CBSE Class 6 is a very crucial stage for students as it helps to prepare the base for higher education. In this class, most of the topics are primarily focused on preparing students for higher classes. For example, topics like reflection and magnets are introduced, which are some very important topics in higher standards.
The curriculum is designed by the CBSE and NCERT in a very thought-out way so that the students are introduced to some very important topics without degrading their interest in learning. The NCERT syllabus is followed by all the affiliated CBSE schools for the 6th standard. The syllabus is well-strategized and requires the CBSE Class 6 students to get immersive and interactive learning. So, knowing the syllabus and guidelines is very important for better preparation.
CBSE Class 6 Subjects
Students should know before the beginning of their Class 6 academic year about the subjects they are going to study. So, we have provided below the list of the subjects that will be taught in the CBSE Class 6 standard.
CBSE Syllabus for Class 6
Class 6 CBSE syllabus will help students to grasp concepts easily as it conveys the subject matter clearly. The Class 6 syllabus is important for students to develop their key concepts on various topics. So, mentioned below are the links to the Class 6 syllabus for all the subjects.
- CBSE Class 6 Syllabus All Subject
- CBSE Class 6 English Syllabus
- CBSE Class 6 Maths Syllabus
- CBSE Class 6 Science Syllabus
- CBSE Class 6 Social Science Syllabus
CBSE Study Materials for Class 6
CBSE Class 6th study materials will help students to understand the concepts in an easy and interesting way. These study materials are a fruitful resource for revision before the exam so that you can pass the exam with a good percentile. So to help you with the same, below we have provided the study materials for class 6 maths and science syllabus.
- CBSE Class 6 Science Detailed Notes
- CBSE Class 6 Maths Detailed Notes
- CBSE Essays
- Unseen Passages for Class 6
CBSE Class 6 Books
Class 6 books of the CBSE board cover all the respective units as per the CBSE curriculum. The NCERT textbooks for all the subjects are framed as per the CBSE syllabus. While preparing for the exam, NCERT textbooks for Class 6 are the best source to depend on. These books also contain worksheets for practice, such as CBSE Class 6 English Grammar worksheets with answers.
CBSE Class 6 Hindi Book
CBSE Class 6 Social Science Book
- CBSE Class 6 Our Pasts-I
- CBSE Class 6 The Earth Our Habitat
- CBSE Class 6 Social and Political Life-I
CBSE Class 6 English Book
CBSE Class 6 Textbooks Solutions
Textbook solutions for CBSE Class 6th will help students with their exam preparation and learning. The textbook solutions provided below will be a good source for Class 6 students while preparing for their final exam.
- NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Maths
- NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science
- RD Sharma Solutions for Class 6 Maths
CBSE Class 6 Important Questions
Class 6 important questions are a fruitful resource for students to prepare for their exam strategy. By solving the important questions for maths and science, students will get an idea about the exam pattern, important questions, marks scheme, etc.
- CBSE Class 6 Science Important Questions
- CBSE Class 6 Maths Important Questions
- CBSE Class 6 Social Science Important Questions
CBSE Class 6 Sample Papers
CBSE Class 6 sample papers will help students to get an idea about what type of questions they can expect in their final exam. The students will also learn time management skills while practising sample papers. So, it is advised to solve the below-mentioned sample papers for Class 6 on a daily basis.
- CBSE Sample Paper for Class 6 Maths
- CBSE Sample Paper for Class 6 Science
- CBSE Sample Paper for Class 6 English
- CBSE Sample Paper for Class 6 Social Science
CBSE Class 6 Exam Papers
Class VI exam papers will help students to get a brief idea about the structure of the questions they can expect in the examination, which will, in turn, help them study accordingly. It is advised to add these exam papers in your exam preparation checklist.
- CBSE Class 6 All Subjects Exam Papers
- CBSE Class 6 Science Exam Papers
- CBSE Class 6 Maths Exam Papers
CBSE Class 6 Science Experiments
Class 6 students will get to learn practical concepts by doing science experiments. By doing experiments, they will get to know how science is implemented in real life and how it is useful in our day-to-day life. It will make them more master in the science subject.
CBSE Class 6 Science Projects
Science projects are a part of the Class 6 curriculum. Below, we have provided 4 experiments related to the syllabus of Class 6 Science. By indulging themselves in these projects, they will get to understand the concepts more clearly, which in future will be a plus point during the exam. Also, we have provided the CBSE Class 6 Lab Manual, where students can find the list of science practicals, project work, exemplar projects and science kit lab manual.
- How to Grow Crystals of Salt
- Make a Model Hand
- Horizontal Motion
- Make a Wind Vane
- CBSE Class 6 Science Lab Manual
CBSE Class 6 Working Models
Class 6 working models will help students in terms of better understanding and learning. Learning through the working models given below, the students will get to know how all things surrounding them are influenced by science.
CBSE Class 6 Videos
Nowadays, students mostly prefer to learn through video learning. So, for CBSE Class 6 students also, video learning is a beneficial way to learn science as it is a subject that needs a clear understanding of concepts. Video learning will help them to grasp things more quickly.
How to Study in CBSE Class 6 (Preparation Tips)
By following a few simple steps given below, CBSE Class 6 students can shine in the examination.
- Plan your studies what you have to study and give sufficient time to each and every subject. Apart from studying, set time aside for your relaxation.
- Once you are done studying the topic, develop a habit of writing it because it will help you analyze how much time you are taking for it.
- Practice all the diagrams because it will help you to learn the topic more quickly.
- Never ignore any topic, and understand each and every topic and concept clearly so that at the time of the exam, you don’t have any doubts.
- Apart from study material, refer to NCERT textbooks because most of the questions are directly asked from these NCERT textbooks.