CNA 30 March 2022:- Download PDF Here


A. GS 1 Related
B. GS 2 Related
1. Myanmar’s continued suspension of democracy
2. Indian power projects replace Chinese ventures in Sri Lanka
1. Facebook and fake news
C. GS 3 Related
D. GS 4 Related
E. Editorials
1. Bridging the bay in quest of a stronger BIMSTEC
1. Unreformable criminal justice
F. Prelims Facts
1. Rhino population up by 200 in Kaziranga
G. Tidbits
H. UPSC Prelims Practice Questions
I. UPSC Mains Practice Questions
FIP Magazine

Nut Graf
India’s relationship with Myanmar has been predicated on maintaining a balance in its neighbourhood in order to check China’s growing influence, and as a result, it has not been critical of Myanmar’s military coup. India has to play a balancing act of maintaining good relations with the powers in Myanmar as well as nudge the restoration of democracy in the neighbouring nation.

2. Indian power projects replace Chinese ventures in Sri Lanka

Syllabus: India and its neighbourhood-relations.

Mains: Indian investments in Srilanka; Issues with Chinese loans


India will set up hybrid power projects in three Islands off Jaffna, effectively replacing the Chinese venture.

What is the issue?

  • In 2019, a Chinese company was awarded a $12 million contract to build wind turbines on three small islands in the Palk Strait, which connects southern India and Sri Lanka.
  • Work on the islets of Nainativu, Analaitivu, and Delft was never started due to Indian protests about Chinese activity so close to its coast, and the project was later scrapped.

Indian Projects in Sri Lanka:

  • India plans to build hybrid power plants on the islands of Nainativu, Delft as well as Analaitivu. This is the third Indian energy project coming up in Sri Lanka’s north and east.
  • The previous agreements with Sri Lanka are the National Thermal Power Corporation’s solar venture in eastern Sampur town and the Adani Group’s renewable energy projects in Mannar and Pooneryn in the north.
  • In addition, India and Sri Lanka agreed to establish a Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre.
  • India will also assist in the development of fisheries harbours in the Northern Province’s Point Pedro, Pesalai, and Gurunagar, as well as Balapitiya, south of Colombo.

India’s concerns with projects awarded to a Chinese firm:

  • Sri Lanka, which lies just across the narrow Palk Strait off India’s southeastern coast, is considered part of India’s sphere of influence.
  • China would have been adjacent to India’s southern coast if the Chinese power plant project had been realized.

Issues with Chinese loans:

  • Under Beijing’s controversial Belt and Road Initiative, China is one of the largest investors in various infrastructure projects in Sri Lanka.
  • Infrastructure projects financed with Chinese loans are being blamed for the country’s debt crisis.
  • Sri Lanka’s foreign reserves are depleting, but the country still owes $7 billion in foreign debt.
  • There has been widespread criticism, both domestically and internationally, and growing concerns that China is luring Sri Lanka into a debt trap.
Nut Graf
Indian investment in different projects in Sri Lanka is significant from a strategic point of view as India has to resist the Chinese assertiveness while maintaining peace and stability in the Indian Ocean region.


1. Facebook and fake news

Syllabus: Important aspects of governance, transparency and accountability.

Mains: Issues raised over Facebook Algorithms; Impact of Facebook on Politics

Context: The Parliamentary Standing Committee on Information and Technology questioned Facebook officials over allegations that the algorithm promotes one political party. 

Concerns with Facebook Algorithms:

  • Misuse for Political Advertising: Political campaigns, political action committees, and private citizens with their own agendas now have a new way to target voters via online platforms. As concerns about fake news stories arose, the political role of Facebook and the other internet giant, Google, was called into question.
  • Threat to User Privacy: Online platforms that make money from targeted advertising are in the business of collecting as much personal data about their users as possible. Users have no way of stopping Facebook from collecting their personal information, which is a violation of their privacy.
  • Spreading Harmful Content: Online platforms have created the world’s largest forum for bad actors to post and spread violent and extremist content, fake news, and misinformation. According to some reports, flaws in Facebook’s algorithms have resulted in an epidemic of fake news and hate speech.
Nut Graf
The allegations by the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Information and Technology have put the political role of Facebook and Google under scrutiny. There is a need to address concerns arising from Facebook algorithms such as fake news, the spread of hate speech and political advertising, or else, the functioning of democracy could be endangered.


1. Unreformable criminal justice

Syllabus: Important Aspects of Governance

Mains: Concerns with the Indian criminal justice system


  • Aiming to make comprehensive changes in criminal laws, the government has initiated the process of amendment to laws such as the Indian Penal Code, the Code of Criminal Procedure and the Indian Evidence Act in consultation with all stakeholders.
  • In this context, the article analyses some of the challenges in India’s criminal justice system.


Criminal Justice System:

  • The Criminal Justice System refers to the agencies of government charged with enforcing the law, adjudicating crime, and correcting criminal conduct.
  • The legal framework for Criminal Jurisprudence in India includes the Indian Penal Code and Code of Criminal Procedure.

Concerns/challenges in India’s criminal justice system:

Large number of pending cases:

  • There are more than 4 crore cases pending before the judiciary including the Supreme Court, High Courts and district courts.
  • The large pendency is contributing to a large number of undertrial prisoners which is consequently leading to human rights violations of the undertrials and convicts.

Inaccessibility of justice:

  • The inordinate emphasis on institution-building rather than capacity building of the judiciary has led to a situation where the justice mechanisms have become inaccessible to the poor and marginalised classes of citizens.

Police excesses:

  • The abuse of power by the police remains a major concern.
  • There are several Supreme Court and high court cases that have revealed how investigations were pursued in order to frame innocent persons or subject them to harassment.

Excessive stress on crime prevention:

  • The Indian criminal system sets itself the utopian goal of achieving a hundred per cent rate of success in crime prevention. This is an unattainable ideal.
  • Initiatives such as community policing mechanisms and situational crime prevention have been ineffective. Also, the excessive stress on crime control seems to be promoting the abuse of power by the police.

Continued reliance on custodial punishments:

  • Despite several research studies showing that punishment has little impact on lowering crime rates, custodial punishment remains the main aspect of the criminal justice system in India. This is leading to the problem of overcrowding of prisons.
  • Diversionary principles in the treatment of offenders are yet to materialise despite several Law Commissions and committees having recommended non-custodial measures of punishment of offenders.

Lack of data:

  • There continues to be a lack of reliable state-sponsored data collection, maintenance and analysis mechanisms that can help in evidence-based policymaking in the realm of criminal justice reforms.
    • Criminal justice system reforms broadly comprise three sets of reforms viz. Judicial reforms, Prison reforms, Police reforms.


Accepting issues:

  • While taking measures to reform criminal laws and criminal justice, the existing challenges in the criminal justice system need to be acknowledged first. Accepting and acknowledging the problems will have a favourable impact on the way we plan our institutional reforms and responses.
    • Acknowledging the inaccessibility issue being faced by the poor and marginalized sections of society will lead to measures being taken to empower such sections to tap into the criminal justice system.
    • Acknowledging the limitations of mere ethical obligations on police officers to limit their misuse or abuse of power will lead to the adoption of measures like independent investigative procedures and stern punitive sanctions against errant police officers.
    • Accepting the pendency issue in the criminal justice system may force us to reconsider the tendency to over-criminalise conduct.

Holistic reforms:

  • There is a need for holistic reforms in our criminal justice system.
  • Addressing the existing challenges in the system requires concurrent reforms at the institutional, social and individual levels.
Nut Graf
Any attempt to reform the criminal justice system in India must begin by acknowledging the challenges plaguing it. The system needs a major overhaul with concurrent reforms at the institutional, social and individual levels to address these challenges.

F. Prelims Facts

1. Rhino population up by 200 in Kaziranga

Syllabus: GS3: Environment and Ecology: Conservation, environmental pollution and degradation, environmental impact assessment.

Prelims: Indian Rhinoceros; Kaziranga National Park


A recent Rhino census found that the population of Assam’s iconic one-horned rhino at Kaziranga National Park has increased.

Rhino Census:

Know about Indian Rhinoceros.     

  • The latest census of Indian rhinoceros was carried out by the World Heritage Site.
  • The population of the greater one-horned or Indian rhinoceros in the Kaziranga National Park and Tiger Reserve has increased by 200 in four years.
    • In 2022, the census put the estimated number of rhinos at Kaziranga National Park at 2,613.
    • In 2018, the rhino population in the park was 2413. 
    • In 2015, the rhino census had counted 2401 rhinos in the park.

G. Tidbits

Nothing here for today!!!

H. UPSC Prelims Practice Questions

Q1. Consider the following statements with regards to Rhinos in India:
  1. Launched in 2005, Indian Rhino Vision 2020 was an ambitious effort to attain a wild population of at least 3,000 greater one-horned rhinos spread over seven protected areas in the Indian state of Assam by the year 2020.
  2. Wild-to-wild translocations were an essential part of IRV 2020 – moving rhinos from densely populated parks like Manas National Park to ones in need of more rhinos, like Kaziranga National Park.
  3. The five rhino range nations (India, Bhutan, Nepal, Indonesia and Malaysia) have signed a declaration ‘The New Delhi Declaration on Asian Rhinos 2019’ for the conservation and protection of the species.

Choose the correct statement/s:

  1. 1 only
  2. 1 & 3 only
  3. 2 & 3 only
  4. All of the above

Answer: b


  • Indian Rhino Vision 2020 was established in 2005 with the goal of achieving a wild population of at least 3,000 greater one-horned rhinos spread across seven protected areas in the Indian state of Assam by 2020. Hence Statement 1 is correct.
  • Wild-to-wild translocations were an essential part of IRV 2020 – moving rhinos from densely populated parks like Kaziranga NP to ones in need of more rhinos, like Manas NP. Hence Statement 2 is not correct.
  • For the conservation and protection of rhinos, the five rhino range nations (India, Bhutan, Nepal, Indonesia and Malaysia) signed the ‘New Delhi Declaration on Asian Rhinos 2019’. Hence Statement 3 is correct.
Q2. Consider the following statements with regards to BIMSTEC:
  1. Initially, it was formed with four Member States with the acronym ‘BISTEC’ (Bangladesh, India, Sri Lanka and Thailand Economic Cooperation).
  2. It got renamed ‘BIMST-EC’ in 1997, following the inclusion of Myanmar.
  3. With the admission of Nepal and Bhutan in 2004, the name of the grouping was changed to ‘Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation’ (BIMSTEC).

Choose the correct code:

  1. 1 & 2 only
  2. 2 & 3 only
  3. 1 & 3 only
  4. All of the above

Answer: d


  • The Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC) is a regional organization comprising seven Member States lying in the littoral and adjacent areas of the Bay of Bengal.
  • Initially, the economic bloc was formed with four Member States with the acronym ‘BIST-EC’ (Bangladesh, India, Sri Lanka and Thailand Economic Cooperation). Hence Statement 1 is correct.
  • Following the inclusion of Myanmar in 1997 during a special Ministerial Meeting in Bangkok, the Group was renamed ‘BIMST-EC’ (Bangladesh, India, Myanmar, Sri Lanka and Thailand Economic Cooperation). Hence Statement 2 is correct.
  • With the admission of Nepal and Bhutan at the 6th Ministerial Meeting, the name of the grouping was changed to ‘Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation’ (BIMSTEC). Hence Statement 3 is correct.
Q3. The MNREGA wages are fixed according to the changes in
  1. Consumer Price Index – Agriculture Labour
  2. Consumer Price Index – Rural Labourer
  3. Consumer Price Index – Industrial Workers
  4. Consumer Price Index – Rural Urban Combined

Answer: a


  • The MGNREGA wage rates are fixed according to changes in the CPI-AL (Consumer Price Index-Agriculture Labour), which reflects the increase in the inflation in rural areas.
  • Hence option A is correct.
Q4. Consider the following statements with regards to Sariska Tiger Reserve:
  1. Kankarwadi fort is located in the centre of the Reserve and it is said that Mughal emperor Aurangzeb had imprisoned his brother Dara Shikoh at this fort in the struggle for succession to the throne.
  2. The Reserve also houses a famous temple of Lord Hanuman at Pandupole related to Pandavas.
  3. Sariska is the first tiger reserve to have successfully relocated Royal Bengal tigers in India.

Choose the correct code:

  1. 1 & 2 only
  2. 2 & 3 only
  3. 1 & 3 only
  4. All of the above

Answer: d


  • Kankwari fort was used by Aurangzeb to imprison his brother Dara Shikoh in the 17th century AD. This fort is located on the premises of the Sariska tiger reserve.
  • Pandupole is an ancient Hanuman temple located inside the Sariska National Park. The legend is that the Pandavas spent their exile time unknown (Gupta time) here.
  • Sariska is the first tiger reserve to have successfully relocated Royal Bengal tigers in India and as of 2020, there are around 20 tigers in the reserve.
  • Hence all the statements are correct.
Q5. In India, separation of judiciary from the executive is enjoined by [UPSC 2020]
  1. the Preamble of the Constitution
  2. a Directive Principle of State Policy
  3. the Seventh Schedule
  4. the conventional practice

Answer: b


  • Article 50 of the Indian Constitution recommends the state to take efforts to separate the judiciary from the executive in the public services of the State. The Criminal Procedure Code (1973) has affected the separation of the Judiciary from the Executive in pursuance of Article 50 under the Directive Principles of State Policy.
  • Hence option B is correct.

I. UPSC Mains Practice Questions

  1. Examine how the current political situation in Myanmar and its proximity to Russia will affect India’s interests? (250 words; 15 marks) [GS-2, International Relations]
  2. India’s criminal justice regime is beset with problems which seem ingrained in not only the constitutive fabric of institutions, but also in the psyche of their functionaries. Critically analyse. (250 words; 15 marks) [GS-2, Polity & Governance]

Read the previous CNA here.

CNA 30 March 2022:- Download PDF Here


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