to each group’s marginalisation are different, and they sometimes experience marginalisation in different ways. This chapter will help students to identify the factors that contribute to marginalisation as well as to recognise and empathise with the marginalised. It mainly focuses on the experiences of Adivasi and Muslim communities.
Chapter 8: Confronting Marginalisation
This chapter discusses the ways in which the government, as well as the Adivasis, the Muslims and the Dalit communities themselves, have tried to address marginalisation in various ways. Students will learn how law-making functions. They also know the different policies and schemes that the government specifically target to benefit these communities.
Chapter 9: Public Facilities
Chapter 9 uses water as the primary example to discuss public facilities. This chapter will help students understand what is meant by the idea of public facilities and why the government needs to play a crucial role in their provision. The idea of equity, or the equal availability, affordability and quality of water for all, is one of the key issues related to public facilities that this chapter highlights.
Chapter 10: Law and Social Justice
Chapter 10 discusses the central role of the government in regulating economic activities. This is largely done through laws, and the chapter focuses on the importance of implementing existing laws and making new laws to protect the rights of workers, consumers and producers in the market. The Bhopal gas tragedy is discussed as an example of the lax enforcement of the laws. The chapter contains 9 questions, and answers to them are provided in the solutions PDF.
Students of Class 8 can refer to these NCERT Solutions when they face any difficulty while solving the exercise questions in the NCERT textbook. It is one of the best resources to prepare for the exam. Students who wish to score well in the final exam can access the solutions which are provided for free at BYJU’S.
To aid students with their exam preparation, the highly experienced faculty design the solutions in accordance with the latest syllabus of the CBSE board.
Frequently Asked Questions on NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Civics
Which are the important chapters in the NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Civics from the examination perspective?
Are the NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Civics PDFs sufficient for students to score high marks in the final exam?
Will the questions in the final exam appear from NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Civics?
What are the chapters present in the NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Civics?
1. The Indian Constitution
2. Understanding Secularism
3. Why Do We Need a Parliament
4. Understanding Laws
5. Judiciary
6. Understanding Our Criminal Justice System
7. Understanding Marginalisation
8. Confronting Marginalisation
9. Public Facilities
10. Law and Social Justice
Helps extremely it helps very much .
After reading this i can revise my whole syllabus of civics so that we can get a best score in exams