Role of Women's Organization

Women’s organisations are an important part of current affairs for the UPSC civil services exam. This is important from the prelims point of view and also to enhance your answers in the mains papers, especially in topics related to social issues.

Women empowerment is a current topic and one that has reverberations across different domains. Issues of health, labour laws, education, employment, sexual harassment issues, safety concerns, women’s representation in politics and Parliament are all related to women empowerment and the equal rights movement.

There is the issue of feminism and the pros and cons of it. There are many organisations that work in this sphere in India and internationally also. Some of them are very old and have origins in the pre-independence era.

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The following table gives a list of major women’s organisations across the world.

List of Women’s Organisations

Important international organization exclusively for Women empowerment

Associations of Junior Leagues International Relief Society
Christian Women in Media Association Soroptimist International
Council of Women World Leaders St. Joan’s International Alliance
Ellevate Network Third World Organization for Women in Science
Equality Now UN Women
International Alliance of Women UNIFEM – United Nations Development Fund for Women
International Association of Women Police Woman’s Christian Temperance Union
International Council of Women Women’s Commission For Refugee Women
International Federation of Business and Professional Women Women’s Environment & Development Organization
International Federation of University Women Women’s International Democratic Federation
International Inner Wheel Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF)
International Women’s Suffrage Alliance Women’s International Zionist Organization
National Women’s Political Caucus Women’s World Wide Web (W4)
Nobel Women’s Initiative World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts
P.E.O. Sisterhood Young Women’s Christian Association
Quota International

Zonta International

UPSC 2022

Role of Women and Women Organisations in India

Women in India have played a major role in various spheres of life over the past many centuries, but their acceptance in these spheres has been a crucial issue. Thus, the involvement of women in social, political and economic scenarios has brought in a major change in the terms of equality.

Given below are a few factors which emphasize on the importance of women and women organisations in the country:

  1. Gender Equality – With equal opportunities for all genders, multiple women have been an inspiration for young girls to dream and aspire to become big. Also, to ensure that women are given equal status in society, many organisations are working towards this cause
  2. Women in Political Spheres – Several women leaders have actively participated in the Indian freedom struggle, occupied important positions in the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha, state legislatures; women also have acquired the position of the Prime Minister and President of the country
  3. Economic Roles – At workplace women are working at par with the other gender. The neglect of women’s economic roles results in the exploitation of women workers, unequal wages, higher employment, etc., though are a cause of concern. Candidates can read about Gender Pay Parity at the linked article.
  4.  Social Issues –National Commission for Women (NCW) has been set up with an intention to establish an equal and just livelihood for women by making legal and constitutional amendments for women in India

Also, See:

Wonder Women in the Civil Services of India
UN celebrates International Women’s Day for the first time

Civil Services Exam aspirants can get the updated UPSC Syllabus for the prelims and mains examination at the linked article and accordingly start their preparation.

Visit BYJU’S for the latest exam updates, study material and preparation tips.

Other UPSC Preparation Related Links
Gender Inequality In India IAS Salary
Violence Against Women: RSTV – Big Picture 10 Women Freedom Fighters
Women in Workforce: RSTV- Big Picture Commission on the Status of Women (CSW)
United Nations International Research and Training Institute for Advancement of Women (INSTRAW) Women in Commanding Role: RSTV – Big Picture
Women in the Indian Armed Forces Global Gender Gap Report


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