The article aims to provide important Computer Software & Hardware questions that are commonly asked in the computer section of competitive exams.
Aspirants of various Government exams like RRB, Bank, Insurance, SSC etc must update themselves with basic knowledge of Computer hardware and software. At least this is what is expected of the candidates appearing for various exams. So, aspirants should go through the important Computer software and hardware questions given in this article carefully.
The computer awareness section is mostly a part of various Insurance and Bank exams conducted in the country.
Upgrade your preparation for the upcoming Government exams with the help of links mentioned below: |
Computer Hardware & Software
What is Computer Hardware?
Computer hardware is the physical components of a computer that we can touch and feel. These are machinery or primary electronic devices that are used to build up the computer or data processing system. Computer hardware consists of interconnected electronic devices that we can use to control a computer’s operation, input and output.
Computer hardware examples:
Few examples of computer hardware are –
- Motherboard – it is the circuit board that contains IC sockets and slots.
- Central Processing Unit (CPU) – it is the heart of the computer
- Peripheral of CPU such as Keyboard, Mouse, Monitor, Printer, Speaker, UPS etc.
Candidates can go through the Computer Fundamentals for detailed information and explanation of basic concepts of computer.
What is Computer Software?
Computer Software is a programming code executed on a computer processor. It is a set of programs that can do particular work of the user. The software simply is a collection of documentation, instructions, and procedures that are capable of performing different tasks on a computer system.
The computer software is divided into two major parts:
- System Softwares – System software operates directly on hardware devices of the computer. It provides a platform to run an application and helps to run the hardware of the computer and the system itself. Operating systems, diagnostic tools, device drivers are some included in system software. These are mostly pre-installed on computers. Examples are Windows, Linux, Unix, etc.
- Application Softwares – Designed for user-benefit to complete different tasks. These are either pre-installed in the computers or can be installed as per the need. It includes word processing, Language processors, web browsing, translators, editors and almost any other task for which we install the software. Examples are Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Oracle, etc.
Software is generally written or created in a high-level programming language. The language that is readable by people. These instructions in high-level languages are then converted into “machine language” instructions, represented in the form of binary code before the hardware can “run the code”. When we install any software, it is generally already in this machine language or binary form.
With this, candidates can check out the clear difference between Computer software and hardware in the given link.
Candidates can refer to the Computer Shortcut keys in the given link to prepare for the Computer Awareness section.
Computer Hardware & Software Questions
Given below are 25 important Computer Hardware and Software Questions that have been asked frequently in competitive exams and have high chances to be asked again. Candidates can go through these questions to prepare and practice.
Computer hardware and software questions
Q1. Which of the following is not an input device?
- Keyboard
- Monitor
- Light Pen
Q.2. A light-sensitive device that converts the printed text, drawing, or other images into digital form is called ____.
- Plotter
- Printer
- Scanner
Q.3. Sometimes the mouse pointer moves erratically. This is because of ___.
- IRQ setting is not proper
- The virus in the system
- Mouse ball is dirty
- The driver is not installed properly
Q 4. A specialized program that allows user to utilize in a specific application is classified as
- Application programs
- Relative programs
- Relative programs
- Replicate programs
Q.5. ____ is known as the translator for low-level programming language.
- Compiler
- Linker
- Loader
- Assembler
Q.6. Information travels between components to Motherboard through?
- Busses
- Bays
- Flash memory
Prepare for the Computer Knowledge section with the help of links given below:
Fundamentals of Computer | Computer Abbreviations |
Basics of Cloud Computing | List of Computer Abbreviations |
10 Important Computer Terms | High-Level Computer Languages |
Q.7. The resolution of Laser Printers are specified in terms of __?
Q.8.When referring to instruction words, a mnemonic is:
- a short abbreviation for the data word stored at the operand address
- a short abbreviation for the operand address
- shorthand for machine language
- a short abbreviation for the operation to be performed
Q 9. The data bus is ___ directional.
- Single directional
- Multi-directional
- Bidirectional
- None of the above
Q.10. _____ is the translator which performs macro expansion tasks.
- Macro preprocessor
- Macro processor
- Macro pro-processor
- Assembler
Q.11. DASD is an acronym of _____
- Data Access Storage Device
- Device Access to Stored Data
- Data Assembling Storage Disk
- Data Assemble in Stored Device
Q.12. Which is the secondary memory of the Data processing system?
- Hard Disk
- Floppy Disk
Q.13. As Humans are called Homo Sapiens, _____ is called the Silico Sapiens.
- Computers
- Robots
- Hardware
- Monitors
Q.14. Set of programs which consist of a full set of documentation is termed as
- Bus packages
- File packages
- Database packages
- Software packages
Q.15. A program in execution is called a ____.
- Programming
- Process
- High-level Language reading
- Data releasing
Q.16. A device that is used to transmit data over telecommunications lines is called ____.
- Drive bays
- Data Busses
- Drive platforms
- Modems
Candidates preparing for various government exams can also check the given links for assistance in comprehensive preparation-
- General English for competitive exams
- 100 Difference Between Articles
- SSC General Awareness
- Banking Awareness
- Static GK
- Current Affairs
Q.17. For comparison and calculations, the computer uses ____.
- Control Units
- Processors
Q.18. In a typical computer operation, which of the following memories is put in use?
Q.19. The basic goal of computer processors is to convert the given data into ____
- Programs
- Information
- Contents of Main memory
- Texts, Tables and Graphs
Q 20. Which among the following is not a peripheral hardware device in a computer system?
- Keyboard
- Optical Drive
- Printer
Q 21. Computers process data under the control of sets of instructions called____.
- Computer data
- Computer programs
- Computer buses
- Computer instructions
Q.22. A microprocessor unit, a memory unit, and an input/output unit form a ____.
- Microcomputer
- Compiler
Q.23. The software used to drive microprocessor-based systems is known as ___
- Firmware
- Assembly language programs
- Flowchart instructions
- BASIC interpreter instructions
Q.24. How many bits are used in the data bus?
- 7
- 9
- 8
- 16
Go through the video and understand the difference between Computer Software and Hardware even better and also know the important topics on which the questions are frequently asked in the examination.

To ace the other sections as well, candidates can refer to the below-mentioned links:
Logical Reasoning Syllabus | Verbal Ability Syllabus | Quantitative Aptitude Syllabus |
Aspirants must know that over the years the competition for various Government exams has increased and a candidate needs to be thoroughly prepared if he/she wishes to qualify the exam.
Candidates can check the syllabus for various Government exams the articles given below:
SSC Syllabus | UPSC Syllabus | Bank Exam Syllabus |
RRB Syllabus | LIC Syllabus | UPSC CAPF Syllabus |
For any further information regarding the Government exams and study material and preparation tips, candidates can turn to BYJU’S.