Factors of 73? How to Find the Factors of 73 by Prime Factorization Method?

Factors of 73

A factor of a number is a natural number that divides the number evenly. We will be able to understand factors of 73 in the following article and the methodology of finding factors related to a specific number....Read MoreRead Less

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Factors of 73

As we can see here, the number of factors for 73 are just 1 and 73.


 Factor Pair

Prime factor

1, 73

(1, 73)


The factors of 73 are natural numbers that divide 73 without leaving any remainder, or in other words, factors of 73, divide 73 evenly.


Example: 73 is a factor of 73 because when we divide 73 by 73, it gives us the quotient as 1 and the remainder as 0. Here the quotient, 1, is also a factor of 73.


So, to check if any number is a factor of 73 or not, divide 73 by that number and verify whether the remainder is zero or not.

Factor list of 73

Factors of 73 can be obtained by applying divisibility rules and division facts.


Is the number a factor of 73?

Multiplication Equation


Yes, 1 is a factor of every number

1 x 73 = 73


No,  73 ÷ 2 = 36

Remainder = 3



No, 7 + 3 = 10 is not divisible by 3.



No,  73 ÷ 4 = 18

Remainder = 1



No,  Ones place digit of 73 is neither 0 nor 5



No,  73 is not even and also not divisible by 3.



No,  73 ÷ 7 = 10

Remainder = 3


If we continue to check for numbers greater than 7 we will notice that the factors 1 and 73 will repeat for the number 73 in the form of 73 x 1 = 73. So we can stop checking at this step.


Therefore, the factors of 73 are 1 and 73.

Factor Pairs of 73

The factor pair of 73 is a set of two factors of 73 which when multiplied together result in 73


Example: (1, 73) is the factor pair of 73 as 1 x 73 = 73.


Factor Pairs of 73


Factor of 73

Factor Pairs of 73

1 × 73

(1, 73)

[Note: The factor pair of a number can be a positive pair or a negative pair.]

Rapid Recall


Solved Factors of 73 Examples

Example 1: Find the common factors of 14 and 73.



Factors of 14: 1, 2, 7 and 14.

Factors of 73: 1 and 73.

So, the common factor of 14 and 73 is 1.


Example 2: How many factors does 73 have?



Factors of 73: 1 and 73.

So, there are 2 factors of 73.


Example 3: You want to organize 73 plants into a rectangular array. How many different arrays can you make?


Solution: To find the number of arrays you can make, find the number of factor pairs of 73.

There is only one factor pair of 73 which is (1, 73). 

you can use each factor pair to make 2 arrays.

So, there are two ways to organize the plants in a rectangular array.

  1. An array with 1 row and 73 columns so 73 plants in one row. 
  2. An array with 1 column and 73 rows so 73 plants in one column. 
Frequently Asked Questions on Factors of 73

No, when you divide 73 by 3 it will give 1 as a remainder, that is, 3 does not divide 73 evenly.

Numbers that divide 73 evenly, that is, leave zero as the remainder are known as factors of 73.

The factors of 73 are 1 and 73.

Hence, the sum of all the factors of 73 is 

= 1 + 73 = 74

No, 73 is not a composite number as it does not have factors other than 1 and itself.

The number 73 has only two factors which are 1 and the number 73 itself. So 73 is a prime number.