Online Math Classes for Kids | Learn Free Math Courses Online - BYJU'S Math

Online Math Classes, Use Math to BUILD Things

BYJU'S Create with Math program is a unique and innovative online math curriculum that utilizes real-life applications as well as interactive activities to help children build math confidence and proficiencies. What makes the program special is its focus on the "why" behind the math concepts! Our online math classes will help your child to conceptualize mathematical principles and build upon previously taught skills to understand new concepts. All the while keeping students motivated and engaged with games, projects, challenges, and worksheets....Read MoreRead Less

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Why Create with Math?

Our activity-based curriculum helps your child understand the 'Why' and 'How' behind math concepts. Our program inspires their curiosity and focuses on conceptual clarity, so your child can develop a strong foundation in math and apply what they've leant to building real-life applications.

What makes our curriculum different?

Designed based on Leading Edge research

Builds Math Rigor

Classes with Top Teachers

Real-World Capstone Projects

Creative Activity-Based Curriculum

Access our innovative math curriculum

Online Math Classes for Kids

By learning math online through our online math classes, students will start at their independent learning level, which allows them to build math confidence right from the start. And most importantly, our students receive instruction, encouragement, and a strong mathematical foundation with the support of a knowledgeable teacher.

What qualifies as an effective online math course is very similar to that of an offline/in-person class.

  • For both an online and offline math class to be effective as well as enjoyable for students, the math classes first and foremost have to be led by qualified and engaged teachers. There is evidence that students who participate in online classes with human instruction and support are more likely to learn and reach achievement goals than those in self-paced online classes.
  • One of the benefits that online math courses often have over in-person instruction is the teacher-to-student ratio. Often highly effective and high-ranking online math courses provide a very low student-to-teacher ratio like 1:1 or even up to 1:4, where students can collaborate as well as learn from others. Whereas, many in-person classes have more than 25 students to one teacher.
  • Different students have different learning needs. Traditional, classroom teaching typically involves a teacher addressing a class of 25 to as many as 40 students. In this model, individual attention to students does not happen.
  • Technology is a big advantage many online math courses have over traditional classroom teaching. Online math classes utilize technology to motivate students to learn math concepts while creating fun apps and playing video games. In addition, online math students also learn using paper worksheets, which give them the skill and drill and metacognitive practice they need. Many in-person classes must rely mostly on worksheets because of the vast amounts of students in each class along with a lack of technology available at in-person schools.
  • With online math courses, students receive immediate feedback on their homework which allows them to gain confidence moving forward. The quick feedback also provides positive opportunities for students to learn and grow from their mistakes.

Every learning scenario, for example, online versus in-person, has many benefits. As a parent, it’s important to evaluate your child individually to make the best decision. One reason to try online learning is that providing a child a variety of learning experiences (like ours, which include real-life applications, interactive activities, and challenges) helps parents to fully understand what a child’s preferred learning style is and how to best support them. Also, by exposing them to a plethora of opportunities, they will utilize different areas of their brain while developing skills like perseverance and grit.

Here is why you should choose BYJU’S online math courses:

  • Learning math online is convenient and safe. Students can take these courses from any location and schedule them at times that are convenient for their families.
  • With online math classes, students can start from where they are rather than at a level that is prescribed by a grade-level curriculum dictated by one-size-fits-all standards.
  • Online math courses allow children to learn in an environment that is safe and away from harmful peer relationships, like bullying.
  • Often in-person teaching and learning are interrupted because of behavioral issues in a classroom. Students who learn math online won’t be interrupted by other students.
  • Students who struggle with focusing in an in-person setting can benefit from learning math online. With a 1:1 or a 1:4 ratio, teachers can help redirect each student if they become disengaged or distracted. This means more learning is happening each day in a shorter amount of time.
  • Often children hesitate to ask questions in class. Learning mathematics online gives children the freedom to ask questions, which helps deepen their understanding of mathematical principles, and strengthens their self-confidence.
  • One of the benefits of online math courses is they often use cutting-edge technology. This allows students to learn and practice on software that has been created with the best educational practices in mind. And, because many children love technology, it is often more engaging and motivating than traditional instruction and learning tools.
  • When children take math courses online, the parents are notified often of the child’s progress, giving them the ability to support and encourage their child so that they don’t fall behind or become frustrated.
  • Students receive instant feedback on their work which allows them to build confidence, to celebrate often, and to learn from their mistakes. They can focus more on learning the “how” and “why” of math rather than solely on whether they got the right answer.
  • Online math classes allow for more frequent assessment of children’s progress. This will help them to learn and move forward more quickly. It also provides teachers with the feedback they need to match their instruction with the individual child.

Help your child grow confident in their math skills!

Your child can now learn complex concepts with interactive and personalized learning.

Help your child grow confident in their math skills!

Your child can now learn complex concepts with interactive and personalized learning.
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Helpful math resources for kids

Browse through our abundant resources for math skill development - math worksheets, math formulas, math puzzles and more for kids of all grades.

Our Math Learning Journey

Create with Math is designed to encourage your child to progress through classes and earn certificates, badges, and other goodies along the way! Their path to becoming confident in their math skills and become Math Creators will be filled with fun rewards, exciting challenges, and opportunities to test their leadership skills.

Create with
Math Explorer

Create with
Math Wizard

Create with
Math Olympiad

Create with
Math Inventor

Math Curriculum


Up To 10 classes per month

Curriculum Includes:

Complete curriculum + building working solutions with advanced Math concepts & technology.

Real World Application

4 Capstone Projects
11 Modules


Up To 10 classes per month

Curriculum Includes:

Complete curriculum + building working solutions with advanced Math concepts & technology.

Real World Application

4 Capstone Projects
11 Modules

One-Time Payment

Up To 10 classes per month

Curriculum Includes:

Complete curriculum + building working solutions with advanced Math concepts & technology.

Real World Application

4 Capstone Projects
11 Modules


Up To 10 classes per month

Curriculum Includes:

Complete curriculum + building working solutions with advanced Math concepts & technology.

Real World Application

4 Capstone Projects
11 Modules


Up To 10 classes per month

Curriculum Includes:

Complete curriculum + building working solutions with advanced Math concepts & technology.

Real World Application

4 Capstone Projects
11 Modules

One-Time Payment

Up To 10 classes per month

Curriculum Includes:

Complete curriculum + building working solutions with advanced Math concepts & technology.

Real World Application

4 Capstone Projects
11 Modules


Up To 10 classes per month

Curriculum Includes:

Complete curriculum + building working solutions with advanced Math concepts & technology.

Real World Application

4 Capstone Projects
11 Modules


Up To 10 classes per month

Curriculum Includes:

Complete curriculum + building working solutions with advanced Math concepts & technology.

Real World Application

4 Capstone Projects
11 Modules

One-Time Payment

Up To 10 classes per month

Curriculum Includes:

Complete curriculum + building working solutions with advanced Math concepts & technology.

Real World Application

4 Capstone Projects
11 Modules


Up To 10 classes per month

Curriculum Includes:

Complete curriculum + building working solutions with advanced Math concepts & technology.

Real World Application

4 Capstone Projects
11 Modules


Up To 10 classes per month

Curriculum Includes:

Complete curriculum + building working solutions with advanced Math concepts & technology.

Real World Application

4 Capstone Projects
11 Modules

One-Time Payment

Up To 10 classes per month

Curriculum Includes:

Complete curriculum + building working solutions with advanced Math concepts & technology.

Real World Application

4 Capstone Projects
11 Modules


Up To 10 classes per month

Curriculum Includes:

Complete curriculum + building working solutions with advanced Math concepts & technology.

Real World Application

4 Capstone Projects
11 Modules


Up To 10 classes per month

Curriculum Includes:

Complete curriculum + building working solutions with advanced Math concepts & technology.

Real World Application

4 Capstone Projects
11 Modules

One-Time Payment

Up To 10 classes per month

Curriculum Includes:

Complete curriculum + building working solutions with advanced Math concepts & technology.

Real World Application

4 Capstone Projects
11 Modules


Up To 10 classes per month

Curriculum Includes:

Complete curriculum + building working solutions with advanced Math concepts & technology.

Real World Application

4 Capstone Projects
11 Modules


Up To 10 classes per month

Curriculum Includes:

Complete curriculum + building working solutions with advanced Math concepts & technology.

Real World Application

4 Capstone Projects
11 Modules

One-Time Payment

Up To 10 classes per month

Curriculum Includes:

Complete curriculum + building working solutions with advanced Math concepts & technology.

Real World Application

4 Capstone Projects
11 Modules


Up To 10 classes per month

Curriculum Includes:

Complete curriculum + building working solutions with advanced Math concepts & technology.

Real World Application

4 Capstone Projects
11 Modules


Up To 10 classes per month

Curriculum Includes:

Complete curriculum + building working solutions with advanced Math concepts & technology.

Real World Application

4 Capstone Projects
11 Modules

One-Time Payment

Up To 10 classes per month

Curriculum Includes:

Complete curriculum + building working solutions with advanced Math concepts & technology.

Real World Application

4 Capstone Projects
11 Modules


Up To 10 classes per month

Curriculum Includes:

Complete curriculum + building working solutions with advanced Math concepts & technology.

Real World Application

4 Capstone Projects
11 Modules


Up To 10 classes per month

Curriculum Includes:

Complete curriculum + building working solutions with advanced Math concepts & technology.

Real World Application

4 Capstone Projects
11 Modules

One-Time Payment

Up To 10 classes per month

Curriculum Includes:

Complete curriculum + building working solutions with advanced Math concepts & technology.

Real World Application

4 Capstone Projects
11 Modules

** Other payment plans also available
Featuring a first-of-its kind teaching method:

Personal vs Group Learning

Core Curriculum
  • Create With Math Curriculum
  • Post-Class Projects and Quizzes
  • Epic Journey Milestones
  • Global Events
  • Capstones
  • Report Card Feedback
  • Access to Pre-recorded Class Videos
In Class Experience
  • Number of Students in Paid Live Classes
1 4
  • Choice of Teacher
Scheduling Flexibility
  • Regular Class
  • Revision Class
Featuring a first-of-its kind teaching method:

Personal Vs Group Learning

Core Curriculum
Create With Math Curriculum
Post-Class Projects and Quizzes
Epic Journey Milestones
Global Events
Report Card Feedback
Access to Pre-recorded Class Videos
In Class Experience
Number of Students in Paid Live Classes 1 4
Choice of Teacher
Scheduling Flexibility
Regular Class
Revision Class

Why Parents choose
Create with Math:

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What makes a Great Online Math Course?

Great online math courses require thoughtful, research-based instruction. The courses need to be designed by experts in their respective fields and based on best teaching and learning practices. Another key to a great online math course is students who are eager to learn and get the most out of their online experience. Students have to be willing to engage and participate with open minds. It is also important that the instruction helps students connect concepts to real-world applications. Mathematical principles and skills can often seem ambiguous and abstract which can lead to intimidation and anxiety. When children don’t see how concepts have a purpose, they often lose motivation; by connecting the dots, effective online math courses will make math concepts relevant and important. Students need a knowledgeable teacher to answer questions about math concepts and to kick around ideas and possible solutions. Also, several online math course providers do not have live instructors. This means that parents and students are responsible for 100 percent of the learning that takes place. While this is fine for highly motivated, high-achieving, and focused students, many school-aged students need support, encouragement, and instruction to succeed and excel. Great online math instruction will be diverse in its delivery and practice including activities that are hands-on, interactive, and visual. And finally, truly great online math instruction will inspire, motivate, and provide students with knowledge of basic math concepts. It provides students with 21st Century career skills that are essential to their future success.

How do BYJU’S Math Classes work?

BYJU’S Online Math Classes consist of an 80-class curriculum, that has 8 modules in the complete pack and 3 more modules in the accelerator pack. Additionally, there are Capstone Projects and booster classes. Put together - it is 80 classes per grade. Each lesson of our class has real-life context and creative activities to make the concepts memorable and relatable. GeoGebra, which is an intuitive and engaging online math application, is used for all in-class instruction and quizzes. Students will practice math skills on a collaborative whiteboard, and strive to increase retention of concepts using math worksheets. And finally, they will complete engaging and challenging Capstone Projects to demonstrate mastery. BYJU’S math program also provides quizzes after each lesson, not for a traditional “grade,” but as an evaluation tool for planning future learning. We also regularly host interesting, exciting, and unique global challenges for students to participate in and utilize their new skills.

Frequently Asked Questions

Our ground-breaking online math courses and curriculum are designed around cutting-edge research that recommends incubating a math mindset in children through projects and play. This helps foster a love of math, eliminates math anxiety, and builds math confidence for life.

Math is commonly taught in schools in an abstract way (without real-world connections) and in a fixed way that only focuses on right answers versus processes. This unfortunately creates a paradigm where children feel like they get it or they don’t. And if they “don’t,” then they must not be good at math. Our online math curriculum is built on the real-world application of mathematics. It is designed to help your child understand the “why” behind math. The interactive activities build a strong foundation of mathematical concepts. Students solve complex problems through trial and error, and therefore, learn that math is relatable and a process not just a set of rules.

Our curriculum adheres to the United States common core standards that meet guidelines for preparing children for life and 21st-century job skills. Our lessons are also inspired by the works of Jo Boaler from Stanford University (Math Mindsets), Mitchel Resnik from MIT (Lifelong Kindergarten), and Stephen Wolfram (Computer-based Mathematics).

Our online math program is special as we provide a one-to-one teacher to student ratio to ensure each student gets the personalized attention they need to excel at math and build math confidence. The teacher will determine your child’s learning level for each topic and accordingly, introduce activities based on their next learning step. Having an instructor also allows your child to ask questions and discuss concepts that will deepen their understanding of “how” and “why.” Likewise, the teacher will recommend math worksheets that will help students practice and retain skills.

Presently, we have classes for concepts taught from Grades 1 to 8, but higher grades will be available soon.

Not as of right now. You will need either a laptop or a computer to take this online math course.

Your child will develop a math mindset that is focused on building number sense and understanding math principles to apply them to finding solutions to problems, rather than a focus on rules and right answers. Our online math curriculum is built on a foundation of real-life applications and activities on GeoGebra, (a leading tech platform for learning math and science) that helps children work through math problems in visual, interactive, and fun ways. Our dedicated teachers are trained to celebrate mistakes and see them as a learning opportunity so that children don’t see math as a set of fixed rules having only right or wrong answers where a person is either good at them or not. Instead, based on the work of Jo Boaler, a leading math education expert, children begin to see math as a series of puzzles to be explored with thought, discussion, asking questions, and trial and error.