What are the Angles of a Polygon? (Examples) - BYJUS

Angles of a Polygon

A polygon is a closed shape that is made up of at least three or more straight lines and angles. There exists a relationship between the number of sides, the number of angles, and the values of angles in a polygon. Learn a general formula to find the sum of all interior angles of a polygon....Read MoreRead Less

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What is a polygon?

Polygons are one of the most well-known geometric shapes. A polygon is a closed shape that does not intersect itself and has straight sides connected end-to-end. Polygons consist of only straight lines and have no curves.



The properties of polygons

The properties of polygons are determined by their sides and angles.

  • The sum of the interior angles of an n-sided polygon is (n – 2) × \(180^\circ\) .
  • There are  \(\frac{n~(n~- ~3)}{2}\)  diagonals in a polygon with n sides.
  • The interior angle of a n-sided regular polygon is measured as  \(\frac{(n~-~2)\times 180}{n}\)

What is a regular polygon?

A regular polygon is one that has all of its sides and interior angles equal. Regular polygons include squares, equilateral triangles, regular hexagons, and others.

Measurement of the interior angles of a polygon

The sum of a polygon’s interior angles is always a constant value. The sum of the interior angles of a polygon is the same, whether it is regular or irregular. As a result, the formula for the sum of the polygon’s interior angles is:


S = (n – 2) X \(180^\circ\) .


Where S is the sum of the interior angles and n is the number of sides of the polygon.

Solved Polygon Angles Examples

Example 1:

Calculate the interior angles of the convex polygon shown below.







The polygon has eight sides. Calculate the total measurement of the interior angles.


S = (n – 2)\(\times\) \(180^\circ\)     Formula for the sum of the interior angles of a polygon.


= (8 -2)\(\times\)\(180^\circ\)         Substitute 8 for n.


= 6\(\times\)\(180^\circ\)               Subtract.


= \(1080^\circ\)                  Multiply.


The sum of the interior angles is 1080 degrees.


Example 2:

Calculate the value of z.






Step 1: A polygon has seven sides. Calculate the sum of its interior angles.


S = (n – 2) \(\times\)\(180^\circ\)   Write the formula.

= (7 – 2)\(\times\) \(180^\circ\)      Substitute 7 for n.

= \(900^\circ\)                    Simplify. 


The sum of the interior angles is \(900^\circ\).


Step 2: Write an equation and solve it.


125 + 110 + 95 + 170 + 155 + 115 + z = 900


770 + z = 900


z = 900 – 770 = 130


Hence, the value of z is \(130^\circ\).


Example 3:

A regular octagonal swimming pool is built by a company. Calculate the measure of each of the octagon’s interior angles.







An octagon has eight sides. Calculate the sum of the interior angles .


S = (n – 2)\(\times\) \(180^\circ\)      Write the formula.


= (8 – 2)\(\times\) \(180^\circ\)        Substitute 8 for n.


= 6\(\times\)\(180^\circ\)                  Subtract.


= \(1080^\circ\)                      Multiply.


The sum of the interior angles is 1080 degrees.


Each interior angle of a regular polygon is congruent. Therefore, divide the sum of the interior angles by the number of interior angles.


\(1080^\circ\) ÷ 8 = \(135^\circ\)


Each interior angle is 135 degrees.

Frequently Asked Questions on Polygon Angles

n-gon is the name for an n-sided polygon. For example, a 16-gon is a polygon with 16 sides.

Yes. A regular polygon is a shape that has all of its sides and all of its angles are equal. A square has four equal side lengths, and all its angles are equal to 90 degrees.

A circle is not a polygon. Since a circle is curved, it can’t be made out of line segments. Thus, circles don’t meet the criteria for being a polygon.

Convex polygons are those that have all their interior angles less than 180 degrees.