
Symbol Lv
Atomic Number 116
Atomic Mass [293]
Discovered by Joint Institute for Nuclear Research and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (2000)

Chemical Properties of Livermorium

Group 16 Melting point Unknown
Period 7 Boiling point Unknown  
Block p Density (g cm−3) Unknown
Atomic number 116 Relative atomic mass [293]  
State at 20°C Solid Key isotopes 293Lv
Electron configuration [Rn]5f14 6d10 7s7p4 CAS number 54100-71-9
ChemSpider ID ChemSpider is a free chemical database

What is Livermorium?

  • Livermorium is a synthetic chemical element with the atomic number 116 and symbol Lv in the Periodic Table.
  • It is a highly radioactive element, which cannot be found naturally in the Earth’s Crust but can be created in the laboratory.
  • It was discovered by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and Joint Institute of Nuclear Research.

Uses of Livermorium

  • Presently, it does not have any commercial uses, except being used in the research field.
  • As it is not found in nature, there is no chance of being affected by it.

Physical Properties of Livermorium

  • In the Periodic table, it is placed in the p-block transactinide element, it is a member of 7th period and is arranged in group 16.
  • Four isotopes have been identified with atomic mass numbers 290,291,292,293 and all these are highly radioactive.
  • The longest-lived isotope is livermorium is 293 with a half-life nearly 60 milliseconds.
  • It is predicted that Livermorium may possess similar characteristics as that of it’s lighter homologous like oxygen, tellurium, and sulphur.

Frequently Asked Questions – FAQs


What is the period number of livermorium?

The group number of livermorium is 7.

What is the electron configuration of livermorium?

The electron configuration of livermorium is [Rn] 5f14 6d10 7s2 7p4.

What is the atomic mass of the livermorium element?

The atomic mass of the livermorium element is 293 g/mol.

What is the atomic number of livermorium?

The atomic number of livermorium is 116.
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