NCERT Solutions for Class 9 – Download PDFs
NCERT Solutions for Class 9 lays a foundation for Class 10 as well as for higher studies. The curriculum of Class 9 Maths, Science and Social Science is vast and quite difficult. It involves all the basic concepts that will also be useful for competitive exams such as IIT JEE, Olympiads, NEET etc. So, it is important for students to prepare and perform well in their CBSE Class 9 exams. To help them in their studies, we have provided the NCERT Class 9 Solutions.
A team of subject experts prepared the NCERT Solutions for Class 9, and the format is well-structured, as per the NCERT procedures. It describes each solution in a step-by-step manner so that students can understand it easily. As marks are allocated to each step, students will also acquire answer writing skills from an exam perspective. The annual exam question paper is designed from the NCERT Class 9 Book. So, solving the questions by referring to the NCERT Solutions will help the Class 9 students in exam preparations as well.
NCERT Class 9 Solutions for Maths, Science and Social Science
The NCERT Book is a good resource for students. It explains each chapter in a simple and easily understandable way. At the end of each chapter, there are exercise problems which contain questions based on it. These questions are provided to check whether students have understood the concepts taught in a particular chapter. Solving all the questions from NCERT Class 9 books for Maths, Science, and Social Science will ensure a positive result for the students.
Here, we have provided the NCERT Solutions for Class 9 for the subjects Maths, Science and Social Science. It contains answers to all the questions present in the 9th standard textbooks, especially prescribed for CBSE students. Those students who have trouble finding answers to complicated questions can refer to Class 9 NCERT Solutions from the links below. By clicking on the links, students will also find the PDFs for free download, which they can refer to offline as well.
NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Maths
The NCERT Class 9 Maths book consists of a total of 15 chapters. Each chapter has various exercises inside them. Students who aim to score high marks must solve all the questions in this book. For a better understanding of the topics, students must read the theory part of the topic and solve the examples provided in the book. After that, they should solve the exercise questions. Some of the chapters also contain optional exercises which have high-level questions. Although these questions are not asked in the exam, students must solve them to increase their problem-solving and analytical skills.
The NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Maths covers the answers to all the chapters. Referring to them during studies will help the students understand the concepts well. Subsequently, students can easily solve these types of questions without getting stuck anywhere. These solutions are provided in the simplest form and cover the answers to optional exercises as well. For students’ convenience, we have also provided the weightage of marks allocated to each unit of Maths below. This will be useful for students during their preparation, and they can make a study plan accordingly.
Unit Name | Marks |
Unit 1: Number System | 10 |
Unit 2: Algebra | 20 |
Unit 3: Coordinate Geometry | 04 |
Unit 4: Geometry | 27 |
Unit 5: Mensuration | 13 |
Unit 6: Statistics and Probability | 06 |
Total | 80 |
NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Science
The Class 9 Science subject develops the spirit of enquiry, creativity, objectivity and aesthetic sensibility among the students. This subject provides an opportunity for the students to ask their doubts that arise during their studies. Thus, it creates a qualitative reasoning ability in them. The NCERT Class 9 Science book also has 15 chapters similar to Maths. The book has been designed around seven broad themes, i.e. Food, Materials, The World of the Living, How Things Work, Moving Things, People and Ideas, Natural Phenomenon and Natural Resources. The Physics, chemistry and biology disciplines are not separately defined in Class 9 Science; instead, they have been provided in the form of chapters.
The best way to study Science is to read a particular topic before it is taught in class. Then during the class, they should listen carefully to what the teacher is explaining. This will clear all their doubts and make the concepts more clear. Next, they should answer the questions that are provided at the end of each chapter. In case they cannot find the answer to any question, they must refer to the NCERT Solutions of Class 9. We have also provided the weightage of each unit of Science in the table below.
Unit Name | Marks |
Matter – Its Nature and Behaviour | 25 |
Organisation in the Living World | 22 |
Motion, Force and Work | 27 |
Food: Food Production | 06 |
Total | 80 |
NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Social Science
The NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Social Science created by the expert faculty at BYJU’S aims to provide the students of Class 9 with a clear idea of how to write the answers in an exam. Understanding the solutions and the methodology of writing the answers will help them score high marks in the exam. The Subject of Social Science in Class 9 is divided into History, Geography, Political Science and Economics. We have made sure that all the questions in these books have been solved meticulously to help the students in their exam preparation.
Students can access the NCERT Solutions for History, Geography, Political Science and Economics of Class 9 Social Science from the links provided underneath.
Why It’s Important to Follow NCERT Solution for Class 9
Quite often, students are not able to get the answers to some questions. These NCERT Solutions for Class 9 will help them find the answers to all such questions. The subject experts provide these solutions for the students to understand easily. The answers contain step-by-step solutions to each problem. These answers are written from an exam point of view so that students can write the same answers for the exam. This will help them in fetching more marks.
The NCERT Solutions for Class 9 are beneficial for students who are weak in their studies and are shy to ask their doubts. Through this, they not just get to know the answers but also understand the concept well. Such students can improve their performance by working hard throughout the year.
How to Study Through NCERT Class 9 Solutions
Just blindly going through NCERT Solutions and mugging them up will not give any fruitful results to the students. To make the full utilisation of these NCERT Class 9 Solutions, first, they must read the entire chapters thoroughly. Upon understanding the concepts, they should solve the examples (if given in that chapter). Finally, they should solve the exercise questions. Students must try to solve the questions by themselves. Before looking into the NCERT Solution for Class 9, they should attempt 2-3 tries to questions that they were not able to solve. After that, they should match the answer written by them and the answer that is provided in the solution PDF. It will give them a better idea of writing the answers. For those questions that they were not able to solve, they should carefully understand how it is solved and then try to solve them again without looking at the answers.
Other NCERT Resources
Apart from the solutions, there are other NCERT resources for the students, which will help them prepare better for the annual exam. After grasping the concepts from the NCERT Book, students must solve the NCERT Exemplar. The question provided in the exemplar is of a higher level, which will enhance their analytical and aptitude skills. Other than exemplars, students can also solve the RD Sharma and RS Aggarwal books for more practice.
How to Prepare for Competitive Exam Through NCERT Class 9 Solutions
NCERT is the fundamental book that provides a basic understanding of the topics that are taught in Class 9. For most competitive and Olympiad exams, the basic foundation of the students needs to be very solid. For this, students must start building their concepts from Class 9. This is the stage from where self-study begins playing a major role in students’ lives.
The pressure of studies is less in Class 9, so students can also use this time to learn other things as per their interests. Also, they can start their preparation for the Olympiad and other competitive exams at this stage. NCERT Solution for Class 9 will also help in this preparation. Whatever concepts students learn will help them further in solving the problems of competitive exams.
Apart from NCERT Solutions, students can also get other preparation material at BYJU’S, such as previous years’ papers, syllabus, study notes, sample papers, and important questions for all the classes to prepare more efficiently. Keep learning and stay tuned for further updates on CBSE and other competitive exams. Download the BYJU’S App and subscribe to our YouTube channel to access interactive Maths and Science videos.
its so nice
Thank for heping us
Sponge is solid, but we can still compress it, why?
A sponge is solid, but we can still compress it because the sponge contains tiny pores in it that are filled with air. Hence, when a sponge is pressed, the air filled in these pores would be expelled from the holes making it highly compressible.
Thank you
Thanks BYJU’s