NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English

NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English Chapter-Wise – Download Free PDF (Updated for 2023-24)

NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English include a variety of units containing prose lessons and poems with exercise questions, as per the NCERT Class 10 English syllabus. Every question from the NCERT Class 10 English textbooks – First Flight (Main Book) and Footprints without Feet (Supplementary Book) has been covered in these solutions. The NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English have been solved by our subject-matter experts in a comprehensive manner and in accordance with the latest CBSE syllabus.

Considering the uber-competitive era, it’s extremely important for Class 10 students to prepare themselves for their exams and face this challenging task with confidence. To score good marks, students need to focus on important questions for Class 10 English NCERT and prepare well and have a thorough understanding of different concepts mentioned in all the textbook lessons. Here, we bring you the most reliable BYJU’S NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English that will help students create an in-depth knowledge of key concepts and ace their exams without a hitch.

Each student is unique and has different skills, which helps them to acquire knowledge while learning each chapter. In the old days, exams were focused on ranks and marks, while now it is dependent on the discerning and analytical thinking abilities of students. The faculty prepare the notes with efforts to make new-age students prepare appropriately before the final exam. The NCERT Solutions help to revise the entire NCERT Syllabus and score well.

NCERT Solutions of Class 10 English

Here, we have provided the links to the unit-wise NCERT Class 10 English Solutions of the Main textbook, First Flight and the Supplementary textbook, Footprints without Feet.

First Flight Textbook Solutions:

Revision is very important when it comes to board exams and other competitive exams. The study material at BYJU’S provides accurate and unique notes which are fine-tuned to help students perform well in the board exams. NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English First Flight will prevent the confusions that will arise in the students’ minds while answering the textbook questions. Compared to the other study materials available online, students will be able to frame proper answers based on the marks weightage of the CBSE board.

Chapter 1 A Letter to God

Dust of Snow

Fire and Ice

Chapter 2 Nelson Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom

A Tiger in the Zoo

Chapter 3 Two Stories about Flying

I. His First Flight

II. Black Aeroplane

How to Tell Wild Animals

The Ball Poem

Chapter 4 From the Diary of Anne Frank


Chapter 5 Glimpses of India

I. A Baker from Goa

II. Coorg

III. Tea from Assam

The Trees

Chapter 6 Mijbil the Otter


Chapter 7 Madam Rides the Bus

The Tale of Custard the Dragon

Chapter 8 The Sermon at Benares

For Anne Gregory

Chapter 9 The Proposal

The following are the chapters that have been removed from the NCERT Class 10 English First Flight textbook 2023-24.

Chapter 5 –

The Hundred Dresses–I

Chapter 6 –

The Hundred Dresses–II


Supplementary Textbook, Footprints without Feet Solutions:

There are 10 chapters present in the NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English Footprints without Feet. The solutions are prepared in a straightforward and concise manner highlighting the points which are important in each chapter. The subject experts prepare these solutions with the aim of providing a detailed summary and analysis of the chapters. You can get the chapter-wise solutions in both online and offline formats by clicking on the links provided here.

Chapter 1 A Triumph of Surgery
Chapter 2 The Thief’s Story
Chapter 3 The Midnight Visitor
Chapter 4 A Question of Trust
Chapter 5 Footprints without Feet
Chapter 6 The Making of a Scientist
Chapter 7 The Necklace
Chapter 8 Bholi
Chapter 9 The Book That Saved the Earth

The following are the chapters that have been removed from the NCERT Class 10 English Footprints Without Feet textbook 2023-24.

The Hack Driver

Class 10 is an important phase in a student’s life as the marks scored will help them build their career. The NCERT Solutions at BYJU’S are designed with the objective of helping the students score well in the board exams irrespective of their grasping power. The solutions are completely based on the marks weightage and exam pattern designed by the latest CBSE board. For this purpose, students can rely on the solutions which are available at BYJU’S.

Download NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English PDFs to clear your doubts instantly.

NCERT Solutions Class 10 English

NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English are designed comprehensively by our panel of expert teachers. Class 10 students would have an enjoyable learning experience while referring to our solutions, and this would definitely help them prepare to write the exams competently. The answers to the different questions in the textbook are given in detail to ensure better understanding among students. NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English in PDF format can be downloaded by the students from the links updated below and practise these questions before the exams, to stay ahead of their peers in class.

Key Features of BYJU’S NCERT Class 10 English Solutions

Some important features of BYJU’S NCERT Class 10 English Solutions are listed below:

  1. The chapters present in the NCERT Class 10 English textbook are extensively covered.
  2. The elaborate solutions help students to understand the concepts thoroughly.
  3. These free download link of solutions PDF is available so that students can refer from any location at any time.
  4. These solutions are available online so that students can access them while learning these lessons at home.

Given above were some useful advantages of using the solutions of English NCERT Class 10. Meanwhile, students can also enrol in BYJU’S and learn a variety of other subjects of the CBSE or NCERT syllabus for Class 10 effectively. They can also adopt a personalized learning experience in accordance with their grasping power and understanding.

Students can also download BYJU’S: The Learning App and obtain end-to-end assistance for Class 10. Besides, they can access lots of interactive learning videos, live online sessions and resources that make learning a delightful experience for them.

CBSE Class 10 English Marks Weightage (2023-24)

Section Weightage (In Marks)
Reading 10
Writing and Grammar 10
Literature 20
Total 40
Internal Assessment 10
Grand Total 50

Frequently Asked Questions on NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English


Where and how to download NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English?

The NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English are available for easy download on the BYJU’S website. The textbook questions present in the NCERT textbook of Class 10 English are solved in a detailed manner by our team of subject experts, according to the NCERT guidelines. The download links are provided under each chapter’s webpages.


What are the advantages of studying from BYJU’S NCERT Solutions Class 10 English?

There are ample benefits of studying from BYJU’S NCERT Solutions Class 10 English. Some of these include:

  1. It helps build a solid foundation for a Class 10 student in a particular subject.
  2. It promotes an in-depth understanding of every concept mentioned in the NCERT English syllabus.
  3. It helps in strengthening the linguistic and grammatical skills of a student.
  4. A student gets a better understanding of the weightage of questions from each chapter.
  5. By referring to BYJU’S NCERT Solutions Class 10 English, a student is able to prepare and score well in the exam.

Is NCERT Solutions the right book for CBSE Class 10 English students?

Yes, NCERT is the right book for CBSE Class 10 English students as it provides lots of questions to practice. The presentation of each topic in the book is described uniquely, which means the topics covered in the book are not stretched beyond their necessary length. They vividly describe all the variations of a particular concept, applied to different questions.

Does BYJU’S website provide free NCERT Class 10 English Solutions?

Yes, these solutions can be viewed and downloaded in free PDF format. Students who find it difficult to solve exercise-wise questions in NCERT textbook can access PDF solutions. The questions are formulated by our experts in the best possible way to make it easier for the students during exam preparation.

How do NCERT Solutions of Class 10 English help in exam preparation?

The questions provided in NCERT textbooks can offer an excellent boost to study thoroughly and score excellently during examinations and tests. Students can effectively start practising NCERT Solutions Class 10 English, which will help in attaining immeasurable performance in further studies. This, in turn, would build a strong grip on the language.

How many Chapters are there in NCERT Class 10 English Supplementary textbook?

There are 10 chapters present in the NCERT Class 10 English Supplementary textbook. A Triumph of Surgery, The Thief’s Story, The Midnight Visitor, A Question of Trust, Footprints without Feet, The Making of a Scientist, The Necklace, The Hack Driver, Bholi, The Book That Saved the Earth.


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