CBSE Important Questions are the crucial study materials that students can use as soon as they complete their syllabus. The Important Questions of CBSE are the best resource for students, which helps in revision. By practising the important questions of all the chapters, students get through the important topics most likely to be asked in the exam. They also get to know the different ways through which a question can be framed from a particular chapter. So, if in the exam, a question is twisted and asked differently, they could able to answer it correctly. By practising the CBSE Important questions, students get acquainted with MCQs and short and long-answer questions. The important questions are framed as per the CBSE Syllabus.
The Central Board of Secondary Education is known for its fair exam system, well-structured syllabus, standard question paper and marking scheme. The CBSE question paper is set comprehensively based on the latest exam pattern. Students should be aware of the paper pattern and must practise questions based on it. To help students with it, we have provided the Important Questions for CBSE Board Classes 6 to 12.
Subject experts create the important questions after thorough research on exam trends, paper patterns and the latest released CBSE Sample Papers. Some of the questions which were frequently asked in past year papers are also included in these important questions. So, practising them will prepare students effectively for the exams. These important questions will also familiarise students with the difficulty level of the exam and marking scheme.
Get Chapter-wise Important Questions for CBSE Board Classes 6 to 12
The subject-wise important questions for CBSE Classes 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 are provided in the table below. By clicking on the link, students can access the important questions for all the chapters of a particular subject. By solving these questions, students will get a chapter-wise preparation strategy. These questions will make them more focused on their exam and bring a sense of discipline and seriousness to their exam preparation. From the table below, students can access the important questions for Classes 6 to 12 for Maths, Science and Social Science subjects.
Click on the links below to access the Chapter-wise CBSE Important Questions for Classes 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12:
Students must have found these CBSE Important Questions useful for their exam preparation. For more exam-related resources for CBSE/ICSE/State Board/Competitive exams, keep visiting BYJU’S website. They can also download the BYJU’S App to get interactive study videos.