Selina Concise Mathematics for Class 10 Solutions are put together by subject experts by keeping in mind the exam preparation of the students. The Class 10 ICSE Maths Selina Solutions PDF can be easily accessed by students to start an effective preparation for their upcoming exams. Students can now solve any problem from the ICSE Selina Concise textbooks by referring to Selina Solutions. The main aim to create such a vital resource for students is to help them self analyze their weaknesses. It also paves the way for the students to compare the ICSE Class 10 Maths Selina Solutions they gave for the questions in Selina textbook and check how far they could answer.
The ICSE Class 10 Maths Selina Solutions PDF is the best guide students can rely on and to also build up confidence in solving problems. It provides students with a strong conceptual knowledge too. Students can explore the key technique in presenting a solution to a problem. The Selina Solutions Concise Mathematics Class 10 can be accessed from the links below.
In addition, various other study materials like worksheets, model papers and previous year question papers can be accessed by students to fetch excellent marks in their examinations. Also, the Selina Maths Class 10 Solutions can be practised timely by the students to get familiar with the question paper patterns and different types of questions that might be asked in the exam.
Selina Solutions Concise Mathematics For Class 10
The 10th ICSE Selina Maths Solutions PDF file can be used by students to get a strong grip over the concepts under each chapter of the textbook as it’s the best reference material. Also, when students solve the problems of Selina Concise Mathematics textbook using solutions, it mainly improves their problem-solving skills, which are very vital from the exam perspective.
Selina Solutions Concise Mathematics Class 10 Chapter 1 – GST [Goods and Services Tax]
The first chapter of Selina Concise Mathematics helps students understand computation of tax, GST calculation and Input Tax Credit (ITC). The ICSE Class 10 Maths Selina Solutions are made available for students to learn the right methods and tricks in solving problems.
Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 Chapter 1 Exercises
Chapter 1 GST [Goods and Services Tax] Exercise 1(A) Chapter 1 GST [Goods and Services Tax] Exercise 1(B) |
Selina ICSE Solutions for Class 10 Maths Chapter 2 – Banking (Recurring Deposit Accounts)
Chapter 2 of Selina Concise Mathematics textbook has problems based on banking concepts like computing maturity value of a Recurring Deposit Account and the different methods of finding it. Our faculty at BYJU’S has explained all these concepts in an interactive manner to help students gain strong conceptual knowledge.
This chapter of ICSE Class 10 Maths Selina Solutions contains two exercises and their solutions links are provided as below.
Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 Chapter 2 Exercises
Chapter 2 Banking (Recurring Deposit Accounts) Exercise 2(A) Chapter 2 Banking (Recurring Deposit Accounts) Exercise 2(B) |
Selina Solutions Concise Mathematics Class 10 Chapter 3 – Shares and Dividend
The 3rd chapter of Selina Concise Mathematics contains problems based on purchasing shares at a premium or discount and calculating the profit with the investment, i.e. dividend. All the solutions to these problems are well explained in a simple language to match the capabilities of students to enhance their exam preparations.
Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 Chapter 3 Exercises
Chapter 3 Shares and Dividend Exercise 3(A) Chapter 3 Shares and Dividend Exercise 3(B) Chapter 3 Shares and Dividend Exercise 3(C) |
Selina Solutions Concise Mathematics Class 10 Chapter 4 – Linear Inequations (In One Variable)
The exercise wise problems of Chapter 4 ICSE Class 10 Maths Selina Solutions are solved by subject experts at BYJU’S to help students take up the exams with confidence. The important topics which are covered in this chapter are solving linear inequations algebraically and representing the solution on the number line.
Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 Chapter 4 Exercises
Chapter 4 Linear Inequations (In One Variable) Exercise 4(A) Chapter 4 Linear Inequations (In One Variable) Exercise 4(B) |
Selina Solutions Concise Mathematics Class 10 Chapter 5 – Quadratic Equations
One variable equation having the highest power of the variable as two is known as quadratic equation. In this chapter, students will learn to identify quadratic equations, examine the nature of the roots, solving quadratic equations by factorisation method and using quadratic formula. ICSE Class 10 Maths Selina Solutions created by subject experts at BYJU’S can be utilised by students to solve the exercise wise problems in this chapter.
Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 Chapter 5 Exercises
Selina Solutions Concise Mathematics Class 10 Chapter 6 – Solving (simple) Problems (Based on Quadratic Equations)
In this chapter, students will solve problems based on numbers, time and work, geometrical figures, distance, speed and time and miscellaneous problems with the application of solving quadratic equations. BYJU’S has created ICSE Class 10 Maths Selina Solutions for these exercise problems after conducting wide research on each concept. Students can use these solutions when solving the chapter wise problems.
Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 Chapter 6 Exercises
Selina Solutions Concise Mathematics Class 10 Chapter 7 – Ratio and Proportion (Including Properties and Uses)
Chapter 7 Ratio and Proportion of Selina Concise Mathematics explains the concept of ratio, composition of ratios, proportion, continued proportion, some important properties of proportion and direct applications. The ICSE Class 10 Maths Selina Solutions PDF has explanations in simple language to enhance conceptual knowledge.
Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 Chapter 7 Exercises
Selina Solutions Concise Mathematics Class 10 Chapter 8 – Remainder and Factor Theorems
The concept of remainder theorem, factor theorem and factorising given polynomial by using factor theorem is studied in this chapter. The PDF format of ICSE Class 10 Maths Selina Solutions is made available in order to gear up students’ exam preparations.
Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 Chapter 8 Exercises
Chapter 8 Remainder and Factor Theorems Exercise 8(A) Chapter 8 Remainder and Factor Theorems Exercise 8(B) Chapter 8 Remainder and Factor Theorems Exercise 8(C) |
ICSE Class 10 Maths Selina Solutions Chapter 9 – Matrices
A rectangular arrangement of numbers, arranged in rows and columns is called a matrix. Chapter 9 Matrices contains important concepts like order, elements, types, transpose, equality and operations between matrices. Students can make use of the Selina ICSE Maths Class 10 Solutions PDF prepared by subject experts at BYJU’S, as a reference to solve these problems.
Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 Chapter 9 Exercises
Chapter 9 Matrices Exercise 9(A) Chapter 9 Matrices Exercise 9(B) Chapter 9 Matrices Exercise 9(C) Chapter 9 Matrices Exercise 9(D) |
Selina Solutions Concise Mathematics Class 10 Chapter 10 – Arithmetic Progression
The 10th chapter of Selina Concise Mathematics gives knowledge on arithmetic progression, its general (nth) term, sum of n terms of A.P, manipulating 3 or more terms in A.P, properties and word problems. The students can refer to the ICSE Class 10 Maths Selina Solutions to get an idea about the steps involved in solving such problems.
Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 Chapter 10 Exercises
Selina Solutions Concise Mathematics Class 10 Chapter 11 – Geometric Progression
Chapter 11 explains Geometric Progression, its general term, properties, sum of n terms and geometric mean between 2 numbers. The ICSE Class 10 Maths Selina Solutions PDF can be downloaded for free by the students who wish to master the steps of solving problems.
Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 Chapter 11 Exercises
Chapter 11 Geometric Progressions Exercise 11(A) Chapter 11 Geometric Progressions Exercise 11(B) Chapter 11 Geometric Progressions Exercise 11(C) |
Selina Solutions Concise Mathematics Class 10 Chapter 12 – Reflection
This chapter contains knowledge of coordinates, coordinate axes, reflection of points in axes and origin with/without using graph paper. The concept of invariable point is also discussed in this exercise. Students can also use the PDF to solve problems of Selina Concise Mathematics textbook with competence.
Chapter 12 has only two exercises and ICSE Class 10 Maths Selina Solutions links are given right below.
Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 Chapter 12 Exercises
Chapter 12 Reflection Exercise 12(A) Chapter 12 Reflection Exercise 12(B) |
Selina Solutions Concise Mathematics Class 10 Chapter 13 – Section and Mid-Point Formula
Section formula, finding points of trisection, mid-point formula and calculating the centroid of a triangle are the main topics covered under this chapter. By using the PDF of solutions, students will get a quick overview of the concepts, which are detailed under each exercise.
This chapter has three exercises and these ICSE Class 10 Maths Selina Solutions links are provided here.
Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 Chapter 13 Exercises
Chapter 13 Section and Mid-Point Formula Exercise 13(A) Chapter 13 Section and Mid-Point Formula Exercise 13(B) Chapter 13 Section and Mid-Point Formula Exercise 13(C) |
Selina Solutions Concise Mathematics Class 10 Chapter 14 – Equation of a Line
Chapter 14 of Selina Concise Mathematics textbook comprises 5 exercises dealing with basic concepts of equation of line, inclination, slope of a straight line, slopes of parallel and perpendicular lines, condition for collinearity of three points, X and Y – intercepts and equally inclined lines. Methods used in solving problems along with shortcut tips are well highlighted to help students boost their exam preparations.
Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 Chapter 14 Exercises
Selina Solutions Concise Mathematics Class 10 Chapter 15 – Similarity (With Applications to Maps and Models)
Students can now access the chapter-wise solutions of Selina Concise Mathematics textbook prepared according to the latest ICSE guidelines. This chapter discusses conditions for similarity of two triangles, Basic Proportionality Theorem with applications and relation between the areas of two similar triangles. Similarity as a size transformation and applications to maps and models are the additional concepts covered later in this chapter. Students can self assess their knowledge about the entire chapter by solving these exercise problems using the ICSE Class 10 Maths Selina Solutions PDF.
Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 Chapter 15 Exercises
Selina Solutions Concise Mathematics Class 10 Chapter 16 – Loci (Locus and its Constructions)
In this chapter, we shall discuss problems on symmetry theorems, its applications, finding the locus and it’s construction. The ICSE Class 10 Maths Selina Solutions are well-explained in an interactive manner to make the subject easy for the students to understand.
Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 Chapter 16 Exercises
Chapter 16 Loci (Locus and its Constructions)Exercise 16(A) Chapter 16 Loci (Locus and its Constructions)Exercise 16(B) |
Selina Solutions Concise Mathematics Class 10 Chapter 17 – Circles
Students can now access the chapter-wise solutions of Selina Concise Mathematics textbook, prepared according to the latest ICSE guidelines. In this chapter students will learn about circles and its parts such as segment, arc, chord and its relations. Further, cyclic properties and some important results are also discussed. Students can access the ICSE Class 10 Maths Selina Solutions PDF for clearing their doubts in solving problems.
The solutions of three exercises of this chapter are enclosed in the links attached below.
Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 Chapter 17 Exercises
Chapter 17 Circles Exercise 17(A) Chapter 17 Circles Exercise 17(B) Chapter 17 Circles Exercise 17(C) |
Selina Solutions Concise Mathematics Class 10 Chapter 18 – Tangents and Intersecting Chords
Theorems related to tangents and intersecting chords are discussed and its related problems are tested in this exercise. Students can now use the Selina ICSE Mathematics Class 10 Solutions PDF to solve problems of textbook with confidence.
Chapter 18 has three exercises for which the solution links are given below.
Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 Chapter 18 Exercises
Chapter 18 Tangents and Intersecting Chords Exercise 18(A) Chapter 18 Tangents and Intersecting Chords Exercise 18(B) Chapter 18 Tangents and Intersecting Chords Exercise 18(C) |
Selina Solutions Concise Mathematics Class 10 Chapter 19 – Constructions (Circles)
Chapter 19 of Selina Concise Mathematics textbook contains only one exercise. This chapter explains construction of tangents to a given circle, construction of circumscribed and Inscribed circles of a triangle, circumscribing and inscribing a circle on a regular hexagon. The steps of construction are well described and highlighted to help students boost their exam preparations.
Selina Solutions Concise Mathematics Class 10 Chapter 20 – Cylinder, Cone and Sphere (Surface Area and Volume)
The chapter 20 will help students gain knowledge about calculating the surface area and volume of cylinder, cone, sphere, combination of solids and conversion of solids. The ICSE Class 10 Maths Selina Solutions PDF for the exercise problems of this chapter can be downloaded to master the techniques of solving these problems.
Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 Chapter 20 Exercises
Selina Solutions Concise Mathematics Class 10 Chapter 21 – Trigonometrical Identities
The exercise wise problems of Chapter 21 are solved by subject matter experts at BYJU’S to help students face their ICSE exam confidently. The important topics explained in this chapter are trigonometrical ratios, proving trigonometrical identities, trigonometrical ratios of complementary angles and using the trigonometrical tables.
Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 Chapter 21 Exercises
Selina Solutions Concise Mathematics Class 10 Chapter 22 – Heights and Distances
Chapter 22 of Selina Concise Mathematics textbook helps students comprehend the methods of finding heights and distances as an application of trigonometry. The ICSE Class 10 Maths Selina Solutions will help students discover the right ways to solve the problems, following the latest ICSE guidelines.
Provided here are the links to the exercise-wise solutions to problems of this chapter.
Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 Chapter 22 Exercises
Chapter 22 Heights and Distances Exercise 22(A) Chapter 22 Heights and Distances Exercise 22(B) Chapter 22 Heights and Distances Exercise 22(C) |
Selina Solutions Concise Mathematics Class 10 Chapter 23 – Graphical Representation (Histograms and Ogives)
Chapter 23 of Selina Concise Mathematics textbook has problems based on representing statistical data (both continuous and discontinuous grouped data) in the form of histograms, frequency polygons and Ogives. Our faculty at BYJU’S has created precise solutions in an interactive manner to help students perform well in their exams.
Selina Solutions Concise Mathematics Class 10 Chapter 24 – Measures of Central Tendency (Mean, Median, Quartiles and Mode)
The 24th chapter of Selina Concise Solutions contains problems based on calculating the mean, median, quartiles and mode. All these ICSE Class 10 Maths Selina Solutions of the exercise problems are well explained in a simple language to match the understanding capabilities of all students.
Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 Chapter 24 Exercises
Selina Solutions Concise Mathematics Class 10 Chapter 25 – Probability
The theory of finding probability of an event is briefly explained in this chapter. Problems related to finding probability of various events like tossing an unbiased coin once, two times, three times, throwing a dice once or rolling two dice simultaneously and picking a card from a pack. Students can use the Selina Publishers Concise Mathematics for Class 10 Solutions PDF to solve such problems by learning the correct approach.
Chapter 25 has only three exercises and its solutions links are given below.
Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 Chapter 25 Exercises
Chapter 25 Probability Exercise 25(A) Chapter 25 Probability Exercise 25(B) Chapter 25 Probability Exercise 25(C) |
Benefits of Selina Solutions for Mathematics Class 10:
The Class 10 ICSE Maths Selina Solutions available here in PDFs have several which include:
- The solutions provided here are easy to understand.
- Solutions are available in step wise format as per the latest ICSE syllabus.
- Pictorial representation of solutions helps students to understand the concepts in a better way.
- Problems from the prescribed textbook are covered to help students with their exam preparation.
How are Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Selina Solutions Helpful for Board Exams?
Mathematics is one of the important subjects for the students of Class 10. Here, complete assistance is provided for the students to improve their academic performance. Class 10 is an important step for the students as it will reflect in their future achievements in studies.
The overall understanding of individual concepts is very important for the students to score well in the board exams. Effective approach in understanding the solutions and hard work towards studies is very important process while preparing for the exams. The ICSE Class 10 Maths Solutions Selina equips students in the preparation of Class 10 exams and other competitive exams.
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