Factors of 4? How to Find the Factors of 4 by Prime Factorization Method?

Factors of 4

The factor of a number is always a natural number that evenly divides the original number. In other words, we can say that if a number is divided by its factor then the remainder is zero. The quotient obtained in this division is also a factor of the original number. Divisibility rules and division facts can be used to determine the factors of a number....Read MoreRead Less

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What are the Factors of 4?

Given a number such as 4, a natural number that divides 4 without a remainder is called a factor of 4. Additionally, the quotient obtained post the division operation is also a factor of 4. 


The factors of 4 are 1, 2 and 4 because all these numbers divide the number 4 evenly.



List of the Factors of 4

As mentioned earlier, divisibility rules and division facts can be used to determine the factors of 4.


Is the number a factor of 4?

Multiplication equation


Yes, 1 is a factor of every number.

1 x 4 = 4


Yes, 4 is even.

2 x 2 = 4


No, 4 \(\div\) 3 = 1 R1



No, 4 \(\div\) 4 = 1 R0

4 x 1 = 4

The Prime Factorization of 4

Natural numbers can also be expressed as a product of prime numbers. These prime numbers are known as the prime factors of natural numbers. The process of breaking up a natural number into its prime factors is known as prime factorization.


The prime factorization of 4 can be represented by using a factor tree as shown below.




So, the prime factorization of 4, which is 2 times 2, produces two prime numbers and both of them are 2.

Factor Pairs of 4

A factor pair of a number is a set of any two factors such that their product is the number itself. 


The factor pairs of 4 are (1, 4) and (2, 2).


1 x 4 = 4

2 x 2 = 4

Factors of 4

Pair factors of 4

1 x 4

(1, 4)

2 x 2

(2, 2)

Solved Factors of 4 Examples

Example 1: Find the number of common factors of 36 and 4.



Factors of 36: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 12, 18, 36 

Factors of 4: 1, 2 and 4.

So, the common factors of 36 and 4 are 1, 2 and 4.

Hence, 4 and 36 have 3 common factors. 

Example 2: On a table, there are 4 soda drinks. Jenny is responsible for distributing the drinks to her two friends equally. What is the total number of drinks that each friend will receive after the distribution?     



Total number of drinks = 4

Total number of friends = 2

Number of drinks, each friend will get = \(\frac{4}{2}=2\)

So, each friend will get 2 drinks after Jenny distributes the drinks.


Example 3: Is 3 a factor of 4?



No, 3 is not a factor of 4. As the number 3 does not divide 4 exactly. It leaves a remainder of 1. So, 3 is not a factor of 4.


Example 4: Which prime factor of 4 has the highest value?



The number 4 has a prime factorization of 2 x 2. As a result, the highest prime factor of 4 is 2.


Example 5: What are the factors common between 18 and 4?



Factors of 18 are 1, 2, 3, 6, 9, and 18

Factors of 4 are 1, 2 and 4.

So, the common factors of 18 and 4 are 1 and 2.

Frequently Asked Questions on Factors of 4

A number that has more than two factors, 1 and itself, is called a composite number.

The division of any positive number by 1 results in zero as the remainder, and the quotient is the number itself. Hence, 1 is a factor of all positive numbers.

The factors of 4 are 1, 2 and 4.

So, the least factor of 4 is 1 and the greatest factor is 4 itself.

 The following are some important properties of factors:

  • An exact divisor of a number is called a factor.
  • Every number has a factor of one.
  • The greatest factor of a number is the number itself.
  • The factor should never be greater than the number.