Khalji Dynasty (1290-1320)

The Khalji Dynasty ruled on the Delhi Sultanate. The rule of the Khalji Dynasty started in 1290 and ended in 1320. The coming of Khalji dynasty is seen as a revolution as their entry decreased the effect of Turk officials in the administration. It is important for the IAS Exam aspirants to know about Khalji Dynasty and the important rulers for their history preparation for prelims, mains and also optional exams.

This article will brief you about the Khalji Dynasty, sometimes also spelt as, Khilji Dynasty.

History is one of the important subjects in the UPSC 2023 examination. Candidates may refer to the following links to complement their history preparation:

  1. NCERT Ancient History Notes for UPSC
  2. NCERT Medieval History Notes for UPSC
  3. NCERT Modern Indian History Notes for UPSC
  4. History Previous Year Questions for UPSC
  5. How to study History for IAS?

Overview of Khalji Dynasty

  1. It was founded by Jalal-ud-din Khalji who ruled from 1290 to 1296.
  2. The Khilji dynasty succeeded the Mamluk Dynasty or the Slave dynasty (1206-1290) that was ruled by the early Turkish rulers like Qutbuddin Aibak, Shamsuddin Iltutmish, Raziya and Ghiyasuddin Balban.
  3. Alauddin Khalji was the first Delhi Sultan to depart from the practice of styling the sultan as the Caliph’s deputy and to receive investiture from him.
  4. Alauddin Khalji’s son Qutb-ud-din Mubarak assumed the title of Khalifa for himself.
  5. Khalji Dynasty was succeeded by the Tughlaq Dynasty.

Read about the establishment of the Khalji Dynasty in the linked article.

Learn about Delhi Sultans and related topics from the links below:

Sultanate of Delhi
Art and Culture under Delhi Sultanate
Administration under Delhi Sultans

Khalji Dynasty Rulers

Jalaluddin Khilji (1290-1296):

  • His real name was Malik Feroz Khilji
  • He ruled from 1290 – 1296
  • He is remembered as a benevolent ruler. Thus also known as a ‘Saint ruler
  • The most important retaliation during his reign was of Sidi Maula, which was suppressed by him
  • He attempted to lay siege to the Ranthambore Fort which was unsuccessful. The fort was well fortified and was believed to be the most powerful fort of the time.
  • Hamir Dev was the ruler of Ranthambore during this time.
  • Mongols attacked India under the leadership of Abdullah, whom he referred to as his son
  • Post this, a group of Mongols in the leadership of Ulgu settled at Delhi
  • They were known as ‘New Muslims’
  • Jalaluddin appointed Alauddin as the Iqtedar of Haasi and Kada. He was Jalaluddin’s nephew
  • Alauddin was an extremely ambitious person
  • He sought permission to attack Gujarat and South India from Jalaluddin
  • He attacked Milsa (Gujarat) in 1293 and Devgiri (Maharashtra) in 1294
  • Alauddin got excessive wealth during this attack
  • This wealth should ideally have been submitted in the central treasury of the state, however, he kept it with himself
  • On asking by Jalaluddin, Jalaluddin was called by Alauddin to a place called Kada to submit the wealth.
  • Jalaluddin was however killed by Alauddin in Kada

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Alauddin Khilji (1296-1316)

  • His reign was from 1296 – 1316
  • He became ruler after killing Jalaluddin
  • Thus he had to prove his legality of rule among the people
  • Due to the benevolent nature of Jalaluddin and his non-expansionist policies, the provincial rulers under the dynasty had freed themselves. Thus it was now important for Alauddin to win those areas back
  • By this time, Mongols had a very strong army and a very aggressive expansionist policy
  • To face these attacks by the Mongols, Alauddin needed a big army
  • Also to prove his legality, he distributed a lot of wealth between the people
  • Slowly, he was able to bring the people of Delhi under his influence
  • He then started to expand his kingdom

Learn in detail about the victories of Allauddin Khilji in the linked article.


FAQ about Khalji Dynasty


Who was the first Khalji in the Khalji Dynasty?

The first Khalji sultan, Jalal al-Din Firuz Khalji, was established by a noble faction on the collapse of the last feeble Slave king, Kay-Qubadh.

Who was the last ruler of Khalji dynasty?

The last Khalji, Quṭb al-Din Mubarak Shah, was murdered in 1320 by his chief minister, Khusraw Khan, who was in turn replaced by Ghiyaṣ al-Din Tughluq, the first ruler of the Tughluq dynasty.

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