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RRB Group D Preparation 2023 - Section-Wise Railway Group D Preparation Tips

RRB Group D Preparation 2023: Railway Group D preparation is the most critical factor in deciding a candidate’s success in the RRB Group D Level 1 examination. 

This article will guide you on important tips and strategies to follow for RRB Group D 2023 preparation. 

Through the RRB Group D 2023 exam the railway board intends to recruit lakhs of eligible personnel for various Level 1 posts in different departments of Indian Railways. Check RRB Group D Eligibility in detail in this link. 

For information on various RRB exams, visit the link given.

Government Exam 2023

Railway Group D Preparation 

The Railway Recruitment Board conducts RRB Group D exam and gives an opportunity to aspiring candidates to grab a secured and lucrative career under the Central Government of India.

For further information on RRB Group D exam check the link provided. 

Candidates, in order to attain success in the Railway Group D exam, must first be abreast with the latest syllabus and exam pattern of the examination. 

Exam Pattern For RRB Group D Preparation

The selection process of Railway Group D exam has three stages:

  • Computer Based Test is an online examination with minimum qualifying marks.
  • Physical Efficiency Test is qualifying in nature but mandatory to pass
  • Document Verification- mandatory to pass

For a better RRB Group D exam preparation, go through the exam pattern of CBT test given below:

RRB Group D CBT Exam Pattern
Sections Number of Questions Time Duration
General Awareness/Current Affairs 20 90 minutes
Mathematics 25
General Science 25
General Intelligence & Reasoning 30
Total Marks & Questions 100
Negative Marking Scheme – ⅓ marks deducted for each wrong attempt

To know the RRB Exam pattern of other Railway examinations, check the linked page.

Candidates aspiring to appear for the Railway Group D exam can check the following links.

RRB Group D Preparation Related Links
RRB Group D Exam Date RRB Group D Salary
RRB Group D Admit Card RRB Group D Result
RRB Group D Apply Online RRB Group D Notification

Candidates can also check RRB Group D Cut Off to analyze the previous year’s trend and strategize Group D preparation accordingly.

Put your best foot forward for the RRB Group D exam, do comprehensive preparation with-

Syllabus For RRB Group D Preparation

The syllabus of Group D Level 1 railway exam is divided into 4 sections: Reasoning, Maths, General Awareness and General Science. Candidates need to be up to date with the topics covered in each section for effective RRB Group D preparation. 

The topic-wise syllabus for RRB Group D preparation is given in brief below:

Syllabus For Railway Group D Preparation
RRB Group D Syllabus Topics covered
General Intelligence & Reasoning Analogies, Alphabetical and Number Series, Coding and Decoding, Mathematical operations, Relationships, Syllogism, Jumbling, Venn Diagram, Data Interpretation and Sufficiency, Conclusions and Decision Making, Similarities and Differences, Analytical reasoning, Classification, Directions, Statement – Arguments and Assumptions etc.
Mathematics Number system, BODMAS, Decimals, Fractions, LCM, HCF, Ratio and Proportion, Percentages, Mensuration, Time and Work; Time and Distance, Simple and Compound Interest, Profit and Loss, Algebra, Geometry and Trigonometry, Elementary Statistics, Square Root, Age Calculations, Calendar & Clock, Pipes & Cistern etc.
General awareness & current affairs Science & Technology, Sports, Culture, Personalities, Economics, Politics.
General Science Physics, Chemistry and Life Sciences of the 10th standard level.

Candidates can check RRB Group D Syllabus for detailed exam pattern and syllabus of the Group D exam. 

Section-Wise RRB Group D Preparation

Now that a general idea of the exam has been given, Candidates can go through the RRB Group D preparation tips for each section highlighted below.

RRB Group D Preparation | Mathematics

Constant revision is arguably the only key when it comes to the RRB Group D mathematics preparation. Preparing for the Mathematics section is not a difficult task although it may seem like it. By devoting at least 3-4 hours per day on this section can enable candidates to easily crack this section with high marks. 

The below-mentioned tips should also be kept in mind as well during the candidates RRB Group D preparation phase:

  • Segregate the weak and strong sections after understanding the RRB Group D syllabus on mathematics.
  • Set a short term goal that is plausible and tries to achieve it.
  • Prepare a study plan that strengthens the basics, at the same time improving the weaker sections as well.
  • Refer to previous years question papers and take Free online Mock Tests on a daily basis. 

Candidates preparing for the mathematics of RRB Group D examination can take help from the following links:

  1. Shortcut tricks for Square, Cubes Roots and Multiplication
  2. Maths Tricks and Shortcuts

The List of important topics covered in the Quantitative Aptitude syllabus can be found in the linked page.  Candidates can check the link to find topics such as these:

The list of books given in the table below will be helpful while preparing for the RRB Group D Mathematics section.

RRB Group D Books | Mathematics
Name of the Books Author/Publication
Quantitative Aptitude R.S. Aggarwal
Fast Track Rajesh Verma
Advance Maths Rakesh Yadav
NCERT Maths from Grade 6 to Grade 11 NCERT
Basic Maths and Pre-Algebra for Beginners Mark Zegarelli

Online Quiz 2023

RRB Group D Preparation – General Intelligence and Reasoning

General Intelligence and Reasoning may look like a tricky subject to crack, but it is one of those subjects where the probability of scoring the maximum number of marks is quite high. There are many sure-fire methods to prepare for this section. 

The following tips will prove useful for RRB Group D General Intelligence and Reasoning preparation:

  • Reasoning can be strengthened by solving various types of puzzles and playing tricky games.
  • One can always improve their skills in reasoning and logic with the right techniques.
  • Once a thorough understanding of the subject has been achieved, candidates must segregate their weak and strong sections.
  • A preparation plan that focuses on the weak sections must be prepared
  • Mock tests must be taken on a regular basis in order to get a proper understanding of the exam pattern of General Intelligence and Reasoning
  • Solving previous years RRB Group D exam papers in order to get a better understanding of the exam.
  • One of them involves reading from the best books.

Candidates preparing for any examination conducted by the railway board can check out the free RRB Mock Tests for practice and revision.

In the table below a list of books to read up for General Intelligence & Reasoning during RRB Group D Preparation phase has been prepared.

RRB Group D Books | General Intelligence & Reasoning
Name of the Books Author/Publication
A Modern Approach to Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning RS Aggarwal
Test of Reasoning Edger Thorpe/Pearson
General Intelligence and Reasoning Kuwar Ishwar Singh Rathore
General Intelligence and Test of Reasoning Vikas Publishing House
New Approach to Reasoning Verbal, Non-Verbal and Analytical BS Sijwali and Indu Sijwali.

Go through the 3 sutras to prepare for reasoning ability as reasoning and general intelligence forms an important part of Group D examination.

Candidates can check the following relevant links for the preparation of the Reasoning Section of the RRB Level 1 examination.

More topics on Logical Reasoning to prepare well for basic concepts can be found on the given link.

RRB Group D Preparation | General Awareness

When it comes to preparing for General Awareness, one must always stay abreast of Current Affairs. Daily reading of the newspapers and attempting quizzes based on current affairs will help you enhance your General Knowledge / Awareness.

  • Understand the syllabus well.
  • Take the RRB Mock Tests on a regular basis
  • Read the newspapers daily in order to stay updated with the latest news.

For the preparation of the General Awareness section important topics that candidates must go through are listed below:

The general awareness part of almost all the government exams are the same, hence candidates can check SSC General Awareness for more detailed topics.

A list of books for RRB Group D General Awareness preparation is given in the table below:

RRB Group D Books | General Awareness
Name of the Books Author/Publication
Lucent’s General Knowledge Lucent Publication
Pratiyogita Darpan Upkar Publication
Manorama Year Book 2018 Malayala Manorama
Arihant General Knowledge 2019 Manohar Pandey

Candidates can also refer to various Static GK topics for the preparation of the General Awareness section of RRB Group D exam.

RRB Group D Preparation | General Science

When it comes to preparing for the General Science section, candidates need to refer to the basic concept of science from 10th and 12th standard. Reading NCERT books during your RRB Group D Preparation phase will help in improving subject knowledge as most of the questions will be asked from the 10th & 12th Std syllabus. Other tips to keep in mind while preparing for General Science are as follows:

  • Completely understanding the RRB Group D Syllabus of the General Science section will help in dividing the strong and weak sections for the candidates.
  • Attempting Free online Mock Tests on a daily basis will help in getting a fair understanding of the exam pattern for RRB Group D Exam.

The General Science preparation can be done simply by going through the NCERT Notes for basic physics, chemistry and life science.

With a clear understanding of basic concepts and sound Railway Group D preparation strategy, it is possible for a candidate to crack the RRB Group D exam with relative ease. 

Get more tips and tricks to pass the Railways Exams, by visiting our RRB Preparation page.

Read, the difference between RRB & RRC Exams in the given link.

Candidates willing to appear for any other exams conducted by RRB can go through the following links for assistance:


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