Moscovium (Ununpentium)

Symbol Mc
Atomic Number 115
Atomic Mass 290 u
Discovered by Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in 2010

Moscovium Atomic Data

Element 115:  Ununpentium (Moscovium)
Electronegativity according to Pauling Unknown
Density Unknown
Melting Point Unknown
Boiling Point Unknown
Van Der Waals radius Unknown
Ionic Radius 1.62
Isotopes 1
Electronic Shell [Rn] 5f146d107s27p3
The energy of First Ionization Unknown

Properties of Moscovium (Ununpentium)

Ununpentium is a highly super heavy and an artificially produced radioactive element that has an atomic number of 115 and a symbol of Uup. It was discovered by bombarding the atoms of the element Americium-243 with the ions of calcium-48. Among the product produced as a result of the bombardment were the four atoms of ununpentium and which is about less than 1/10 second got decayed into the atoms of ununtrium.

The element is characterized as a metal and is known to exist as solid in nature at room temperature. It decays quickly within no span of time into the other elements such as the ununtrium. Ununpentium has about four isotopes with their known half-lives, of which the most stable isotope is the 289 Uup, which has a half-life measuring of about 220 milliseconds.

Ununpentium is assumed to be the third member of the 7p block of chemical elements and is known to be the heaviest member of the group 15 coming in the Periodic Table. A group of Scientists from the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Russia, and the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California discovered the element in the year 2003.

Moscovium Uses

  • Only a few atoms of ununpentium have been created, so they are only used for the purpose of scientific study.
  • It is also used to make metal ununtrium.
  • It has no biological role. But since the metal is said to be highly radioactive, it is considered to be harmful in nature.

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Frequently Asked Questions – FAQs


What are the uses of Moscovium?

Only a few atoms of Moscovium have ever been formed and are used only in scientific experiments. It is used to produce nihonium. Moscovium is a synthetic, radioactive material that nothing is understood about. It is known as a metal and is expected at room temperature to be solid. It decays into other elements, including nihonium, rapidly.


Is Moscovium toxic?

Nuclear bombardment is the only known cause of Moscovium. In nature, Factor 115 was not observed and does not serve any biological role. It is anticipated to be poisonous, undoubtedly because it is radioactive, and probably because biochemical reactions will displace other metals.


Which is the 115th element of the periodic table?

Moscovium or Ununpentium is the 115th element of the periodic table. It is an artificially produced element with the symbol Mc or Uup


How did 115th element of the periodic table synthesize?

Scientists successfully bombarded a thin layer of Americium (atomic number 95) with calcium (atomic number 20) to create ununpentium (atomic number 115) in an experiment performed at the GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Science in Darmstadt, Germany.

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