SBI PO Free Mock Tests are one of the most helpful ways to ace the SBI PO exam. Candidates struggling to crack SBI PO must give a final touch up to their exam preparation by taking SBI PO Mock Tests. For better results in the upcoming SBI exam, candidates must solve the Free SBI PO Online Test Series and Practice Papers on a regular basis.
The SBI PO Prelims Mock Tests series consists of sample papers based on SBI PO previous year paper and exam pattern. Moreover, candidates will also get detailed solutions along with the answers in SBI PO free mock test PDFs.
SBI PO Mock Test 1:- Download PDF Here
SBI PO Mock Test 2:- Download PDF Here
For detailed information on upcoming bank exams, refer to the linked article.
The State Bank of India conducts SBI PO exam every year. Each year the number of applicants for SBI PO exam keeps increasing, thus, increasing the competition. The SBI PO notification marks the beginning of the Probationary Officer recruitment and candidates and get the important dates related to the examination in the same.
To explore other SBI exams, check at the linked article.
Aspirants of SBI PO exam are advised to take SBI PO free online mock tests provided by BYJU’S for their complete preparation and to outperform in the actual exam.
For information on Bank PO exams, kindly check the page linked here.
SBI PO Exam Dates
The State Bank of India is the conducting body for the Probationary Officer exam and the exam dates are also released by this body itself.
The SBI PO 2021-22 exam notification was released on October 5, 2021. Thus, candidates must continue with their preparations and ensure they solve more and more SBI PO mock tests, question papers and practise papers to strengthen their command over every topic under each section.
The SBI PO exam dates for the 2021-22 recruitment are out and the prelims are scheduled for 20th, 21st & 27th November.
Apart from SBI, various other Banking sector bodies conduct the examination to recruit Probationary Officer. Candidates can get the previous year Bank PO question papers for these exams at the linked article.
SBI PO Online Test Series
SBI PO Online test series consists of the sample papers containing 25 SBI PO model questions. The questions in these practice papers are based on the three main sections of the SBI PO exam.
The sample papers created for SBI PO are aligned to the SBI PO previous years’ question paper. Candidates can solve the SBI PO online test series for the three main subjects which are a part of the SBI PO prelims examination: Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning Ability and English Language.
Also, check the Banking Awareness syllabus for the General Awareness section at the linked article.
Why SBI PO online mock tests are important?
- SBI PO practice papers help improve speed. The more regular a candidate takes online mock tests, the more he will enhance his speed.
- SBI PO free online mock tests familiarise the candidate with SBI PO exam pattern and the strategy to adopt while taking the actual exam.
- The SBI PO sample papers help candidates to learn time management in the actual SBI exam. Along with it, they also learn the skill to attempt and skip questions based on the difficulty level.
- SBI PO Online Test Series is the best source to learn the weaker and stronger sections concerning a particular topic or subject. It gives individual scores and helps to analyze subject knowledge and fill the loopholes present in the study plan.
- SBI PO Sample papers boost confidence and reduce pre-exam jitters by regularly attempting a variety of questions and tackling the difficulty level expected in the final exam.
- Along with the Mock tests it is advised to take Online Quizzes to give a boost to exam preparation as the whole of the SBI PO Syllabus will be covered.
Apart from solving the SBI PO mock tests series, it is also suggested that candidates must solve SBI PO Previous Year Question Paper for better understanding of the exam pattern and standard of examination.
Candidates are also suggested to take online quizzes regularly along with SBI PO online mock tests to analyze their level of preparation.
For the reference of candidates, given below are the links for the SBI PO exam analysis for the prelims and mains phase of examination:
Candidates can refer to the above-mentioned links and understand the previous year’s level of examination. It will prove as an additional help to the candidates along with solving the SBI PO mock tests and previous year question papers.
SBI PO Exam Pattern
The exam pattern of SBI PO exam is set by the conducting body i.e. State Bank Of India. The SBI PO prelims exam pattern consists of three main sections i.e. Reasoning Ability, Quantitative Aptitude, and English Language.
SBI PO exam pattern more or less remains unchanged. The exam pattern of last SBI PO exam was as given below.
Name of Tests | No. of Questions | Maximum Marks | Time Duration |
English Language | 30 | 30 | 20 minutes |
Quantitative Aptitude | 35 | 35 | 20 minutes |
Reasoning Ability | 35 | 35 | 20 minutes |
Total | 100 | 100 | 60 minutes |
For more information regarding the SBI PO prelims examination, candidates can visit the linked article.
It is important to take SBI PO Free Mock Tests regularly to score well in the exam. SBI PO online mock test series helps to practice, revise, analyse and improve performance to outdistance the competitors in the SBI PO examination.
Candidates must keep themselves entirely prepared for the upcoming SBI PO exam in order to qualify it in a single attempt. Check the SBI PO Preparation tips in detail to prepare well for the exam.
Candidates can get more details related to SBI PO in the linked article.
Related links:
SBI PO Result | SBI PO Cut Off |
IBPS PO Mock Test | SBI PO Salary |
Topics for Quantitative Aptitude | Topics for Logical Reasoning |
The free SBI PO mock test pattern will be the same as the one given below. Candidates can refer to the free SBI PO Prelims mock test given below.
SBI PO Mock Test
Q.1. The price of Apple rises by ₹40 per year and that of oranges by ₹15 per year. If the price of Apple and orange in the year 2002 was ₹420 and ₹630 respectively, in which year the price of Apples will be ₹40 more than price of oranges?
- 2010
- 2011
- 2012
- 2013
Q.2. The number of students in each section of the school is 24. After admitting new students three new sections were started. Now the total number of sections is 16 and there are 21 students in each section. Find the number of new students admitted in the school?
- 14
- 24
- 48
- 114
Q.3. A man earns ₹20 on the first day and spends ₹15 on the next day. He again earns ₹20 on the third day and spends ₹15 on the fourth day. OIf he continues to save like this, how soon will he have ₹60 in his hands?
- 17th day
- 27th day
- 30th day
- 40th day
Q.4. 1250 pears were distributed among a group of boys of a class. Each boy got twice as many pears as the number of boys in that group. What is the number of boys in the group?
- 45
- 50
- 25
- 100
Q.5. The average marks in science subject of 20 students is 68. If the marks of two students were misread as 48 and 65 instead of the actual marks i.e. 72 and 61 respectively. Find the correct average?
- 66
- 68.5
- 69
- 69.5
Q.6. The average of 6 numbers is 7. The average of 3 numbers of them is 5. What will be the average of the remaining numbers?
- 9
- 30
- 15
- 42
Q.7. Two trains running in opposite directions cross a pole in 33 seconds and 17 seconds respectively and cross each other in 27 seconds. What is the ratio of their speeds??
- 5:3
- 2:5
- 1:3
- 3:2
Q.8. In a two-digit number, the digit in the units place is four times the digit in tens place and the sum of the digit is equal to 10. What is the number?
- 14
- 41
- 82
- 28
Q.9. Rama’s age 3 years ago was three times the present age of shyama’s. At present Ghanshyams’s age is twice the age of Shyam. Also. Ghanshyam is 12 years younger than Rama. What is the present age of Ghanshyam?
- 18 years
- 21 years
- 24 years
- 26 years
Directions 10-11. In each question, the main statement is followed by four sentences.
Select the pair of sentences that relates logically to the given statement.
Whenever Ram reads late into the night, his father beats him.
- His father does not beat Ram
- Ram reads late into the night.
- Ram reads early in the morning.
- Ram’s father beats him in the morning.
- Only III and IV
- Only II and IV
- Only I and II
- None of these
Ram gets a swollen nose whenever he eats hamburgers.
- Ram gets a swollen nose.
- Ram does not eat hamburgers.
- Ram does not get a swollen nose.
- Ram eats hamburgers.
- Only I and II
- Only IV and III
- Only I and III
- Only II and III
Directions 12-14: In each of the following questions, a paragraph has been split into four
parts. You have to rearrange these parts to form a coherent paragraph.
- Alex had never been happy with his Indian origins.
- This illusion of misplaced grandeur, his wife felt, would be Alex’s undoing.
- Fate had been unfair to him; if he had had his wish, he would have been a count or an Earl on some English estate, or a medieval monarch in a chateau in France.
- He set about rectifying this grave injustice by making his house in his own image of a country manor.
- 1324
- 1423
- 1342
- 3142
- The meeting was scheduled for 9 o’clock, and his watch showed the time to be a quarter to nine.
- His left-hand concealed a blackjack, his right-hand groped for the torch in his pocket.
- His heart thumped in his chest, sweat beads formed themselves on his forehead, his mouth was dry.
- The man lurked in the corner, away from the glare of light.
- 4213
- 1324
- 1234
- 2143
- An essay which appeals chiefly to the intellect is Francis Bacon’s Of Studies.
- He considers the evils of excess study: laziness, affectation, and preciosity.
- He considers studies as they should be; for pleasure, for self-improvement, for business.
- His careful tripartite division of studies expressed succinctly in aphoristic prose demands the complete attention of the mind of the reader.
- 2341
- 1432
- 3241
- 1342
Q.15. Learning is more efficient when it is ___. It is less efficient when it is ___.
- Fun, drudgery
- fast, slow
- Rapid,turtle-slow
- Tedious, like a joy ride
Q.16. Most political leaders acquire their position by causing a large number of people to believe that these leaders are ___ by altruistic desires.
- Convinced
- Actuated
- Categorised
- Led
Directions 17- 21: Read the following paragraph and answer the questions following it.
Six friends A, B, C, D, E and F work in different companies namely Microsoft, Risotto, Quake, Sumter, Mind Steal and Udaygiri and each wears company-sponsored different coloured vests, viz, Blue, Green, Pink, Yellow, Purple and Red though not in the same order
- The one wearing the Blue vest works in Sumter and the one wearing a Green vest works in Microsft
- F does not work in Risotto or Mind Steal
- A wears Pink vest works in Quake
- D does not work in Mind Steal and purple coloured vest is sponsored by Risotto
- D works in Risotto
- E works in Udaygiri and Neither D nor B works in Sumter
- Mind Stealer does not sponsor Purple or Yellow coloured vests and C works in Microsoft
Q.17. The vest worn by B is of the colour:
- Yellow
- Green
- Red
- Purple
Q.18. Who is the Mind Stealer employee ?
- A
- B
- C
- D
Q.19 Where does F work ?
- Udaygiri
- Quake
- Pentagon
- Sumter
Q. 20. Who wears the Blue vest ?
- A
- F
- D
- B
Q.21. The Vest worn by A is of the colour:
- Green
- Yellow
- Pink
- Blue
Q.22. Find out how many pairs of letters are there in the word ‘ DESCRIPTION’’ each of which has as many letters between them in the word as in English Alphabet.
- Two
- Three
- Four
- More than four
Directions 23-24: The digits of each of the following five numbers are written in reverse order and five new numbers are obtained.
513 726 492 865 149
Now answer the following questions.
Q.23. Which of the following will be the third digit of the second highest new number?
- 3
- 5
- 7
- 8
Q.24. Which of the following will be the middle digit of the third number from top when the new numbers are arranged in descending order?
- 4
- 6
- 5
- None of these
- Some colors are paints
- All paints are canvas
- Some colors are canvas
- All canvas being colors is a possibility
- Only I follows
- Only II follows
- Both I and II follows
- Neither I nor II follows
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Frequently Asked Question – SBI PO Free Mock Tests
Q 1. Does BYJU’S provide solutions to SBI PO Online Test Series?
Q 2. Can the SBI PO Prelims Mock Test series be solved offline?
Q 3. Is there an option to retake the SBI PO practise paper?
Q 4. How is solving SBI PO Mock Test series helpful?
Ans. There are multiple benefits of solving the free SBI PO mock test series:
- Understanding the exam pattern well
- Apprehending the difficulty level of exam
- Learning time management skills to solve the paper
- Revising the entire syllabus at once
- Analysing your performance based on the marks scored
Aspirants willing to apply for the upcoming Probationary Officers exam must start the preparation and solve SBI po mock tests on a regular basis.
Q 5. Why should a candidate choose BYJU’S SBI PO online test series?
Q 6. How to choose the right SBI PO Sample Papers?
Ans. SBI PO free mock tests or sample papers can be easily found on various digital platforms, but to choose the best one in order to improve the quality of performance in the SBI PO exam is a tough choice. Here are the parameters to choose right SBI PO online mock tests:
- The first priority must be that the SBI PO mock test is based on the latest exam pattern.
- The level of questions asked in the mock test series must be either moderate or difficult.
- The SBI PO sample papers must be easily accessible.
- Scorecard must be made available at the end of solving the free SBI PO mock test series.
- The free mock test for SBI PO must have unique and standardised questions.
- The analysis report of the SBI PO Online Test Series must give clarity on the strengths and weaknesses of the candidates based on the SBI PO Syllabus.