22 Feb 2023: PIB Summary for UPSC


1. ASA between India & Guyana
2. Convention on International Civil Aviation (Chicago Convention, 1944)
3. 22nd Law Commission of India
4. MoU between IFC-IOR & RCOC
5. 100% Electrification of Rail Network In UP
6. Admission Age for Grade 1 to 6+ years
FIP Magazine

1. ASA between India & Guyana

Syllabus – GS2, Bilateral agreements involving India and/or affecting India’s interests.

Prelims – Air Services Agreement between India & Guyana.

Context – The Union Cabinet approved the signing of the Air Services Agreement (ASA) between the Government of India and the Government of the Co-operative Republic of Guyana.

Details –

  • The approval of the new Air Service Agreement (ASA) between India and Guyana will provide an enabling environment for enhanced and seamless connectivity while providing commercial opportunities to the carriers of both countries.
  • Indians have a sizable presence in Guyana and are the largest ethnic group comprising about 40% of the population. The ASA provides the legal framework for air operations between the countries which is based on the principles of sovereignty of nations, nationality of carriers and reciprocity in terms of commercial opportunities for designated airlines of each side.
  • This agreement will enter into force after the exchange of diplomatic notes between the countries confirming that each party has completed the necessary internal procedure.

2. Convention on International Civil Aviation (Chicago Convention, 1944)

Syllabus – GS2, Global Agreements, Important International Institutions.

Prelims – International Civil Aviation Convention.

Context – The Union Cabinet approved ratification of protocols on amendments in the International Civil Aviation Convention.

Details –

  • The Union Cabinet approved ratification of three protocols relating to amendments in the Convention on International Civil Aviation or the Chicago Convention 1944.
  • The ratification has been approved in the following three protocols-
    • Protocol to insert Article 3 bis in the Chicago Convention, 1944 to refrain member States from resorting to the use of weapons against civil aircraft in flight (Protocol signed in May 1984); 
    • Protocol to amend Article 50 (a) of the Chicago Convention, 1944 for raising the strength of the ICAO Council from 36 to 40 (Protocol signed in October 2016); and
    •  Protocol to amend Article 56 of the Chicago Convention, 1944 for raising the strength of the Air Navigation Commission from 18 to 21 (Protocol signed in October 2016).
  • The Convention on International Civil Aviation was signed on 7th December 1944 in Chicago. The Chicago convention has undergone a few amendments and India has been ratifying such amendments from time to time. It established the core principles permitting international transport by air, and also led to the creation of the ICAO.
  • The ratification would provide better chances and opportunities for India to become more instrumental in matters pertaining to international civil aviation.

3. 22nd Law Commission of India

Syllabus – GS2, Executive Body.

Prelims – 22nd Law Commission of India.

Context – Extension of the term of the 22nd Law Commission of India up to 31st August 2024.

Details –

  • The Union Cabinet approved the extension of the term of the 22nd Law Commission of India up to 31st August 2024.
  • The Law Commission of India is a non-statutory body constituted by the Central Government from time to time. The 22nd Law Commission of India was constituted for a period of 3 years on February 21, 2020, and its tenure was supposed to end on February 20, 2023.
  • The Chairperson (Justice Rituraj Awasti, retd) and Members of the Twenty-second Law Commission have joined office recently and have taken up several pending projects for examination and report, being the work in progress. Therefore, the tenure of the Twenty-second Law Commission has been extended up to 31st August 2024. 
  • Besides identifying laws which are no longer relevant, the Law Commission is also mandated to suggest enactment of new legislation as may be necessary to implement the Directive Principles and to attain the objectives set out in the Preamble of the Constitution.

4. MoU between IFC-IOR & RCOC

Syllabus – GS3, Maritime Security Challenges and their Management.

Prelims – Navy’s IFC-IOR inks MoU with Seychelles RCOC.

Context – MoU signed between the Information Fusion Centre-Indian Ocean Region (IFC-IOR) and Seychelles-based Regional Coordination Operations Centre (RCOC).

Details –

  • An MoU signed between Information Fusion Centre (IFC) – IOR and RCOC aims to promote collaboration between the two centres towards enhancing maritime domain awareness, information sharing and expertise development.
  • IFC-IOR was established by the GoI in December 2018. It is a regional maritime centre hosted by the Navy. 
  • Since its inception, IFC-IOR has established linkages with several multinational maritime security centres and the current initiative will enable deeper collaboration between the two centres.
  • This MoU will allow the centres to effectively develop a common maritime understanding to counter non-traditional maritime security threats like piracy and armed robbery, Illegal Unregulated and Unreported (IUU) Fishing, poaching, maritime terrorism, etc, especially on the Western Indian Ocean. 
  • Seychelles-based RCOC and Regional Maritime Information Fusion Centre (RMIFC) are part of maritime defence architecture in the Western Indian Ocean.

5. 100% Electrification of Rail Network In UP

Syllabus – GS3, Infrastructure –  Green Railway Network. 

Prelims – 100% electrification of railways in UP

Context – Shri Narendra Modi expressed his happiness over the 100 percent electrification of the Broad Gauge rail network in Uttar Pradesh.

Details –

  • The railways achieved a significant milestone by completing the electrification of all broad gauge routes in Uttar Pradesh with the completion of the Subhagpur-Pachperwa Broad Gauge (BG) route in the North Eastern Railway.
  • With 85% of route kilometres electrified, Indian Railways is on track to accomplish its Mission 100% electrification and become the largest green railway network in the world.

6. Admission Age for Grade 1 to 6+ years

Syllabus – GS2, Education – Government policies and interventions.

Prelims – NEP, 2020

Context – The Ministry of Education asked States & UTs to align the admission age for Grades 1 to 6+ years.

Details –

  • The Department of School Education & Literacy, Ministry of Education has directed all the State Governments and UT administrations to align their age to admission with the National Educational Policy, 2020 and provide admission to Grade-I at the age of 6+ years.
  • The States/UTs have also been advised to initiate the process of designing and running a two years Diploma in Preschool Education (DPSE) course.
  • As per the National Education Policy 2020, the Foundational Stage (between 3-8 years) includes 3 years of pre-school education and two years of early primary Grade â…  and Grade â…¡.

Read the previous PIB articles here.

February 22nd, 2023, PIB:- Download PDF Here

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