IBPS Clerk Prelims 2023 Admit Card To Be Released Soon! The IBPS Clerk Prelims Admit Card will be released in August 2023. As per IBPS Calendar 2023, IBPS Clerk 2023 Prelims will be conducted on 26th, 17th August, 02nd September 2023 and IBPS Clerk Mains to be held on 07th October 2023. Candidates can download the IBPS Clerk Admit Card 2023 when the same is released on the official website of the IBPS.
The IBPS Clerk Admit Card related details are released by the Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS). The IBPS Clerk admit card is released 10 to 15 days prior to the date of examination. This admit card acts as proof that a candidate has filled in the application form and his/her candidature has been accepted.
The given article, discuss the steps to download the IBPS Clerk Admit Cards and other related details about the IBPS Clerk Hall Ticket.
Candidates are advised to regularly check the linked article for more details and updates about bank exams.
Table of Contents: |
Once the application process is complete, the conducted body releases the Prelims and Mains admit card on the official IBPS website. Candidates who are willing to know more about the clerical cadre examination can visit the IBPS Clerk page and get all the relevant details about the exam.
The space given below discusses the IBPS Clerk admit card in detail, along with its components, steps to download it and important admit card release dates for both prelims and mains examinations.
For detailed information on upcoming bank exams, refer to the linked article.
Prepared for IBPS Clerk 2023 exam? Analyse your performance and take Free IBPS Clerk Mock Test Now!
Also, refer to the links given below and enhance your preparation and performance level: |
IBPS Clerk 2023 Admit Card: Highlights
This exam was initially called the IBPS CWE (common written examination) Clerk exam but was later renamed as CRP Clerk (common recruitment process). Important dates for the recruitment of Clerical Cadre positions for FY 2023–2024 have recently been issued by IBPS. On June 30, the Institute of Banking and Personnel Selection posted a comprehensive notification of the vacancies on its website.
IBPS Clerk Exam 2023: Admit Card Overview |
Recruitment Authority | IBPS |
Post | Clerk |
Participating Bank | 11 |
IBPS Clerk Exam 2023 Selection Procedure |
IBPS Clerk Exam 2023 Exam Mode | Online |
IBPS Clerk Exam 2023 Exam Medium | Conducted in 13 languages, in addition to English and Hindi |
IBPS Clerk Exam 2023 Application Fee | SC/ST/PWD: Rs 175/-
General/ Others: Rs 850/- |
IBPS Clerk Exam 2023 Job Location | All Across India |
IBPS Clerk Exam 2023 Vacancies | To be released |
Exam Events | Important Dates 2023 |
IBPS Clerk Exam 2023 Date of Release of Notification | July 2023 |
IBPS Clerk Exam 20232 Release of Prelims Admit Cards | August 2023 |
IBPS Clerk Exam 2023 Date of Prelims Online Exam | 26th, 17th August, 02nd September 2023 |
IBPS Clerk Exam 2023 Result of Prelims | September/ October 2023 |
IBPS Clerk Exam 2023 Release of Mains Admit Card | October 2023 |
IBPS Clerk Exam 2023 Date of Mains Online Exam | 07th October 2023 |
IBPS Clerk Exam 2023 Provisional Allotment | April 2024 |
Candidates who wish to check the detailed Clerk and other IBPS exam schedules can visit the IBPS Exam Dates page.
Steps to Download IBPS Clerk Admit Card
Once the IBPS clerk admit card is released candidates can download it from the official website of IBPS. IBPS releases the dates between which the IBPS Clerk admit card download is accessible.
The important steps related to the IBPS Clerk Exam Admit Card download are given below:
- Go to the IBPS official website.
- Click on the IBPS Official Link to download IBPS Clerk Admit Card for Prelims, Mains as mentioned on the page.
- Provide your registration number or roll number in the appropriate box as given in that link.
- Now, enter your password provided during your IBPS Clerk online application form submission or your date of birth (DOB) details.
- Now, click on the ‘Login’ button
- Your IBPS Clerk Exam Admit Card 2023 will be displayed on the screen for download and print out.
Find the list of the IBPS Clerk Exam Centres in the linked article.
Given below are a few links which may help candidates know more about the IBPS Clerk exam:
IBPS Clerk Exam Syllabus | IBPS Clerk Exam Pattern |
IBPS Clerk Exam Books | IBPS Clerk Online Form |
IBPS Clerk Result | IBPS Clerk Prelims Exam Preparation |
IBPS Clerk Admit Card for Prelims

Reference for IBPS Clerk Admit Card 2021
The IBPS Clerk Admit card or call letter for the Preliminary exam needs to be carried to the examination centre. Hence, candidates must make sure that the IBPS Clerk admit card downloaded copy is kept with them well in advance of the date of examination.
Candidates need to reach the exam centre along with their passport size photograph, Identity proof and its xerox copy. The IBPS Clerk hall ticket along with the copy of Identity proof is submitted at the exam centre for the future reference of the conducting body.
The Institute of Banking & Personnel Selection (IBPS) released the IBPS Clerk Admit Card 2022 for Prelims exam on August 17, 2022. The last date to download the admit card is September 4, 2022. Candidates can download the Prelims Admit Card from the link given below:
Download the IBPS Clerk Prelims 2022 Admit Card Here
For more information regarding the IBPS Clerk Prelims Syllabus, candidates can visit the linked article and get the relevant details.
Given below are the important IBPS Clerk exam admit card dates for the 2023 recruitment along with the 2022 recruitment for the reference of candidates:
IBPS Clerk Prelims Admit Card Dates | ||
Phase of Examination | Year | |
2023 | 2022 | |
Pre-Exam Training | August 2023 | August 2022 |
Preliminary Exam | 26th, 17th August, 02nd September 2023 | 17th August 2022 |
To get the detailed exam schedule, candidates can check the IBPS Clerk exam dates page and start their preparation accordingly.
Aspirants interested in joining the clerical cadre of any of the IBPS participating banks can check the IBPS Clerk salary at the linked article.
IBPS Clerk Admit Card for Mains

Reference for IBPS Clerk Admit Card 2021 – Mains Exam
The IBPS Clerk Mains admit card has the same format as the prelims admit card and carry the same information.
The only change is in the name of the examination which states “Call letter for the online main examination” instead of “preliminary online examination” in the subject line and the centre of examination along with the exam date and reporting time.
Given below are the IBPS Clerk admit card dates for the mains phase of examination for the upcoming recruitment along with 2023 admit card release date for your reference:
IBPS Clerk Mains Admit Card Date | |
Year | Mains Admit Card Release Date |
2023 | September 2023 |
2022 | 29 September–8 October 2022 |
2021 | October 2021 |
2020 | February 6, 2021 |
To select candidates for Clerical Cadre openings, the Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) will hold the IBPS Clerk 2023 Mains examination on October 7, 2023. Candidates can download the IBPS Clerk Mains Admit Card 2023, once they are released by the IBPS, from the Following Link:
Download IBPS Clerk 2023 Mains Admit Card Here
Apart from the clerical cadre exam, there are various other posts for which IBPS conducts the examination. Aspirants can check the exam schedule for other posts at the IBPS exam dates page.
Candidates can explore the job profile, responsibilities and exam details of other Bank Clerk exams at the linked article.
Components of IBPS Clerk Admit Card – Prelims and Mains
There are a lot of details mentioned in the IBPS Clerk prelims and mains admit card which is mentioned for the candidate’s reference and assistance. Given below is the list of components mentioned in the IBPS Clerk admit card:
- Candidate’s Name and Address
- The centre of examination allotted to the candidate
- Roll Number/Registration number of candidate
- User ID
- Password
- Date of the Examination
- Time of the Examination
- Post for which the candidate has applied
- Stage of Examination (Prelims/ Mains)
- Blank spaces for candidate’s signature, thumb impression and Invigilator’s signature (To be taken at the exam venue)
- Set of rules and regulations which need to be mandatorily followed at the exam centre
Important Things to be taken to the IBPS Clerk Exam Centre:
Candidates must bring a few more documents with them to the exam centre with their IBPS Clerk Admit Card 2023 in order to prove their identity. To take the IBPS Clerk Exam, applicants may bring one of the following original photo identity documents:
- Aadhar Card
- Photo Identity
- Voter Card
- Pan Card
- Original photograph
- Driving Licence
Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic Important Items to Carry at the IBPS PO Exam Center 2023:
- Mask
- Gloves
- Personal hand Sanitizer
- Aarogya Setu app on your smartphone.
- Personal transparent water bottle
List of Prohibited Items in the IBPS Clerk 2023 Exam Room
At the exam site, candidates are not permitted to bring any prohibited items. We advise candidates to stay away from bringing anything that might raise suspicions in the eyes of the invigilator. Several of them are listed below:
- Books and study notes
- Bluetooth devices etc in the exam hall.
- Calculator
- Mobile Phones
- Digital watch
- Bags
Related Links | |
IBPS Clerk Prelims Exam Analysis | IBPS Clerk Mains Exam Analysis |
IBPS Clerk Notification | IBPS Clerk Score Card |
IBPS Clerk Selection Procedure | IBPS Clerk Cut Off |
IBPS Clerk Admit Card for Pre-exam Training
The Pre-exam training is open to a limited number of candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste/ Scheduled Tribes/ Minority Communities.
This Pre-Exam Training for IBPS Clerk Exam is conducted every year one week before the IBPS clerk Prelims Examination commencement.
What To Do In Case Of Errors on IBPS Clerk Admit Cards?
Candidates should get in touch with the IBPS Clerk exam helpdesk if their admission cards are delayed or don’t arrive in time for the examination. Additionally, if there is a mismatch with the information displayed on the IBPS Clerk Admit Card, authorities must be notified. Inconsistencies brought on by candidates providing inaccurate information during the IBPS Clerk Registration Process will not be taken into account by the authorities, nor will they be held accountable for them. Below are the contact information:
- IBPS House, 90 feet, D P Road
Near Thakur Polytechnic,
Off. Western Express Highway, P.B. No. 8587
Kandivali (E), Mumbai 400101, India
Toll-free helpline numbers – 1800222366, 18001034566
Given below are a few preparation-related articles for the reference of candidates:
10 Simple Maths Tricks & Shortcuts | How to crack IBPS PO exam in First Attempt |
Logical Reasoning | IBPS PO Preparation |
General Instructions On IBPS Clerk Admit Card
- The call letter, the original photo ID, and a photocopy all need to be brought with the candidate when they arrive at the exam venue.
- Candidates must make sure they have a clear understanding of the important information and arrive at the examination location well in advance of the scheduled exam time.
- The candidate will not be allowed to sit for the exam if they do not have their call letter and a photo ID in both the original and a photocopy.
- Do not forget to write the roll number and registration number on the photocopy of the photo identity proof.
- At all times during the examination, the candidate must carefully adhere to the directions given by the exam administrators and the invigilators. The candidate who violates the instructions would be disqualified and possibly asked to leave the exam room.
- Left thumb impression and sign with clarity in respective spaces provided on your call letter in the presence of the invigilator in the examination hall is a must.
- The candidates will not be reimbursed for any travel costs or other examination-related expenditures.
- IBPS will provide the facility of a scribe to visually impaired candidates and candidates whose writing speed is adversely affected permanently at their cost during the online examination (Prelims and Mains examination).
- For each hour of the exam, candidates who request a scribe are eligible for 20 minutes of compensatory time, unless otherwise instructed.
It must be noted that if an admit card is issued to the candidate, it does not mean that the candidate is eligible for employment as a clerk.
IBPS clerk eligibility is checked in detail during joining when the candidate must show all supporting documents.
Since the competition is very high, candidates should prepare thoroughly using good study material and previous years’ papers.
For any further information about the upcoming bank exams, study material or preparation tips, candidates can turn to BYJU’S for assistance.
Frequently Asked Questions on IBPS Clerk Admit Card
Q 1. When is the IBPS Clerk Admit Card released?
Q 2. Which subjects are included in the IBPS Clerk syllabus?
Q 3. How to download IBPS Clerk Admit Card 2023?
Ans. Given below are the steps to download IBPS Clerk admit card:
- Visit the official IBPS site
- Click on the IBPS Clerk admit card link
- Enter the registration number/roll number and the date of birth/password
- The admit card page opens. Candidates can download the IBPS clerk admit card