CAPF Exam Pattern 2023

CENTRAL ARMED POLICE FORCES(CAPF) Examination is conducted by UPSC(Union Public Service Commission) every year for the recruitment of Assistant Commandants (Group A).

The information regarding CAPF Exam Pattern 2023 is discussed in this article. For more details on UPSC CAPF, refer to the linked article. 

Candidates can complement their preparation of UPSC from the links given below:

CAPF Exam Pattern 2023

The written examination is to be conducted by Union Public Service Commission and will comprise two papers(Paper I and Paper II).

Paper-I of the CAPF exam deals with General Ability and Intelligence. This paper is held for 250 marks and the questions asked are objective(MCQs) in nature. The medium of the questions paper is in both English and Hindi.

Paper-II of the CAPF exam deals with General Studies, Essay and Comprehension.  This paper is held for 200 Marks. This paper is subjective in nature i.e., the candidate has to write the answers on the paper. The Essay section of the paper can be written in English or Hindi. Precis Writing, Comprehension Components and other communications/ language skills will be English only.

Paper Time Maximum Marks
Paper-I (General Ability and Intelligence) 2 hours 250
Paper-II (General Studies, Essay and Comprehension) 3 hours 200

Candidates qualified in the written examination will be summoned for Physical Standards/Physical Efficiency Tests and Medical Standards Tests. Those candidates who meet the Physical Standards as specified by UPSC will have to go through the Physical Efficiency Tests as indicated below :

Physical Efficiency Tests (PET) Males Females
100 Meters race In 16 seconds In 18 seconds
800 Meters race In 3 minutes 45 seconds In 4 minutes 45 seconds
Long Jump 3.5 Meters (3 chances) 3.0 meters
Shot Put (7.26 Kgs.) 4.5 Meters  —-

The Physical Standards/Physical Efficiency Tests and Medical Standards Tests will be conducted under the supervision of a Nodal Authority to be appointed by the Ministry of Home Affairs. These tests will be conducted at various centres to be notified after the results of the written examination.  

Interview/Personality Test

  • Candidates who are declared qualified in the Medical Standards Tests, will be called for an Interview/Personality Test.
  • The Interview/Personality Test will carry 150 Marks. 
  • Candidates who are short-listed for the Interview/Personality Test, including those shortlisted for Interview/Personality Test provisionally, will be issued a Detailed Application Form (DAF) in which among other things, they will be required to indicate their preference of Forces.
  • The merit list will be drawn on the basis of marks obtained by the candidates in the Written Examination and Interview/Personality Test. 

Aspiring candidates can check the detailed CAPF 2021 Notification on the linked page.

FAQ about CAPF Exam Pattern


How many papers are in a CAPF exam?

UPSC CAPF exam pattern comprises 2 papers. Paper-I of the CAPF exam deals with General Ability and Intelligence and is objective in nature. Paper-II of the CAPF exam deals with General Studies, Essay and Comprehension. This paper is subjective in nature

Can I clear CAPF in first attempt?

Yes, CAPF exam can be cleared in first attempt if right strategy is followed. Candidates can refer the link for CAPF Preparation.

How many words should a CAPF essay be?

The essays in CAPF exam should be around 300 words.

Does CAPF have SSB?

Central Armed Police Forces (CAPF) consists of Border Security Force (BSF), Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF), Central Industrial Security Force(CISF), Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP), Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB)

How many candidates applied for CAPF 2023?

Around 2 lakh candidates applied for CAPF 2023. Every year the number of candidates applying for this exam is increasing constantly. So candidates are advised to have a clear strategy to crack this exam.

Related Links:

CAPF Age Limit  CAPF recruitment
CAPF Syllabus  UPSC CAPF preparation
Central Industrial Security Force Sashastra Seema Bal
CAPF Admit Card Central Reserve Police Force
CAPF Books Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP)


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