CAPF Recruitment 2023

UPSC CAPF  2023 –

Recently, the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) announced the Central Armed Police Forces (CAPF) exam notification, which seeks to recruit Assistant Commandants for various paramilitary forces like the Border Security Force (BSF), Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF), Central Industrial Security Force (CISF), Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP), and Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB). The CAPF exam is an annual exam that consists of a written test, physical efficiency test, and an interview round.

On 26th April 2023, the UPSC CAPF 2023 Notification and application form for UPSC CAPF Exam 2023 were released on the official website. According to the latest CAPF notification, there are a total of 322 vacancies available for interested candidates. To prepare effectively, it’s crucial to keep up-to-date with the exam’s latest information, such as the selection process, pattern, syllabus, eligibility criteria, and cut-off.

The CAPF exam is scheduled to be held on 6th August 2023. The application process for the CAPF exam began on 26th April 2023 and will remain open until 16th May 2023, which is the last date for submission.

Candidates who wish to take the upcoming CAPF exam can check the following notification to fill out the Application form for CAPF 2023 recruitment-

UPSC CAPF 2023 Notification:-Download PDF Here

In this article, all important details of the UPSC CAPF exam will be discussed in detail. Candidates can check the detailed information on UPSC CAPF Exam on the linked page.

Preparing for UPSC CAPF? Boost your preparation level with –

Candidates can also find the notification of the previous exam below:

UPSC CAPF 2022 Notification PDF:-Download PDF Here

CAPF Notification 2021 PDF-  Download PDF Here

UPSC CAPF Notification 2020 PDF:-Download PDF Here

UPSC CAPF Scores 2018 PDF:-Download PDF Here

Government Exam 2023

UPSC CAPF Recruitment

The Union Public Service Commission conducts the CAPF examCAPF’s full form is Central Armed Police Force. It works under the authority of the Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India.

Central Armed Police Force is a single name of the seven security forces of India. The seven security forces are as follows:

  1. CISF stands for Central Industrial Security Force. It is a premier multi-skilled security agency that provides security cover to nuclear installations, airports, seaports, power plants, heritage monuments, space establishments and sensitive Government buildings.
  2. CRPF full form is the Central Reserve Police Force. Earlier CRPF was known as Crown Representative’s Police. After the enactment of the CRPF Act on 28 December 1949, it was named CRPF.
  3. ITBP is the acronym of Indo Tibetan Border Police Force. The personnel of ITBP are deployed on border guarding duties.
  4. BSF stands for the Border Security Force. It is a paramilitary force that guards India’s land border during peace-time and prevents transnational crime.
  5. SSB full form is Sashastra Seema Bal. It is Indian Police Forces that provide security in border areas, prevent trans-border crimes, unauthorized entry into the territory of India and perform other duties assigned by the Ministry of Home Affairs of India
  6. NSG is the acronym of National Security Guard. It is a Federal Contingency Deployment Force to deal with anti-terrorist activities in all its manifestations. The commandos of NSG are specially trained and equipped to be used in exceptional circumstances such as any serious act of terrorism.
  7. AR known as Assam Rifles. It is the oldest Central Paramilitary Force in India. The personnel in Assam rifles are recruited mainly to guard the plains of Assam region from the unruly tribes inhabiting in the surrounding hills.

Every year, UPSC CAPF exam is held to recruit various Group A and Group B officers in the Indian security forces mentioned above.

Recruitment in CAPF is done on three levels:

  1. Gazetted Officers: Officers in the Central Armed Police Force are recruited through the CAPF Assistant Commandant Examination conducted by the Union Public Service Commission.
  2. Subordinate Officers: Sub Inspectors are recruited through competitive examination conducted by SSC- Staff Selection Commission. Subordinate officers are referred to as DASOs- Directly Appointed Subordinate Officers.
  3. Constables: Constables are also recruited through competitive examination conducted by the Staff Selection Commission.

Candidates eyeing for the Assistant Commandant recruitment are suggested to check the detailed CAPF preparation tips and important Booklist for UPSC CAPF exam.

The highlights of the notification are given below: 

CAPF Exam 2023: Highlights

Events Details
CAPF Full Form Central Armed Police Forces (Assistant Commandant)
Conducting Body Union Public Service Commission
Job Location Across India
Exam Frequency Once in a year
Mode of Application Online
Application Fees
  • General/OBC – INR 200
  • SC/ST/ Women – Exempted
Exam Mode Offline
Selection Process
  • Written Test
  • Physical Test
  • Interview
Exam Language English and Hindi
Official website

CAPF Recruitment – Assistant Commandant Post

CAPF Assistant Commandant Exam is a national-level examination conducted by UPSC on an annual basis.

The Central Armed Police Force follows a standard procedure for CAPF recruitment of Assistant Commandant officers in the varied police force of India.

UPSC CAPF Notification 2023

Union Public Service Commission released the UPSC CAPF 2023 Notification and application form for UPSC CAPF Exam 2023 on its official website on 26th April 2023.

The exam is scheduled to be conducted on the 6th of August 2023. Candidates who were waiting for the UPSC CAPF Notification 2023 can fill out the application form online on the official website of UPSC. The deadline for submitting the online CAPF application form is the 16th of May 2023.

The complete UPSC CAPF 2023 exam date can be viewed from the table provided below.

UPSC CAPF 2023 Exam Dates
Events Dates
UPSC CAPF Notification 2023 26th April 2023
UPSC CAPF Starting date of Applying Online 26th April 2023
UPSC CAPF Closing date of Registration 16th May 2023
UPSC CAPF Admit Card 2023 Expected in 2nd or 3rd week of July 2023
UPSC CAPF Exam Date 2023 06th August 2023
UPSC CAPF Result date To Be Notified
UPSC CAPF DAF- Window activation date To Be Notified
CAPF Final Result 2023 To Be Notified

The notification for UPSC CAPF 2023 has released 322 vacancies for Assistant Commandants (Group A) in the Central Armed Police Forces (CAPF). The vacancies are distributed among various security forces, including Border Security Force (BSF), Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF), Central Industrial Security Force (CISF), Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP), and Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB). The distribution of vacancies for each security force can be checked from the table provided below the notification for interested candidates.

UPSC CAPF AC Vacancies 2023
Force Vacancy 
BSF 86
SSB 30
Total 322

UPSC CAPF Notification 2022

The Union Public Service Commission published the official CAPF Notification 2022 on its official website and the important dates for CAPF 2022 Recruitment are as mentioned below-

UPSC CAPF Exam Dates 2022
UPSC CAPF Notification release 20th April 2022
CAPF Online Application started 20th April 2022
Last Date for CAPF Online Application Submission 10th May 2022
UPSC CAPF Written Exam Admit Card July 2022
UPSC CAPF Written Exam 7th August 2022
UPSC CAPF Written Exam Result 16th September 2022
UPSC CAPF Written Exam Result (with name) 16th September 2022
DAF Opening Date 26th September 2022
DAF Closing Date 9th October 2022

Division of CAPF recruitment vacancies in the CAPF notification 2022 in the different police forces is given below:

CAPF Recruitment ACs vacancy 2021
Security Forces Number of Vacancies
SSB 82
BSF 66
Total 253

UPSC CAPF Notification 2021

The Union Public Service Commission has published the official CAPF Notification 2021 on its official website and the important dates for CAPF 2021 Recruitment are as mentioned below-

UPSC CAPF Exam Dates 2021 
UPSC CAPF Notification release 15th April 2021
CAPF Online Application started 15th April 2021
Last Date for CAPF Online Application Submission 5th May 2021
UPSC CAPF Written Exam Admit Card July 2021
UPSC CAPF Written Exam 8th August 2021
UPSC CAPF Written Exam Result 13th October 2021
UPSC CAPF Written Exam Result (with name) 18th October 2021
DAF Opening Date 21st October 2021
DAF Closing Date 3rd November 2021 till 6 PM

The tentative CAPF vacancies for the year 2021 are declared in the UPSC CAPF notification 2021. The CAPF recruitment 2021 will recruit a total of 159 Assistant Commandants in various CAPF divisions.

Division of 159 CAPF recruitment vacancies in the CAPF notification 2021 in the different police force is given below:

CAPF Recruitment ACs vacancy 2021
Security Forces Number of Vacancies
SSB 01
ITBP 20 (15 backlog vacancies)
BSF 35
Total 159

UPSC CAPF Notification 2020

The UPSC has released the CAPF Recruitment notification for the 2020 examination on August 18th 2020. Originally, the Union Public Service Commission was expected to release CAPF Assistant Commandant Notification on 22 April 2020, but the due to COVID-19 pandemic the UPSC CAPF Notification 2020 is postponed.

As per the CAPF Notification, candidates can start submitting their online application forms and the last date to submit the CAPF online application form is 7th September 2020. The Assistant Commandant Examination 2020 is scheduled to be held on December 20th 2020.

Given below is the  UPSC CAPF exam schedule 2020:

UPSC CAPF Exam Dates 2020
UPSC CAPF Notification release April 22, 2020 (Postponed)

August 18th, 2020 (New Dates)

CAPF Online Application started August 18th, 2020
Last Date for CAPF Online Application Submission September 7th 2020
UPSC CAPF Written Exam Admit Card November 2020
UPSC CAPF Written Exam December 20th, 2020
UPSC CAPF Written Exam Result December 20th, 2020
UPSC CAPF Admit Card for Physical & Medical Examination January 2021
UPSC CAPF Interview February 2021

The tentative CAPF vacancies for the year 2020 are declared in the UPSC CAPF notification 2020. The CAPF recruitment 2020 will recruit a total of 209 Assistant Commandants in various CAPF divisions.

Division of 209 CAPF recruitment vacancies in the CAPF notification 2020 in the different police force is given below:

CAPF Recruitment ACs vacancy 2020
Security Forces Number of Vacancies
SSB 22
BSF 78
Total 209

UPSC CAPF Recruitment Notification 2020 PDF:-Download PDF Here

UPSC CAPF Recruitment 2019

The CAPF notification 2019 by UPSC was released to recruit a total of 323 Assistant Commandants in various CAPF divisions. Candidates can check the UPSC CAPF Notification Important Dates 2019 given below for reference-

CAPF AC Exam Important Dates
CAPF Notification Released 24 April 2019
Opening date of Registration 24 April 2019
Closing date of Registration 20 May 2019
Last Date of online application submission  21 May 2019
Download Admit card 31 July 2019 (tentative)
CAPF Recruitment Exam date 18 August 2019 
CAPF Recruitment Result date September 2019 (tentative)
DAF – Date of opening 30th October 2019
DAF – Closing date 13th November 2019

Division of 323 CAPF recruitment vacancies in the CAPF notification 2019 in the different police force is given below:

CAPF Recruitment ACs vacancy 2019
Security Forces Number of Vacancies
SSB 28
BSF 100
CRPF 108
Total 323

Each year the number of CAPF vacancies varies as per the requirement in the Central Armed Police Force.

Year-wise distribution of CAPF vacancies in the Indian security forces is given below:

UPSC CAPF Vacancies 2019 2018
CRPF 108 179
ITBP 21 46
CISF 28 84
BSF 100 60
SSB 66 29

UPSC CAPF Recruitment- Exam Centers

The UPSC CAPF notification states that the exam for Assistant commandant recruitment will be conducted in the following centres.

CAPF recruitment exam centres
Agartala Ahmedabad Aizwal
Bangalore Bareilly Bhopal
Chandigarh Chennai Cuttack
Dehradun Delhi Dharwad
Dispur Gangtok Hyderabad
Imphal Itanagar Jaipur
Jammu Jorhat Kochi
Kohima Kolkata Lucknow
Madurai Mumbai Nagpur
Panaji Patna Port Blair
Prayagraj Raipur Rachi
Sambal Shilong Shimla
Srinagar Thiruvananthapuram Tirupati
Udaipur Vishakhapatnam

Assistant Commandant Notification- Online Application

Aspirants of the UPSC CAPF job profile are required to fill out the detailed application form online for the CAPF Assistant Commandant exam from April 26th 2023 to 16th May 2023.

Candidates who wish to apply to the Assistant Commandant CAPF job profile have to follow the procedure prescribed in the CAPF notification 2023.

The online application process for CAPF recruitment is as follows:

Assistant Commandant Notification

Candidates who applied to the UPSC Assistant commandant Notification are given the facility to withdraw their application as well.

Candidates can check the details of CAPF Admit Card for Assistant Commandant exam 2022 over here.

CAPF AC Notification- Fee structure

  • Candidates who wish to apply for the UPSC CAPF recruitment exam can pay by both online and offline mode.
  • It is important for candidates to know that Assistant Commandant Fee once paid is not refundable in any case. Also, it can not be reserved for further examinations.
  • Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe and Women of all categories are exempted from paying any fee for CAPF recruitment.
  • Candidates who belong to the General and other backward classes categories have to pay rupees 200 for registering themselves for UPSC CAPF recruitment.
Fee Structure – CAPF Notification
Categories General and OBC 200
Amount SC/ST exempted
Women (All Categories) exempted

CAPF Salary- Assistant Commandant Recruitment

One primary reason aspirants lookout for the CAPF job profile of Assistant Commandant is the CAPF Salary provided by Central Armed Police Force.

Though the overall CAPF salary after the 7th Pay Commission has increased, the Assistant Commandant’s salary depends upon the grade and scale of the employee.

The updated details of CAPF salary for the Assistant Commandant post is given below:

The scale of Pay for CAPF 2023
Post Pay Scale
Assistant Commandant- Level 10  Rs.56100 – 177500 junior scale
Deputy Commandant – Level 11 Rs.67700 – 208700
Second-In Command – Level 12 Rs.78800 – 209200
Commandant – Level 13 Rs.118500–214100
Deputy Inspector General- Level 13A Rs.131100–216600 
Inspector General Level 14 Rs.144200–218200 

Along with the basic pay mentioned above, CAPF salary for AC include house allowances, dearness allowance, transport allowance, special duty allowance, ration money, dress allowance, hardship allowance, and medical allowance.

UPSC CAPF Eligibility- Assistant Commandant Recruitment

Candidates who wish to be the Assistant Commandant officer must fulfil the CAPF exam eligibility criteria.

  • CAPF eligibility mandates candidate to be a citizen of Indian National. Candidates belonging to the nationality of Bhutan and Nepal are also deemed eligible for UPSC CAPF exam.
  • Applicants who hold the nationality of any other country does not satisfy the Central Armed Police Force eligibility condition. Such candidates can take the CAPF exam only if they have been given the consent of the Central Government that must be expressed in writing to be considered.
  • Both male and female are eligible to take UPSC CAPF Assistant Commandant Exam, just that the medical standard mentioned for specific gender has to be fulfilled.

CAPF eligibility criteria important points:

CAPF Assistant Commandant eligibility- 2023
Nationality Any Male or Female who is a citizen of India.
UPSC Age limit for CAPF AC exam Minimum Age is 20 Years;

Maximum Age is 25 years;

UPSC Age limit relaxation for CAPF AC exam SC/ST: max up to 5 years

OBC(reservation applicable): max up to 3 years

Ex-servicemen/Civil Central Government Servants: max up to 5 Years

J&K Domiciled: max up to 5 years

Educational Qualification A bachelor’s degree from any Government recognised University Or Deemed to be University
Physical and Medical Test Varies as per the gender of the candidate

Check the linked article for further details on CAPF eligibility.

CAPF Recruitment Syllabus And Exam Pattern

  • The written examination of CAPF Assistant Commandant to be conducted by UPSC will comprise two Papers in both English and Hindi language.
  • Paper-I in CAPF exam will have Multiple Choice Questions carrying 250 marks and Paper-II will be subjective type holding weightage of 200 marks.
  • The time given to write CAPF paper-I is 2 hours and for Paper-II, it is 3 hours.
  • Post the qualification of paper-I and paper-II candidates will be called for Physical efficiency test.
  • Candidates declared qualified in PET test will be called for final Interview round carrying 150 Marks.
CAPF Recruitment Exam Pattern:
Selection Three rounds
First Round Paper-I based on General Ability and Intelligence (Objective)

Paper-II based on General Studies, Essay and Comprehension (descriptive)

Negative Marking Only for Paper-I of first-round; (0.33) marks are deducted for each wrong answer
Second round Physical Ability Test
Third round Interview/Personality Test

CAPF Recruitment – AC Exam Syllabus

CAPF Syllabus for Paper-I tests the General Ability and Intelligence of the candidate and Paper-II tests the language proficiency through descriptive writing of Essay, Comprehension etc.

To check the detailed syllabus of CAPF exam click on the given link.

CAPF syllabus highlights are given below:

UPSC CAPF Syllabus 2023 for Assistant Commandant Exam
Paper-I General Ability Analogies, Arrangements, Syllogisms, Spatial Orientation, Problem Solving, Space Visualization, Arithmetical Reasoning, etc.
Intelligence General Mental Ability, Current Events of National and International Importance, General Science, etc.
Paper-II General Studies Indian History, Indian Geography, Indian National Movement, National and International Current Affairs, etc.
Comprehension and Essay and English Language Comprehension, Essay Writing, Precis Writing, Report Writing, Counter Argument, Language and Communication Skills, Grammar, Vocabulary, etc.

Related Links:

Aspirants of other government exams can check the following links to know about the detailed syllabus and relevant information related to the exams:

SSC Syllabus RRB Syllabus
Bank Exam Syllabus UPSC Syllabus
Quantitative Aptitude Syllabus  Logical Reasoning Syllabus

Online Quiz 2023

Frequently Asked Question – UPSC CAPF Recruitment


Q.1. What qualification is required from candidates to appear for CAPF recruitment?

Ans. Candidates willing to appear for UPSC CAPF Recruitment must possess a Bachelor’s Degree in any discipline from a recognised university. The details related to educational requirements for CAPF Exam is given in CAPF Eligibility page.

Q.2. What are the best books for CAPF preparation?

Ans. Apart from Class XI and XII NCERTs for Economics, History, Geography, Indian polity & International Relations, there are books that you can count on for CAPF preparations like M Laxmikant for Indian polity, Bipin Chandra for India’s Struggle for Independence, etc. Get the list of important Books for CAPF preparation here.

Q.3. Does UPSC conduct an interview round for selection in CAPF Exam?

Ans. Yes, the Union Public Service Commission holds an interview round of candidates for the final selection in the CAPF examination.

Q.4. How many marks do candidates lose for wrong attempts in CAPF examination?

Ans. In CAPF Exam candidates lose 1/3 marks for each wrong answer marked in Paper I. Paper II of CAPF exam has no negative marking scheme. However, to avoid this negative marking it is advised that candidates should take Free Online Mock Tests provided in the link.

Q.5. Will the candidates receive the CAPF Admit Card through Mail or Post?

Ans. No, Candidates are not sent any emails or posts for the CAPF Admit cards or for any sort of communication. All the communication related to CAPF exam is done through the official circulars published on the website. Hence, through official websites only, candidates have to download the CAPF Admit Card.

Q.6. How can candidates retrieve the registration Id and Password in case they forget?

Ans. In case candidates forget their password and registration ID, they can retrieve it by clicking on Forgot RID option and resetting the password by filling in the information asked.

Q.7. Is the medical/physical efficiency test conducted in CAPF exam?

Ans. Yes, the candidates who clear the paper I and Paper II of CAPF examination have to undergo the Physical efficiency test/ Medical Exam. The PET/Medical test is just qualifying in nature, no marks are awarded for it, but, candidates do have to fulfil the medical standards prescribed in the notification.


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  1. My age is 18 years, can I give CAPF exam 2021? Please answer!